What ever happened to this asshole?

>Philip "Mitch" Brailsford was found not guilty Thursday of second-degree murder for shooting Daniel Shaver in a La Quinta Inn & Suites hallway in Mesa, Arizona. But the horror of the incident was only fully learned after the acquittal, when authorities released body camera footage of Brailsford killing the 26-year-old as he berated him and forced him to crawl toward him.

Looks like the jury was not given all of the details before they acquitted Philip Brailsford. DOJ is currently investigating but will he ever be found guilty of murder and locked up where he belongs?

Attached: philip-brailsford.jpg (400x500, 18K)

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I heard he and his SGT who was barking the orders skipped the country and are currently fucking third world whores on their pensions.

Doubt it, cryptobeaner murdered a white guy

He was a good goy.

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>Sgt. Charles Langley, who retired from the Mesa Police Department four months after the Jan. 18, 2016, shooting, testified in the murder trial of former Officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford.


Too much focus on the trigger puller. The cop barking the ridiculous orders should have been the one put on trial. He created the whole situation that resulted in the death of an innocent man. This kid should have just been fired and barred from ever serving as a cop again.

He retires right after the shooting. Collects his ZOG pension for being a good goy and breaking legs for his masters.


>Adults playing with fake guns outside of their homes
>Can't follow police instructions
>Get shot

I see no trouble with this. Sounds like someone with 2 brain cells got what was coming to them. They would have gotten run over by a train if this man hadn't quickly put him out of our misery.

>Was called to a hotel where a man was reportedly pointing a gun out of a window. 2 pellet guns were recovered.

People are fucking stupid, and he honestly deserved to get shot, and I don't mean that ironically. What the fuck did he think would happen?

sauce on them skipping the country together.

>bootlickers enter the thread

He was a pest control agent and was working in town. ONE, fucking ONE woman claims she saw him "point the gun out the window'. So now we play Simon says with a terrified, slightly drunk man. Kepp licking boots for ZOG though

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>The cop barking the ridiculous orders should have been the one put on trial. This kid should have just been fired and barred from ever serving as a cop again.

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>ONE woman claims she saw him "point the gun out the window'.
If he did not have a gun out in a hotel, no one would have known he had it, and therefore the police would not have been notified.

I have had firearms in hotel rooms before. Not bb guns. At no point in time was the law notified, because I did not brandish them. Someone saw him acting stupid. He lived like he died. Stupid.

I like how they made him look like 1960's FBI agent

The only problem with your stance is the fact that ANYONE can cry wolf "I saw a big black gun!" and put an innocent life at risk by calling upon the Mesa PD to sort it out.

No dumber than the ridiculous Simon Said orders he had to follow in order to survive officer 'get fucked' trigger finger.

I'm glad I can't get shot over what people think they saw me do in a window. You burgers are strange for being so fine with statists killing people, but whatever

All is fun and games until it happens to them.

I would call it a clean shoot if there was a credible threat.
>brandishing a weapon
>resisting arrest
At no time did ANYONE yell out "GUN!". Brailsford just lit him up for failure to comply with the rules of Langley Says.

Attached: GUEST_4ab95e31-140f-4dba-a1c5-5728861d16bb.jpg (1400x1400, 211K)

>You burgers are strange for being so fine with statists killing people, but whatever
Idiots die all the time user. If we were actually worried about death, we would remove cars from the road. In a 12 day time period more people die from car accidents then from a years worth of shootings. Cars are not designed to be lethal, but yet they kill people. The problem is not the firearms. Its idiots like this guy who don't know how to use them. Why did someone see his firearm through a window of a hotel? What reason did he have to be brandishing it in a secure location? With it being a bb gun, it makes me think he was fucking around and figured no one would care. You don't use a bb gun to stop intruders. He fucked up. He did not understand that there are consequences for his actions but I guarantee he does now. Perhaps as he sat there with the life pouring out of his body he made peace with god, because he certainly fucked up bad. I have no tolerance for idiots that make law abiding gun owners look like retards. Yes, I carry. No, no one has ever seen my firearm aside from my wife. No one has ever seen hers either. The only time they would come out is if they are necessary to defend myself. Lucky for us it has never happened. We still keep in practice, and find range time every other week or so.

Its a sad situation, and there were plenty of mistakes made by all parties involved. First rule of carrying a firearm is that no one should know you have it. Period.