Holy fucking shit. Did you know she is that bad?
Holy fucking shit. Did you know she is that bad?
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She is pretty much past dead. I don't know how she doesn't just croak in that chair right there
Can’t wait for her to leave and trump will put another conservative on the court
Someone cut off her children's blood supply?
Honest question to Americans. Old people past a certain age can no longer drive because they are perceived to be impaired in their perception of reality, reflexes and everything.
Why do you let a 178 years old mummy vote for nigger love, roasties and spic invasion when she can barely breathe_
nominate chris chan's mom for supreme court justice
>Old people past a certain age can no longer drive
only her hatred keeps her alive
Holy shit man, how can anyone keep someone that old in such a position of power and be Ok with it?
meet Amy