Why are women driven by emotions Jow Forums?

What evolutionary purpose did it serve?

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It wasn't bred out of them because men provide security and resources for them.

Because we were supposed to complement each other but nowadays we are being forced (men and women) to be the same side of the coin.

They stayed at home and gossiped while men hunted.

Hunting doesn’t require too much socialization. Action and decision making is what’s important there.

While if you were at home in the community all day, you could easily end up saying something that pissed someone off and get yourself exiled so women evolved to be just emotional blankets for everyone so that they would be well liked even if they were at home all day.

>men hunt and gather
they need to be smart, rational, and objective to survive
>women sit at home knocked up, taking care of children
>women always surrounded by children
become children

tfw women are oversized children

Not throw baby outta cavr


Because they were designed to be the emotional caregivers for their families and communities

probably to stop us lads from killing our kids.

>tfw not an asexual masculine race born with a child already growing and gaining experience from it's parents life

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Because they're NPCs

These, but you also have to consider that, on the whole, men tend to have much more actual sympathy and empathy than women, and this isn't even a modern occurance

To have them take care of their offspring or whatever

At least they're not crying about "muh white race"

The men are the ones who protect the children from the women who would kill them until the they gain an attachment to them and the emotions than kick in and protect the kid throughout his life.

They aren't, it's all an act, deception is what they're actually all about

Their logic is in maximizing their quality of life for themselves and their children rather than their community. Often to the detriment of a community. But it's still logical to themselves

>and their children
that's why they want abortion so badly

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To check alliances, loyalty, and boundries

Thats the problem faggot.

It's a mistake to think evolution as "an organism updating itself in the best direction".

Evolution is organism replicating themselves with some random variatiosn and being btfo of the gene pool by competition or the enviroment.

You can "evolve" into keeping shitty attributes that are not bred out of the gene pool.

No, instead they're crying about how we should be letting in more "disenfranchised" shitskins to make the country worse.

Thats like asking why bees make honey user and like bees there is no reason that we should allow them to vote.