This kills the democrat party

this kills the democrat party.

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Why is this considered bad when every other country does it?

Why haven't the republicans installed voter id laws yet? Not enough support?


They are mostly cucks and neocohen

I genuinely don't understand why this is an issue. What's wrong with asking someone to show ID to participate in the most important and sacred duty there is in a democracy? If I need to check a passport before letting someone on a plane, why can't I verify ID for someone attempting to influence our elections. Why don't Americans want to bring their IDs to the voting stations?

>Kavanaugh appointed to supreme court right before mid term
>Supreme court republican favored now
>Voter ID laws pass by supreme court ruling
>Dems eternally BTFO

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>Why is this considered bad when every other country does it?

Every other country provides ID to the poor free of charge so no one gets disenfrenchised.


Why wouldn't they have IDs?

Yea seriously wtf is wrong with Americans. Can we convince the left into supporting voter ID? Like its some white privilege to vote without ID

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>Every other country provides ID to the poor free of charge so no one gets disenfrenchised.

Americans have to pay for IDs? How can you even function in society without an ID? You can't open a bank account, you can't drive a car, you can't get a job, you can't get a loan, you can't get an apartment. Is 40% of America living like the unibomber?

That's the irony is that they literally already do, their drivers license. It's not difficult for them to get in fact in America we register to vote at the same time our ids are issued. But that doesn't stop the democrats from calling voter id laws racist. It blows my mind I think the only reason they do it is so that illegals can vote and leftists can vote multiple times.

How do you stop people from voting twice or fifty times if you don't keep track of who's voting?

>too stupid to obtain an ID
>implying their vote matters
Votes should be as restricted as possible.

>a $25 fee every 5 years ($5 per year/1.3 cents a day) is disenfranchisement
the absolute state of leftist arguments

>the only reason they do it is so that illegals can vote


That's pure fucking evil. But the RIGHT kind of immigrants, right? No Russians, thank you very much! We want to preserve our democracy for corruption by the Latinos only!

The only states who have it right are the states who require ID and don't allow absentee voting unless for special circumstances.

In NC, you don't need to show proof of ID to get an absentee ballot.

Maybe I should tell all the illegals and black people to just vote absentee.

this. the black argument is a red herring: they don't register to vote because of the accompanying LEGAL OBLIGATION FOR JURY DUTY.

Voting is not a right.
>Must never require ID
Firearms are a right.
>Must show ID

You still have to register to vote. Depends on the area, but in LA, your name/address appears on a role and you point it out when you get to your voting station. They cross it out, hand you a ballot, and direct you to a booth. So they figure out who's not showing up, take a bus of people to that poll, tell them who they are, what their address is, and let them take it from there.

Air Jordans are not free, checkmate bigot.

You may have the stupidest voting system of any nation on Earth. You can put men on the moon but you can't even implement measures that a child would be able to see as essential in a functional democracy.

You can sign up for a free ID that's only good for voting and signing up for gibs if you're that poor.

Most just use a driver's license, which costs a small fee.

we don't need it to kill the libs but it's a good idea anyway
Trumps approval among blacks is at 35%
this kills the democratic party

>they don't register to vote because of the accompanying LEGAL OBLIGATION FOR JURY DUTY

Every time I get called to jury duty I just said I am a racist towards Eskimos and they let me off the hook.

You pay for a drivers license. It is, after all, a privilege license that you qualify for if you meet the requirements to have one.

A non-license state-issued ID is free. They’re issued free of charge specifically so that no one can say it’s a poll tax levied against the poor to keep them from voting. All you have to do is prove who you are and where you live so that residency can be established.

They have them in most states. You can't vote in my state without an ID. I'll let you guess which states don't require ID.

yeah, but blacks don't even bother to show up and then are subject to an arrest warrant

Tell them you're pregnant. Works every time.

Some other countries make it mandatory to vote. We should o that so we really here the voice of the people.

Why you Muricans dont get with the rest of the civilized world? Here you need to present your identity card to vote and it is registered you voted, so you can't vote twice. All done by pen and paper. Yet we do not have the frauds you have there and the results come out fast.

It's not free. You pay a small tax for it.

>A non-license state-issued ID is free. They’re issued free of charge specifically so that no one can say it’s a poll tax levied against the poor to keep them from voting.
Awesome. So I have to ask again - why is voter ID an issue? ID is free. Why wouldn't you get your ID and then vote?

If you're so disorganized in life that you can't even get an ID, how can you be competent enough to know who to vote for? You should be banned from the booth.

You can get a state ID for free.

Because anything, and I do mean anything, that prevents Democrats from walking into a polling station and voting without any obstruction is considered discriminatory. Never mind that you have to show ID for just about any other government activity these days - if you so much as insinuate that they don’t have the God-given right to be there and vote, you’re obviously a racist, sexist Nazi out to keep them oppressed. (Amazing how easily that “Nazi” gets used these days for anyone that disagrees with liberals.)

I’m glad my state requires ID. I used to flip out my license well before they made it mandatory, and now they have a scanner that shows my info, my picture and makes sure I’m in the correct precinct. What kind of objection could you have to that? Even the 3rd world countries do the indelible ink finger dunk to make sure their voters aren’t double-dipping.

IDs cost money here - not a lot, but still...