I'm seeing Ben Shapiro today. I don't want to blow my normie cover, but at the same time I want to ask a question that challenges his color blind conservatism or his support for Jewish identity politics but not White identity politics. Any ideas?
Ben Shapiro
Other urls found in this thread:
Please record that shit
Call him out on his hypocrisy
James Allsup made a video about it yesterday, see if those points help you
hi weev
sup sc fag
He already got rekt by Sam Harris.
Do you support Male Genital Mutilation?
On Male Genital Mutilation,
have you seen "Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story" by Eric Clopper
I don't think he does support jewish identity politics... at least not publicly.
I think you should instead attack his jewish dishonesty.
Ben has admitted that he makes secular arguments in public but keeps his religious arguments private. He claims that this is because he doesn't expect people to take the religious arguments seriously....
But what it means is that his positions are secretly informed by his judaism in ways that are hidden to public; and so we never get a clear understanding of his true motives. (sneaky jew)
All i want is a trap sharpiro gf
Ask him how on earth he came to the conclusion that CBF was in any way credible in her testimony. Also if there is any white country that deserves to retain it's racial homogeneity like Israel retains it's Jewish homogeneity.
Ben Shapiro is such a fucking soap box faggot
these ppl ought to just be necked, when other consciousnesses can simply SEE the consciousness in question doing X, then Y may as well fucking follow because it's fucking over, the republic must be restored
>Ben Franklin had said we will only have a republic "if we can keep it"
"If a member of my family were to intermarry, marry someone who's not Jewish, I would not go to the wedding."
literally what?
Ask him why he supports human slavery. Then explain what human slavery is
Ask him about this article
Why is Israel not subject to the regulation and inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations?
Why is Israel not a party to the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Why is Israel not a party to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)?
Why is Israel not a party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)?
Why is Israel not a party to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)?
Why is Israel allowed to ignore UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2334 which states that ‘Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity and Constitute a Flagrant Violation of International Law’ and which requires the removal of all illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories?
Frightening Scenario: Israel Has the WMD Capability to Start an International Nuclear Conflict
Why is Israel allowed to maintain an inhuman, 11-year illegal blockade of essential goods and services against 1.8 million civilians in Gaza, now virtually without electricity 24/7 and kept near to starvation and collapse, in an Israeli bid to illegally force regime change?
Why is Israel allowed to illegally occupy the Syrian Golan Heights?
Why is Israel allowed to illegally occupy the old city of Arab East Jerusalem?
Why is Israel allowed to have induced 600,000 of its citizens to illegally occupy the Palestinian West Bank in violation of the Geneva Conventions on Human Rights?
Why is the state of Israel uniquely in the world today allowed to violate international law and United Nations Resolutions with impunity?
Why is the Israel Lobby allowed to infiltrate the US Congress, the British Parliament and other legislative councils worldwide when Israel is in gross breach of international law on a daily basis? Why?
>34 vs 30
i bet the jews did this
>people are giving this filthy little kike manlet cuckservative attention and taking him seriously
redditpol sucks
Damn these are some good question. Not OP but an Israeli ambassador is coming to my University to speak next week, I look forward to seeing him try to weasel out of these questions.
>he doesn't know how to hide threads he doesn't like
it's simple: argue that he's not truly colour blind if he keeps defending Israel at every step. say to him, calmly: "can you tell me one bad thing against Israel?"
>Why is the Israel Lobby allowed to infiltrate the US Congress, the British Parliament and other legislative councils worldwide when Israel is in gross breach of international law on a daily basis? Why?
leave this and you've got great quesitons right here.
watch his interview with jesse lee peterson. the job has been done. ask: do you love your neighbor? he is obligated to say no and be salty about you telling him what he has to do. use this to your advantage and convert him.
>Interviewer:Hello Ben, How are you doing?
>Ben: Helloimfinethanksforaskinghowisitgoingarewegoingtodothisorwhatlolletsbegin
>Mentally Challenged Ben Fans:Ooooooh Rip interviewer, Let's make a video and name it Ben Shapiro DESTROYS interviewer.
Honestly, Ben is way too fucking overated, You'll see him doing nothing but talking fast and you'll see his fans fapping to it.
If you want to judge him, Stay away from the "Ben Shapiro ANNIHILATES Muslim worker who was WALKING by", Look at his writings.
His solution to the Arab Israeli conflict is kicking all Arabs, because "jews build and Arabs demolish".
The annoying part is any criticism of him seems to be antisemitism.
“If the United States and Israel went to war, who would you support?”
do u luh wy peeble?
He is a Kike and or a Pet and or a Shill and or Anti-White.
asked him if he loved trump. shapiro was saying "no i dont, why should i etc.." jlp then asked: isn't it a part of judaism to love your neighbor? the answer was "amazing.."
I would say sight that study proving you need a population with a 90 IQ to operate a democracy and that won't work with low iq south americans coming north
This is a good one OP.
As to the actual article, jesus christ this guy is a serious kike. He's like the living personification of the happy merchant. He just can't help himself from acting Jewish as fuck.
If you don't believe he is controlled opposition, then you're a kike enabler.
What video? What's the time in the vid? I want to watch this shit.
Is it the Rubin video?
i found the video you're talking about and you're really colorizing. You must really hate Shapiro, lol
Ask him about forced steralization of Africans that immigrate to Israel
Tell him right after he quips about something:
>Oy vey! /ourjew/ Ben "The Oven Dodger" Shapiro does it again!
>1 post by this id
Ask about his sister, and if the "leaked nudes" are really her
America is about 80% Christian.
Israel is about 80% Jewish.
Ben, and all Zionists, will let take in any race or ethnicity of Jews into Israel: white Jews, Arab Jews, black Jews, Indian Jews.
Your argument is retarded.
Cringiest thread.
Shapiro gets one of you guys every other q&a session, and you're always the first to bring up Israel. If he's such an Israel-firster, how come he never talks about it until you do first?
Ben Shaprio is a literal cia psyop. Don't believe or follow a single world that snake says.
sorry. i stepped away, this guy helped:
thats the vid. thanks pol-bro
@26mins in:
right after that, he administers the jlp-pill that racism does not actually exist.
>it is a new word
>when i grew up i never heard it
>it is a new word the godless people use
>they use against white people, to keep them intimidated
>they use it to keep black people angry, so they can stay in power
Ask him why Ron Unz is the only Jew that makes any sense today.