Good job Jow Forums you're little stupid charlettesville stunt managed to put 4 young promising white men behind bars and facing up to 10yrs in prison for inciting a riot.

Guess we won't be hearing from R.A.M. anymore on this malyasian basket weaving board

>Benjamin Drake Daley, 25, Thomas Walter Gillen, 34, a.k.a.The Huntington Beach Bomber; Michael Paul Miselis, 29, and Cole Evan White, 24, a.k.a based Rick Flair, all of California, were all arrested there early this morning by federal agents.

These are good men who defended the weak at Berkeley and sent Antifa running in Huntington Beach
What have you got to say for yourselves for ruining their lives with your little stunt?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Huntington Beach pussy is good pussy.



what's the charges?

Inciting a riot, conspiracy to riot. I knew these guys, it’s really shitty what happened.

>Jow Forums
>Alt right
Sage and Fuck off to reddit

BUMPING for justice
These good goys dindu nuttin

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nice try schlomo

I don't give a shit.

it's good to see my pol-ites are telling you off, dirty cut-dick retarded jew


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I wonder who could be behind this post


yeah :(

>Inciting a riot, conspiracy to riot.
whatever happened to right to freedom of assembly?

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>go to a staged protest/riot gearing to fight
>leave a long papertrail of saying how epic it will be to bash the libtard snowflake fucks
>wonder why you're in jail for insiting a riot

Any of you fucks gotta be careful goin to a public rally. In a closed society where everybody is guilty, the only real crime is getting caught.

Tl:dr dont go to a far right rally if theres phone or internet history that could implicate you for a certain crime. Remember those guys who went to a BLM protest, got chased and had to shoot, only for it to come out they said they bought guns designed to kill niggers?
And up the fucking river they went

how does it feel to be a second-class citizen of your own country with no possible future in sight?

Unite the Right was a honeypot

If you went, you're a dumbfuck and deserve everything you get.

What exactly do you think fascism means in their minds? I'm pretty sure it's just a buzzword they use for conservatives, republicans, or anyone leaning right. Which is ironic because they want to defeat fascism by silencing their political opposition through force, intimidating or "any means necessary." If you really break it down it's like we stepped into the twilight zone.

if you went in public to peacefully assemble you deserve to be thrown in prison

I'm not saying it's right, but they should have expected it.

>be genuinely retarded enough to fall for obvious honey-trap

>blame people smart enough not to fall for obvious honey-trap

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How is that clanton gets off with a slap on wrist after attempted murder and gbh but these guys are getting the book thrown at them for self defense?


UTR was basically a way to get a thousand WN in the US in one place to dox them and mke them spend the next 10 years in jail or in court. I still can't wrap my head around how dumb some of these people are.

>waaah paul you ruined these people
No I'm pretty sure they did it to themselves.

The local administration is compromised.

Because the courts are stacked against the right.

You need to expect this and plan accordingly.

here's a good video explaining it:


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I went to school with cole white during middle school and high school. When I heard about his arrest I thought he was probably an Antifa protester because of how he use to be. Very happy to hear he was fighting the good fight.

well, they are going to have time to continue training in jail and the opportunity to fight like in they're videos

I hope they don't get violated

It was the local court that was acting against the u.t.r. and cordinating the antifa mobs. The d.o.j. used f.b.i. facial recognition tech to identify all the right wing attendies. So even if you did nothing illegal, rhe doh and feds are charging everyone they can identify with some sort of charges. Except this pic related guy. Never did find out who he was for some odd reason.

Isnt it funny how the judiciary branch shuts us down every time but backs antifa at every opportunity?

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their videos, oops

this guy is either the real deal or he glows in the dark

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Only Communists and coloreds have a right to assembly, apparently.

Going to a protest armed is not illegal. Inciting a riot means inciting a riot.

That hasn't been a real right since the Bonus Army was disbanded by Jow Forums favorites MacArthur and Patton.

And the portion of the right who know it's unjust should say it's unjust instead of sneering at people who were only exercising the rights we allegedly have.

Was there even a riot at Charlottesville? I thought one guy ran over a crowd and a fatty had a heart attack

The glow in the dark farm is like an hour drive from charlotsville. Like with the tea party, all they had to do was drop a few "racists" iut for tv cameras and that discredited the entire movement.

The Bonus Army was packed with and backed by Communists intent on over throwing the US government.

Avoid holding events in communist zones

There were numerous attacks caught in camera, but the courts are only going after the self defenders and ignore all the crime by the antifa mob and black lives matters group.

Its obvious those groups were funded by obama and work with police, seeing as how they can get away with all their crimes. The police are using the rent a mobs as an excuse to get more power and funding.

At this point I don't really care whether that's true or not. I just want most of the 20th century destroyed saving the technological progress.

Knowing that such a thing can be done so easily, you have to be able to deal with it. Just refuse to be embarrassed, it's that simple. If someone says you're a racist or a Nazi or whatever, don't yelp and retreat, just stick to arguing the real issues.

this sounds like some politically involved over zealous prosecutor trying to get headlines.

what a bunch of bull shit.

do they have a GoFund.Me. If this were leftists they would have

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Only the right has any interest in doing that. Communists have always supported social liberalism.

Hey Cali user here. How do I get involved at an Irl level, even if it's just a meet up or something

lol the righteous got almost everything they wanted and they're still losers and still complaining
now they want everyone they don't like to disappear

It means destroying all heroes though. The whole century was rotten. A hundred years in the wrong direction.

the righteous thought they'd be the winners in an every man for them selves world but they just fucked everyone

>All from California

False flag. They'll all be quietly acquitted and thanked for shifting npc opinion against the AltRight

>False flag
RAM are good people, OC has always had a larger WN presence than anywhere else outside maybe Idaho. RAM is a fitness club, not a spy cell. Even when they go to prison, idiots like you will insist it's a trick, unfortunately. The right is addicted to losing.

Exactly, when will people learn that we live in the identity fingerprinting age

> lel /yourguys/ got jailed for their stances
It's what happens if you actually really speak truth to power in a despotic regime, you mouthbreathing corporate stooge.
> b-but my marxist professor said being a globalist anarchist makes me a rebel
He lied and is probably a kike laughing his ass off at your stupidity.

How butt hurt are you going to be when Fields doesn't get sent up for murder?

>Michael Paul Miselis
he worked for Northrop Grumman

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meanwhile this dude still acting like a faggot

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Join Identity Evropa

it boogles the mind

>aerospace engineer

So much for the meme that the right are unintelligent basement dwelling jobless losers
well I guess he's jobless now...

Point is life is not fair.

They will happily lock you up even if you are innocent if you are right wing. If you are left wing you can get caught bashing someone's skull in with a bike lock and walk.

Welcome to ZOG world.

Hello fbi

the alt-right is a jewish organization

>everything is a jewish organization

Oy vey