Uh guys?
Is this true?
Uh guys?
Is this true?
Just put all your money in the market goy. You'll get a great return in about 45 years! But until then you can't take any of it out.
iirc this claim was made by a Swedish rag that didn't take into consideration the date Trump actually inherited his father's wealth. They measured it from the 80's when Trump's father died in the mid 90's. They also didn't take into consideration the fact that Trump had other siblings that would inherit their father's wealth.
hindsight is always 20/20, markets performed very well over that time period
No and anyone who actually thinks this should be sterilized for being so fucking dumb.
also, if it's this straight forward and obvious, we'd have case study after case study of people who put it all in MFs and are now worth 6 billion.
It's almost like he spent a lot of money building something much more useful than raw cash.
Fame and Influence.
Isn't that the exact thing that the left claims to champion against? Just sitting on your money? Instead he started companies and employed thousands.
No, it's not true at all.
No, it's a meme from people who don't know anything about economics
Well damn, why don’t we all just do that if it’s so easy? Lamboland here I come baby
>Taking financial advise from a poor nigger
This is a shitpost, right?
now watch Jow Forumstards melting away trying to prove being a failure is such an acomplishment
And if anyone with a college degree put that money into bitcoin they would be millionaires.
>be business man
>"lol just invest in indexes you orange idiot"
>invest in indexes
>"wtf, evil investor drumpf could have used that money to create jobs"
He can't win either way.
Yeah sucks having to use a lot of that money to pay thousands of employees
>we need to know about Trumps business dealings and see his tax returns because we don't know how he spends his money
>but lemme tell ya how he's a bad business man that's lost billions
>Trump would be richer if he acted like a kike and was a rent seeker of usury instead of building things
No shit faggot, usury is devilish
Even funnier is that index funds didn’t exist back then. Lmao at these retards.
>Is this true?
It literally isn't.
sounds like swedish journalism to me
Some nobody posts some stupid shit on social media and somehow this is politics?
Can mods just perma ban anybody posting social media caps here?
>implying the left cares about being blatantly hypocritical
by any means necessary
It’s a common leftist talking point fuck off
Probably. But the arm chair economist in the op picture has a juvenile understanding of wealth and has 5He benefit of hindsight
>larping as the president of the world's most powerful country
Do these retards even think before they write?
So he's against starting business and creating more jobs?
yeah, he is the bitch of the military industrial complex, such an acomplishemnt
Are you so fucking stupid you believe everything the media tells you without question?
>take risks
>risks turn out with results that are less good than the safer option (allegedly)
>children call you a retard while screaming for a middle class income, while working shit jobs for too-big-to-fail businesses
Fuck drumpf for creating jobs for millions of people and creating vast amounts of value that people enjoy the benefits of. He should have just given all his money to some jew banker so he could leach off the market like a parasite.
>what did he ever do with it, besides become president?
he's got mixed up with the money disney paid for starwars
The very first fucking sentence of Trump's stupid book is this:
>I don't do it for the money
Since he is currently the President of the United States, I'm pretty sure he got everything he wanted.
Yes. Everybody larps their career.
hindsight is 20/20
but it's not in fact true, Trump would have lost everything in the two market crashes had he done that. Locking up the money in actual businesses, land, product and other assets is much safer bet.
Its like what is safer, buying paper gold stokes or the actual gold?
well we know what happened to those countries that had bought paper gold during the bush era.....
>inherited wealth
His "daddy" didn't die until 1999. By that time Trump was already a billionaire and household name. Why are commies so retarded when it comes to realistically analyzing situations?
He created thousands of jobs for the working class what a fucking Cheeto loser he is
This is what liberals tell themselves so they could feel better about themselves.
>hahaha he's only worth 3.1 billion instead of 5 billion
>what a fucking loser!
If you could make 10 billion dollars investing in the market or 5 billion dollars building an empire.... employing 10's of thousands of people and can have the hottest bitches...
What would you pick? It's an obvious choice
>poor people think they know how to manage money
no, yet another democrat delusional sodomite
The financial literacy of the average person is atrocious. They don’t understand how capital markets work and know next to nothing about basic personal finance shit
hurrr drumpf is stupid bc he invested his money and created jobs and grew his power and influence hurrrrrrrr
also, the way the word "LARP" is used is pure cringe now. fucking reddit cancer
>multi billionaire
>married to super model at 73
>President of the USA
Hes a Fucking LARP goys! look how dumb goys! he used tax advanage shelters to get all the money goy! he should have just used cash goy!
this guy doesnt understand what hes talking about at all sage
Trump has crafted a legacy which has now placed him as president of the strongest country on earth. Leaving it in a mutual fund couldn't have done that. Plus the whole "no one beats the market longterm" is true for almost everybody, including all top economists and traders.
yeah i'm not disagreeing with you, it's just very tough to beat the market especially during good times
The fucked thing about liberals is.....
They want to tax the fuck out of trust fund babies cuz they live in daddy's money...
And here's trump with more money than god and built an empire employing thousands of people and they then make fun of him because he didn't use his trust fund money to just sit and the market and collect returns
>haha loser you elevated yourself to the highest position on earth using a head start from your also very successful father.
>I'd have just checked out and sucked on that teat until its empty
>hahha your the loser
>But until then you can't take any of it out.
Or eat.
If oy he just sat on it instead of flying around the wirld hosting be as uty pageants, fucking models, building shit snd becoming President.
They didnt even have index funds back then
Trump is a retarded and has no idea how to invest money. Trust me i'm 200k in debt from getting my degree in queefing and anal insertions.
MOST people who try to outperform the S&P 500 fail.
But that being said, if people didn't keep trying, unemployment would be like 98% or some shit because literally the only jobs available would be at those 500 companies.
He did more for the economy by actually building things and EMPLOYING people than he would have just sitting back and collecting his winnings.
Try again.
Not even a blue Jew mark. The lowest of the low.
no but who gives a shit.
Oh is babby mad that we’re not going to supply your military any longer and you have to do it yourselves?
>don't build things goyim just invest in the (((stock market)))
Jews don't have a creative soul, they just want money for nothing. An evil, lazy race.
some noname filthy rich guy with nothing else on life... vs god emperor president of the united states and filthy rich.
This may or may not be true (I doubt it is, but let's say it is.)
One thing that the "gotcha!" author is forgetting is that the market only gains when real wealth is created. So if it weren't for people like Trump actually building hotels and stuff and employing people, the market wouldn't do as well.
And setting all moral questions aside (is it OK to use your intelligence to make money without producing any wealth?) Trump himself might be a big enough player that if you removed just him alone it might make an appreciable difference to the market.
So what they're saying is that he's the kind of man who would rather have his money out there building things, creating new wealth, putting people to work in a direct way that benefited that community, rather than sticking it in a fund that could be used for who knows what.
Gosh, how silly!
idk how much money does that bugman have?
>ahaha here another stupid thing about Trump
>he like totally lost billions of dollars to become a president
>and like yeah you should hate him even more because of that
Which is it? Did his dad give him all his money or did he make it himself?
It's true but his 'career' has bought much lulz for leftists.
Still decent price for becoming the most known and powerful man in the world.
So by their logic he sacrificed billions to employ countless Americans?
it's true.
> illiterate amerliard: confirmed and kill yourself
His Dad gave him some money but his natural greed + kikes + luck allowed him to make a lot more. Chad.
He actually created jobs and build infrastructure. Investing in a mutual fund index is a Jew tactic which produces nothing.
Probably, he also wouldnt be president right now. Theres more to life than just money.
How is an economy created anyways? We start with some niggas that have shit and they wan't to trade them, some shit cost more than other shit, so niggas invent money and agree to use it for commercial exchanges. But then chinachingchong comes and makes everything you make but for 1/10 of the price through modern modern "slavery". Is this how economy works? How do we stop chinks from working 12h shifts for less than a buck?
>Larps being a businesman ignoring basic capitalistic principles
>Is absolutely right doing so
>State of /pol
This 100%
I’ve met so many people with money who have zero personality, NPCs
But then he wouldn't have had his personal brand which won him the presidency.
>communists telling me how to become a billionaire
not just sitting on your money but reinvesting the dividends and spending zero for 40 years. S&P as a company didn't follow the same strategy even as the people behind the index they could have made more money by reinvesting over the same time period.
Without going full Jow Forums did they take into account Trump's wage bill + payments to contractors & their wage bills.
I watched a flurry of superyacht vids a while back. Sure, they're as bourgeois as it gets but how about those skilled tradesmen & suppliers feeding the arab scum that buy them every 5 years.
Full retard is preferable to stock holding parasite it seems.
People cant be this stupid. The man owns fucking skyscrapers downtown new York. That real estate is worth more alone than any shitty MF
The math for the statement doesnt add up at all.
Trump owned and ran:
>sports team
>steak business
>water company
>real estate empire
among so many more
He basically got firsthand experience in almost every major industry before becoming POTUS, so, now, as POTUS, he has that firsthand background and doesnt allow himself to get rolled over on things like other neophytes to the real world like Obama and indeed seemingly every politician before him
Hillary spent spent billions on trying to be President, and lost it all.
Who's larping?
That's retarded. In order to make money you have to take risks. Thats why liberals are poor and beg for money from the government.
Ha ha, yeah, he sure is dumb having built a name for himself and making it to become the President of the United States. Think of how much more monopoly money he could've had if he just stayed as some unknown billionaire playboy forever? What a fucking moron.
What index fund exactly?
No because Trump's wealth is net of tax. Sage
This is absolutely pleb trash thinking. Intelligent people direct their money towards the development of tangible goods and service... Actually creating things with your money. Producers should be venerated over market skunks.
Yeah instead now all he is is President of the United States. Why didn't he just invest and become some nameless billionaire that contributes nothing.
good point. the goodwill line on his balance sheet is massive.
This dumb fucking argument again. If this was such an obvious move to make, name 10 of Trump's contemporaries who turned ~$1 million into several billion through this strategy.
Hahahahaha! If Drumpf had done things differently in the past then things would be different in the future! Instead he fucked up and became the most powerful man in the world! Suck it, Scronald Blumpftards!
Just stick all your money in the market and live in a fucking trailer park for 50 years!
Probably, but sometimes liberty matters more than money.
There may be truth to it, but the counter argument is that IF everyone worked for him for free, he wouldn't have paid anyone and would have more money then if it was in the market.
Think about all the people that got paid directly or indirectly.
Depends on the investment vehicle. Could he have gotten insanely lucky on a couple stock picks? Yes. In a mutual fund? Probably not. It also depends on what DJT's net worth REALLY is... which we don't know.
The issue with a statement like that is that the money Trump received from his father was spread over *decades* -- not all one lump sum in the 1970s in the form a loan.
From what I understand it at the time of his father's death, $20m was split amongst Trump and his 3 other siblings. So that'd put it at $5m in 1999 dollars -- or $7.5m in 2018 dollars (inflation adjusted).
Later (in 2004) after his father's death sold off various real estate holdings from his father for about $400m -- again split four ways -- so $100m. That's about $130m in 2018 dollars.
Let's say (as would be smart and LEGAL depending on the method) DJT minimized tax exposure. Maybe 12% tax overall just to keep to leave us at a simple at $120m in 2018 dollars for total inheritance.
The NYT *claims* that Trump received loans of about $140m in today's dollars, again spread over DECADES. Did he pay them back? Some of them? I don't know what the terms were, and I don't think NYT does either really. They're just digging for dirt -- if you don't think the IRS has been auditing Trump et al for decades you're sadly mistaken. Most likely there is no major impropriety -- but given that the tax code is 70,000 pages longs I'm sure they're going to get tripped up for something.
So $260m in total loans and inheritance -- spread over 50 years, a substantial portion coming recently -- parlayed into say $10b in net wealth.
That's a 3800% increase.
Mutual funds don't do that.
It's not true, but in addition it wouldn't matter. It's not about having the biggest number, it's about having the assets. To judge Trump's success just by how much he's worth deliberately ignores his businesses, his projects, his reputation, and his experience.
I'd rather have a president who tried and failed all their life than a president who never tried or took risks.
>Mutual funds don't do that.
I should say, mutual funds can't do that..... in the compressed time period we're looking at, given what we actually KNOW about the disbursement of funds versus rampant NYT speculation