>'Scary and difficult time for young men' in US
'Scary and difficult time for young men' in US
Alnof those are also important for dudes in America if you are a beta white male
>angry pack of vietnamese men
>female narcissism: the post
you know what to do
>angry pack of vietnamese men
Oddly specific. What are you referring to?
>women are weak
Thanks for clarifying
>angry pack of vietnamese men
Don't forget those pajeets too.
And yet who is more likely to be murdered?
>he doesn't know about the vietcong gang stalkers who follow those who browse Vietnamese basket forums
Wow, it's almost like women are physically weaker than men, and when we don't have a strong man - whether father or husband - around to protect us, we have to cone up with all sorts of retarded ways to mitigate potentially dangerous circumstances that involve people stronger than us! Weird! It's not like scrawny men face the same type of issue or anything when they're going into dangerous areas by themselves at night or anything, nope, robbers and murderers are all sexist so they'd NEVER target a lone man who appeared to be defenseless. Oh, what's that? More men are robbed than women? More men are murdered than women? Eh, those statistics must be false.
angry packs of vietnamese men probably