This is the most important story in the world. If China is getting the best talent, they own the future.
America Is Fucked
Chyna will be blacked soon.
Nothing can resist the bbc
I’m sure they are hand picked finest of breed... smart move
Someone post to him the chinese beating a nigger to death for being with a chinese girl.
You will regret the day you let the chinamen rule you, they will have no problem being civnats with the whites, they will fucking put you back on a leash.
Thank god.
Good to see China rekindling that Maoist Third Worldism so we don't have to take in these burden
>Chinese students go to US universities, which are in the process of being torn apart by niggers and communists
>Chinese universities bring in niggers, and their country is already communist
I think the days of universities are about over, bros. But that's a good thing because they're just indoctrination centers where you get the privilege of going into lifelong immense debt to attend them, anyway.
No, shhh. Don't tell the bugmen anything.
>the bbc
Too bad you have the sbc
oh noooo that sucks
uh huh