Based white man kicks the shit out of some bitchy white woman who came up and started harassing him on the street

Based white man kicks the shit out of some bitchy white woman who came up and started harassing him on the street.

White sharia now! Support this brave white man for promoting white sharia! Put white bitches back in the kitchen where they belong!

Attached: pro-life-abortion-roundhouse-kick.png (499x333, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>be leaf
>be faggot hairstylist
>destroy property
>kick a tradthot
>run away like a little soibitch
>get fired
>get arrested
>get ass blasted daily in prison
it was the plan all along

Attached: gaycuck.png (592x620, 1.03M)

He's a hero, a true alpha male

Bruce Leaf
Cuck Norris

I support him you fucking white knight faggots.

Attached: 85C63474-DDCF-4E60-A8BC-ACA69513F495.png (225x225, 6K)

I am glad he kicked that white bitch who was being a cunt to him

Nazi scum ben Shapiro is trying to get him arrested

So, what did he publicly destruct?
When the video starts? What did he do to get her to go up to him?

Attached: BFF52E82-FB99-42E9-8FB7-CB63857A2AF7.jpg (300x288, 38K)

Stupid liberal cuck. He sure will feel nigger dick in prison

She is a feminist Nazi who harassed him cause he's a white male