Laura "Incinerate the Semite" Ingraham


>In a public Facebook comment posted seven months ago, he attributed her views to their father. “Our father was a Nazi sympathizer, racist, anti-Semite and homophobe,” Curtis Ingraham, who is gay, wrote alongside a video of his sister.

>“I think she’s a monster”

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That just makes me want to marry her even more.

Breaking news: Gay boy has issues with his daddy. More at 11.

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she's got like 5 adopted black babies user

She is a degenerate fag

well her dad obviously didnt influence her enough, cause she's a israel firster and virtue signaller who adopts black kids. personally I dont really care for her. sometimes her cunty attitude is good but most of the time shes just annoying. Tucker is the only thing fox is good for. I'd also love to cream in shannon breem

>she's a israel firster

Evidence please. I've not seen her back neocon wars. She had adopted children, some if not all from Russia.


bitch needs to learn how to brush her disgusting mouth out.


Look at those teeth my dude.

Those are fillings you retard.

If her father was a nazi sympathizer, then why did he raise a fag?

How does this happen?

>red pilled father
>red pilled daughter
>gay son

What went wrong with the boy? Obviously it couldn’t have been parenting

still have this pen she sent me around 2002 for calling her radio show..

She always tried to be nice to this degenerate... she really went out of her way to be decent even though she finds his faggotry revoltingly repellent .. just goes to show no matter how kind you are a sinner can not reciprocate.

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She has 2 adopted blonde boys from Russia and a girl from Central America

Maybe her dad should have raped her with his white nationalist cock meat

Stop talking dirty to us Curtis! We're not like that!

Conservative fathers are disgusting. They tend to create conservative daughters. That's why the state must be able to remove children from bigoted families.

People are born gay stupid. He obviously saw how disgusting of a homophobe his father was and rebelled.

sons rebel their father while love their mother
daughters rebel their mothers while love their fathers

This is how he treats his dead dad? What a narcissistic princess. Sorry if your parents see more potential in you than being a pozpig who ends his legacy for cummies and prolasped asshole.

Top kek. Based

Homosexuality is biological user, it is almost certainly influenced by environment but let's not be anti-science and deny the observed influence of epigenetic factors

sounds like my kinda gal

no nigs thank god!

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That's because the fag is lying. They all lie about how their parents are literally Hitler for not allowing them to chop their dick off or sleep with several hundred men.

>“Our father was a Nazi sympathizer, racist, anti-Semite and homophobe,” Curtis Ingraham,
>who is gay
So in reality he was just your average george bush boomer conservative, got it

Sibling rivalry isn't fucking new and it isn't fucking news and it's especially not politics fuckface.

>neighborhood poof has bad relationship with father, more at 11

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You're the anti-science one. There's no study that proves that it's genetic.

Lol, Laura Ingraham cucks on EVERYTHING. She's a dumb civnat cunt.

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she used to be such a homophobe at college that she couldn't eat at a restaurant because one of the waiters was gay. look it up.

>Daily Beast

Fake News.

Don't argue with it. It just said it cannot think with it's brain. Why would you argue with a rock , or anything brainless, for that matter?

>a lifetime of piety and righteousness
>a lifetime of listening to other people's issues and giving them bullshit advice
deus vult

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>People are born gay stupid
There is not one shred of credible scientific evidence supporting that bullshit. People are born wanting to reproduce and sometimes they are a little fucked in the head about it. When you have the largest population the planet has ever seen of course you have the largest amount of these weirdo's. Until recently I didn't care, that was, until they decided that I am white so I'm the enemy. For a few years I was no, you are wrong I'm really symp- NO YOU'RE A WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZI BIGOT !!! Now I'm like fuck it, I'm thinking if it's an enemy they want, I will give them a fucking enemy. Time to get this ride started, homeduck.

sadly some time you have genetic defect :(

She can afford them. You have to be sneaky since 1865 you know.

ridden hard put away wet, was Ford?

" she used to be sane in college in comparison to NPC"

>There's no study that proves that it's genetic.
Correct. Epigenetic influence has been observed.

*dabs on you*

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She shills for muh greatest ally at least once a weekD

Which you get from improper dental hygiene, you syrup sucking retard.

>Nick Fuentez is so gross for picking his nose.
>Whoa It's so homophobic that she wouldn't eat at from a waiter who eats ass and sticks his dick in ass to play with shit encrusted intestines.

That was the height of dental tech in the seventies dipshit. Let's see your shit in thirty years.