Tell me Jow Forums,
I am a Japanese guy and have never felt merit or advantage of living in homogeneos society.
What is benefit of having homogeneous society???
Tell me Jow Forums,
I am a Japanese guy and have never felt merit or advantage of living in homogeneos society.
What is benefit of having homogeneous society???
>Confirmed VPN
Quit larping you fucking faggot.
>VPN fag
Prove it. Take a timestamped picture of your window.
Its slightly more difficult to fuck your mom
it is long term stability, you know that your fellow citizens have +- same values
my country was fucked up cause we did not have homogeneous society in 1980-90 while estonians polish and other post soviet homogeneous countries survived USSR more or less well
Having lived in Japan, Canada, America, England, and Russia for at least 1 year each I would rank them in the same order in terms of livability. Japan's homogeneity is not its only strong point but you've never lived around blacks or Chinese if you would deny this. It's also a cultural thing. Canada is pretty diverse but the culture there is peaceful, you don't have aggressive blacks or Russians fucking trying to fight you on your way to the grocery store.
Do you have defibrillators on the walls in public? You remember how older men willingly went to clean up Fukishima because they didn't want young men to die? No advantage my ass.
no fucking handgrenades being throwned on random elderly ppl for starters. random rapes of both sexes also seems to be more of a rarity
Here's a redpill for you.
less crime and internal conflict