Psyop success stories

>be timothy leary
>be affiliated with CIAniggers and MKULTRA mind control research
>get told by higher up propaganda experts that your job is to market LSD to young people
>craft a story about how it opens the mind and connects them with god, which you know has nothing to do with how they're used in traditional cultures
>team up with CIA musicians, creating hit jingles to fuel the counterculture and and discredit the anti-war movement
>create marketing slogans like "tune in, turn on, drop out"
>they actually buy it
>recommend criminalizing them because why not, more power to the overlord
>huge success in getting an entire generation to discard their ethics and instead perform sex orgies while dancing in the mud

Attached: Timothy-Leary-NY-Public-Library.jpg (540x376, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have you ever tried LSD OP?
I doubt it.

Many times

Do you know the history of this shit?
Something about 60's war heads start thinking about unsafety ballictical or physics War. They convince themself with thought, that more perspective way to win is establishing control in mind. That was the beginnig MK-Ultra.
In 90's, same recearch was crafted in Russia. They study hirening murder. Sucseed.
In 2005 same progam crafted in Belarus. Establishing mind control: failed. Murdering: sucseed. Established invisibility: sucseed.

Why isn’t it
>turn on
>tune in
>drop out
Makes more sense that way in my opinion

Oh! In Great Britain goverment drops LSD bombs at once!

Lsd made me a third positionist

you've been psyop'd son

Much easier to control a population by making them content with their situation than to suppress them by force. They even think it is some mind expansion shit so they aren't concerned with real problems.

Well surely you can understand where the guy was coming from.
>Be Harvard psychology professor
>Try LSD and it blows your tiny little college educated mind out of the freakin water
>Get kicked out of Harvard for handing acid out to the students cos you think it's the best thing since sliced bread
>Spend the rest of your career advocating for psychedelics and their legitimacy.

He wasn't a CIA nigger, he was an intellectual stoner with a passion for the divine.

Maybe. But the Real Problem - is destroying our Freedom. That is the reason, why this pojects must be destroyed.

it is, op is just a moron

>I give the CIA a total credit for sponsoring and initiating the entire consciousness-movement counterculture events of the 1960s… the CIA funded and supported and encouraged hundreds of young psychologists to experiment with this drug. The fallout from that was that the young psychiatrists started taking it themselves discovering that it was an intelligence enhancing, intelligence raising experience.

~Tim "LSD blows my mind" Leary

>That’s why your advertising must stress the religious. Find the god within. This is all frightfully interesting. […] You’re going to win the war, Timothy. Eventually. But you’re going to lose some major battles on the way. You’re not going to overthrow the Protestant Ethic in a couple years.

~Media propagandist McLahan to Leary

>>craft a story about how it opens the mind and connects them with god, which you know has nothing to do with how they're used in traditional cultures
they have entire universities writing his lines, he's just an actor, they had to film him next to a lot of celebrities before he would appear credible

Together with specialists, wich craft this.

OP is a fag. no documentation or other evidence of any kind. Shit bait and bump denied

Attached: 1537767234084.png (382x491, 96K)

Have you even read his books? Can you provide realiable source on his CIA connections or are you all pulling it out of your ass

Leary was a CIA asset period,

check him out hanging with generals and CIA guys

why do you lie?

its not just LSD. Natural substances like psilocybin, mescaline, and ayahuasca show you truth and connect you to the Divine as well. Are these things also a part of the jewish CIA conspiracy?

The point is everything about psychedelics that comes from the 60s is a marketing effort. They were always used as medicine in traditional cultures, not some individualist new age spiritual self actualization bullshit

Lol. LSD doesn't do that. Mushrooms, maybe open your mind a bit. LSD is trash.

Bit of microdosing LSA is relatively harmless I suppose.

>realiable source on his CIA connections
this is a one hour video of him and Hubbard from the cia talking applications

this, but artificially synthesised drugs are tools of mind control

>Are these things also a part of the jewish CIA conspiracy?
yes the hallucinogenic compounds and their relation to speaking to the creator are well defined in the old testament

One of those things is not like the other.

Cite sources? I’m aware of MKULTRA and he conjecture about its connection to the counterculture, but where’s the smoking gun, solid proof?

Were the 60s engineered, or an organic movement?

Also, LSD etc., were not known to be useful in MKULTRA afaik. They tend to cause people under the influence to be difficult to control (ie, silly, lost in thought, more aware of deception and strange inention, less interesting in following arbitrary rules)

You’ve got to do better than a bunch of allegations & conjecture

Because when you’re on the drug, the other makes more sense.
>Tune In
On psychs, you discover that the universe is composed of vibrations at various frequencies. You can use your mind to “tune in like a radio dial” to a positive or negative frequency

>turn on
What happens when you become vibrantly alive by letting go of bullshit Conditioning

>drop out
Essentially an early Red pill command; drop out of participation in the bullshit charade

I was just thinking about how LSD is the cure to schizophrenia, but schiz itself is when someone is connecting to the divine. So lsd would stop it. So is this another effort to stop the messiah from waking up?

Attached: clues.jpg (400x300, 19K)

Are you a provoucker?

>where’s the smoking gun, solid proof?
this video shows Leary and various Agency and military people together

>Were the 60s engineered, or an organic movement?
entirely engineered to prevent the math nerds from getting political

I did acid once. I’d say it opened my mind if anything.
Alcohol and cannabis will close your mind.

>be western civilization
>convince high IQ people that breeding is wrong because warm earth society and overpopulation
>simultaneously convince everybody that we don't have enough people because muh perpetual growth economy
>somehow make that contradiction stick
>convince everyone that importing 3rd world unemployables is the 'right thing to do'
>convince everyone that pointing any of this out makes you a boogeyman
Pic related

Attached: replacement migration.png (1000x1489, 740K)

See What they found in MKULTRA was that they make you highly vulnerable to suggestion and that's why they were named psychedelics and entheogens by the CIA to imply a certain experience. They even talked about it openly:

my LSD experiences have been just as profound as my experiences involving natural stuff. But sure, if you prefer the latter, then go right ahead. its the same thing we're connecting to anyway

the old testament is a human construct just like all texts.

No. You’ve got the narratives twisted. In the 60s, therapists theorized that it could be used as a model for schizophrenia.

They later gave it to people who had psychotic & schizoid experiences. They said it was nothing schizo. But Meth is exactly like paranoid schizophrenia.

LSD doesn’t block your perception of God. Nor is it a cure to schizophrenia afaik. If psyches reliably prevent religious experience, they why are they the most common drug where users report profound religious experiences?

Similarly, if meth is the closest drug to schizophrenia, why don’t all meth heads have religious experiences?

You're not giving the guy any credit. What you're saying is that Leary did not act of his own accord and was essentially coerced into promoting LSD by the CIA.
Perhaps he did have some affiliation, in fact, I am sure he did, anyone that high profile who is posing that much of a threat to culturally imposed norms would probably be under serious investigation. However, there was no ulterior motive, no sinister attempts at mind control, at least on Leary's behalf.

Skepticism is good, but this is just a paranoid theory that taints the name of a good man.

Again, citation? I’ll check the video later

is microdosing my morning coffee with acid based?

Attached: 827.png (680x638, 250K)

400ug or you're a faggot

Exactly my point. Correlation does not mean causation

Super based

Shut up, fake China. Take back the mainland already. You're a bunch of refugees on an island.

Attached: 1308700783989.png (429x410, 7K)

Have you ever fucked a telephone pole?

thanks frens. will up does and scare my college kids in class during lecture

>why are they the most common drug where users report profound religious experiences?

Because if you tell someone in a highly suggestible state that taking this drug creates a religious experience, then guess what would happen? All you're doing is framing an experience in a certain way. Set and setting.

>there was no ulterior motive,
So the counterculture was not useful in a bigger agenda?


Having psychology as a hobby, a gave the Start of researching psy-invisibillity. I can sell this data to CIA or - that would be much better, - to FBI.

In this larp, this guy talks about lsd and schizo. As well as dmt.

Attached: odineye.jpg (789x435, 51K)

Leary was placed at Harvard as a professor, he did not have the education needed to be a Harvard professor,

his connections to military intelligence are well known along with Owlsey, there he is in that video with a whole pile of ranked military guys talking shop about dosing people

thats the part of this that gets me, these leftists are drugging America's youth so they forget about the leftist president who was assassinated

have you ever snorted a .2 line of crystal draino F A M A L A M

(((Drugs))) are degenerate. Workout, eat healthy, embrace a third position, start a family, don't race mix (not even with asians) and redpill as many people as possible.

>So the counterculture was not useful in a bigger agenda?
it opened the door to secret wars in South America to prevent protests military actions were conducted covertly

thanks to the Leary connected Weather Underground

>calls the grateful dead a psyop
>they're the only organic rock stars to come out of the era
In the beginning they were all about traditional American music. The concerts are the whitest thing since classical orechestras.

This would be the real psyop, everyone take note

LSD makes you more into yourself, whatever your real self is. If you're a retard, youll be a super retard. If you're a wizard, youll be a super wizard. Whatever patterns you recognize, you'll recognize them tenfold. The real psyop here isnt that OP wanted to talk about successful psyops, it's that for some reason they don't want straight white males to dose. That reason is likely because it makes men into ubermen.

should I dose myself? what should I dose with? I cant buy lsd...

is that you michael jones?

t. virgin cointelpro agent

> wastes life sabotaging others' attempts to better themselves
> listless NWO-assigned whore GF with orders to kill him should he deviate from S.O.P.
> regrets entire career during retirement and on death bed
> instantly forgotten upon death and all public and private records of his existence are destroyed

Why can't you? Find your nearest folk music concert and ask the guys with Skulls/dancing bears. Alternatively just get some mushrooms or make your own DMT. If you're in the southwest, Peyote/Mescaline, but since you're in the US you can probably get LSD if you look hard enough.

>seersucker on seersucker

Man was indeed a fucking loon.

As a trained hypnotist, I am very aware of the power of suggestion.

And sure, that is part of the larger psychedelic movement; cultural memes do spread faster than experiences. Pol being an obvious example of that.

But there’s are still many, many people who come as skeptics, as complete agnostics, with little or no orientation to religion who end up with religious experiences. This is very common in the literature. In fact, it was fairly reliably tested in the case of Rick Strassman’s work on DMT.

I think your explanation is not causal as much as it’s correlated. I think that the substances create these experiences, and fairly reliably.

Suggestability is not the only attribute that psychedelics foster; they also foster deeper lateral, associative thinking, metaphoric thinking, and a renewal of the serotonin system.

I’ve been deeply involved in psychedelic culture. I’ve seen many people rebel against the Conditioning, even when super high, and surrounded by a group with a strong sense of groupthink. More than anything, psychedelics enhance subtle awareness and encourage inquiry. They increase openness, but not agreeableness.

Every hypnotist knows that the more a subject inquired and challenged ideas, the less capable of hypnosis they will be.

There are more proven, narrow mind control agents that have I’m sure have been used by the CIA, etc.

I didn't call GD a psyop, I love their music
>they don't want straight white males to dose.
Nice strawman. I don't actually care if you do LSD, it's just that if you do you will be less bothersome to those in power. Also Explain the Übermensch.


What seems much more likely is that they were explored early by the CIA, found to not be an ideal substance for mind control, and passed on by, while gaining momentum in the underground psychology community and eventually becoming mainstream, but found greater use as deconditioning drugs than as mind control drugs.

You want to see a really effective mind control drug (outside of social media and tech)? Look at MDMA.

When a person is that open and vulnerable and filled with that much pleasure, they become very, very open to any new idea. It’s very easy to slide in bad ideas that seem good at the time, and then when the person comes down, they are embedded in the mind. I’ve seen it happen hundreds of times

Tell that to the Nazis

Seeing a black deadhead is STILL a shocker

I meant exactly what I said, it will make a "real man" into a force to be reckoned with. The CIA had LSD long before everyone else and they didnt go all preace and love about it, they started coming up with new ways to fuck with Russia.

Check out the book 'Acid Dreams' if you're sincerely interested on the social history of LSD, there's a PDF on erowid. Apologies for the GD comment then, i thought you were the same guy who makes the "GD was a psyop" threads every month or two.

It is my honest opinion the world would be an overall better and more conservative place if everyone took lsd. It cuts through the bull shit that the governemnt and media push on us all and lets you see the reality of things, how ever painful that may be. Powerful shit

The psychadelic movement did a weird number on blacks, as my understanding goes. Previously the spades were the coolest in the street scene, all of the sudden they weren't because they couldnt take psychedelics and handle their shit. Interesting stuff.

I've had a religious experience as an agnostic with DMT. But it was my interpretation of that experience - largely because of previous conditioning - that implied something religious with it, not necessarily the experience itself. The ego death experience does not have to be interpreted in a religious or mystical way. It was largely Strassmanns conjecture that led to people interpreting it that way in the years that followed.

There's a quote by Leary and some other dude where they talk about how in the early LSD days, spiritual experiences only happened on the west coast, not at Harvard. They called mystical experiences a west coast invention. Isn't that odd? If you read Hoffmanns experience, which are as untainted as they can get, none of it is mystical, it's all rather bizarre and chaotic.

So the counterculture was not useful in a bigger agenda?

Useful doesn’t mean intentional; it was likely a “happy accident” for the agenda.

Another way of viewing the counterculture is that people were fucking exhausted from all the stress from the social unrest of civil rights, the war, etc. It was a very trying time socially (sound familiar ?). And “dropping out” makes sense as a way of undoing the stress of so much social struggle. People’s nerves are not meant to be in fight or flight all the time, it’s bad for the health. Some are more fragile this way than others. So naturally, people will seek out ways of letting that stress go. Add to that the perception that the government was repressive and tyrannical, and that traditional society was clearly not meeting the needs of these young people, the emergence of the pill, along with discontent sowed by (((intellectuals))) at the time.

Rebellion is a natural response to tyranny. Always has been. So they rebelled, shifted our culture, and now Here we are

it was dragonfly leaf.

LSD is at least as open minding as shrooms

i hallucinated while sober, so I think ill just stay away from drugs for now

MDMA is a great example actually. I know what you mean, it's the lowering of amygdala activity that makes you process information without the emotional reactions. That's why can be used for PTSD.

Still this deconditioning stuff makes it sound like people get something out of LSD that they couldn't otherwise get through normal life. I think that's bullshit. Instead they start to think destruction of the self is somehow spiritual progress.

What you’re talking about is actually a deeeep, deeeeeeeep dive into the question of mind, knowledge, etc.

You’re getting at a core question of philosophy: how do you know what you know? Looking at epistemology vs. ontology; did you have an experience at the level of being, or the level of knowing? And what tells you so?

The deeper red pill here is this: is all of religion and culture a giant hypnotic suggestion? Ultimately, we are embedded inside this culture and cannot know either way for sure.

What we can know, however, is that that the instinct toward religion and the mystical experience is a universal across time and every culture on the planet. Old meme, or just truth? At what point do we accept that our ancestors got some things right?

The protesters were the intellectuals in the anti-war movement. The hippies sort of defused that; they were the controlled opposition. Many of the prominent figures were affiliated with the CIA, the musicians just magically appeared out of nowhere and have an army history and relations to intelligence agencies, you have people like Marcuse, but I guess it could all have been just an accident.

It's difficult to say whether it's progress or not.
Destruction of the self is impossible to describe. You lose all sense of anything that makes you 'you', however the important thing to hold onto is that there's still "something" experiencing that moment and so you must still exist even though you just metaphorically blew your brains out.(i think, therefore i am) - from there one comes to realize what they truly are.

I believe it's in Hinduism they have the several states of being, all of which are meant to prepare you for the state after death. Dreaming is a state, everyday consciousness is a state, before you were born was a state - psychadelics put us into one of these altered states. They prepare you to accept and not fear death.

I agree with you: it’s a dangerous path, and a fast track for something that can be gained in other ways via effort and time.

It has its advantages though: walking around and interacting with the world and each other in that state is difficult to do via meditation, for example. It affords the lay person more direct gnosis.

There also very useful for teaching a perso of all the ways there capable of feeling that they normally do not, which creates a great personal “North Star” to work toward in daily life.

But I agree: the culture has handled these things poorly and it has been as much a problem as a pathway for the sacred.

There’s a reason these rites at Delphi stayed there for millennia and were not a part of the general population

My guess is that this was because blacks were still very conservative at that point, and just trying to hold it together. Trying to be in rigid control while your ego is in a state of meltdown is a recipe for a really bad trip.

Sure, but what the average psychedelic user usually gets from that experience is a synthetic, esoteric and individualistic new age interpretation and not the stuff our ancestors talked about. (if they're not previously biased towards a belief system, in which case it is likely amplified). A big problem is that these experiences feel so real because of the hypersuggestibility, and people easily latch on to the first explanation, disregarding the entire history and breadth of religion.

>the old testament is a human construct just like all texts.
yes but the math described within is perfect, and can be verified just by looking at the math

Gunna have to disagree with you here, having lived on street in the Haight months at a time, surviving days in a row on nothing but Acid and Orange Juice with some french fries here and there - I can safely say that being in the belly of the beast while maintaining rigid control has little to do with your political leanings and appears to have everything to do with your genetics. If anything it made me lean more conservative - this could however be attributed to conservatism being the 'counter culture' of the area.

The insights are often so mundane and superficial, while simultaneously feeling sooo deep and true, it's really more dangerous than productive. I cringe at the Ram Dass book although it's beautifully illustrated and there's nothing actually wrong with it; it's just bland and boring.

Traditionally this stuff is passed on from teacher to student over many years, not by eating mushrooms alone in a forest and "exploring the mind". It leads to lots of atomized conflicting views.

...and doesn't get us closer to any kind of truth.

>opens the mind and connects them with god, which you know has nothing to do with how they're used in traditional cultures

being this ignorant of the concept of enlightenment. LSD just doesn't require 'the work'. Whether that's a good thing or not is another story, but it opens the door.

>Psyop success stories

Attached: tracking the spread of cancer.jpg (960x720, 82K)

Buddhists practice their whole life and you think you can take a drug and get the same experience. It's just western ignorance.

whoa truly a political tour de force
such conspiracy, so politik, much redpill

I disagree, it does get us somewhat closer, it's just not the whole picture.

If you go to any meditation center in the US, I guarantee you that more than 80% of the participants there, including the teachers, will have taken psychs at some point in their lives. And that's a conservative estimate. I'd imagine it's even more than that.

And many of those practitioners become sincere, daily practitioners of a a buddhist or yogic tradition.

Similarly, most people who come to a Shaman to train have some prior experience with psychedelics. Most, but not all. (and don't even get me started on all the BS that exists in the Shamanism world)

The entire LSD-CIA bullshit is to detract that all the LSD propaganda came from Russia.

Timothy Leary was a Russian asset.

CIA started upping their efforts after reports of POW's being submitted to mind control with mind altering drugs. MKULTRA and MKNAOMI was CIA. The entire hippy revolution was the work of Russia: It bred a generation of kids being anti-authority, anti-war, anti-controlled narritive. This was a good thing for Russia and a very bad thing for the US military industrial complex.

honestly though, why couldn't you get part of the way? Particularly when psychedelics are part of our brain chemistry? It's more mysterious than youre making it out to be.

Your argument is like saying that since we had to walk everywhere for hundreds of thousands of years, what good are wheels for getting around? Turns out, they're very good.

>>I give the CIA a total credit for sponsoring and initiating the entire consciousness-movement counterculture events of the 1960s… the CIA funded and supported and encouraged hundreds of young psychologists to experiment with this drug. The fallout from that was that the young psychiatrists started taking it themselves discovering that it was an intelligence enhancing, intelligence raising experience.
this is on video, it was a PBS special in the 90s. he also said he was believed he was continuing the work of Aleister Crowley.

quite a nice guy, obviously

>muh EL-ES-DEE

I am willing to bet that if you have done it more than once, you are a fuck up. Prove me wrong

Again, citation? Enough with this bullshit disinfo. I want proofs.

I hate to tell you, it's not 'western ignorance'. There is such a thing as 'unearned enlightenment'. Just because the door is 'open' doesn't mean you can 'understand' what you see. It's a blinding light and without the right preparation, can be anything but positive. Buddhists walk a path, that naturally opens the door. LSD catapults you through it. Ready or not.

>I didn't call GD a psyop, I love their music
lol of course the Grateful Dead is a psyop, you've never heard Bob Weir talk about the Bohemian Grove? how he was telling "war stories" to a former CIA director?

Sgt. Jerry and Lt. Bob

I don't hate the Dead but they were definitely govt connected. Robert Hunter, the main songwriter for the Dead, voluntarily participated in MKULTRA

>get told by higher up propaganda experts that your job is to market LSD to young people
wrong. look up augustus owsley stanley III(aka the BEAR). btw, the number 300k is more like 50million.
t.dead head. also, leary was a hack and everyone knew it. what they didn't know was that he was fbi informant until after he died. any sympathy for the man died when that news came out. fuck leary. long live the MERRY fucking PRANKSTERS!

Not sure I understand exactly what youre saying here, but my point was that people who are still in a rigid state of mind tend to have more freakouts unless theyve been taught how to let go and relax into the experience.

By conservative, I not only meant politically, but socially. Of course you can be a psychonaut and politically conservative; look at Owsley Stanley, for example

The whole sex=AIDS=death propaganda of the 80s was made up of whole cloth. (((They))) knew all along that there was no significant risk to the general non-drug-using population that wasn't buggering each other (if AIDS really is infectious at all).

Also, OJ Simpson, Oklahoma City, Charles Manson murders and others.

>Robert Hunter, the main songwriter for the Dead, voluntarily participated in MKULTRA
we was in the army during that time dipshit. and the dead were definantly NOT cia.

>we was in the army during that time dipshit. and the dead were definantly NOT cia.
so why was Bob Weir in the Bohemian Grove? or did you not know Bob Weir is in the Bohemian Grove?

>so why was Bob Weir in the Bohemian Grove? or did you not know Bob Weir is in the Bohemian Grove?
ya, that came decades after the 60's my man.