Why dont republicans realize that the only people getting abortions are democrats so in reality...

why dont republicans realize that the only people getting abortions are democrats so in reality,as long as they keep letting them do it there getting rid of future democrat voters anyway

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I'm fine with abortions but if Roe is overturned the states that want abortions can still have them

muh values

muh bible

That's exactly what is going to happen
The Democrats are lying to say otherwise

christcucks cannot be reasoned with

A Democrat lying....? Ya don't say......

I don't give a fuck about abortions as long as I'm not having to pay for them

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Not many people really care what other people do to their fetuses. Republicans just don't want to have any part of it. Tax dollars funding other people's baby murdering is disgusting. Not sure why Democrats like the idea of paying for that.

>We haven't been letting them do it for 50 years

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>getting rid of future democrat voters
They import Mexicans to make up for it.

the abortion industry is a major funder of all left wing policies. It profits off the hookup scene, major enabler of degeneracy. it needs to go

This is an extremely valid point. Perhaps some anons should put pen to paper and point this out to their repub congressmen

False. Almost every woman I know has had at least one abortion, even the hardcore christian and catholic ones. Most women don't talk about it with men because they know many men are turned off by roasties who wave their pussies about to any Chad in their vicinity. I can assure you that more women have had abortions than haven't.

my point has nothing to do with "christcucks".christcucks dont even like republicans anymore,they can thank there pussy grabber guy for that

>liberal women getting abortions

You insane christcucks still aren't making any kind of argument. Go jump off a fucking ravine if you love liberal pregnancy so much.

yea repubs willl surely support something that stuffs their opponents pockets full of cash every election cycle

It’s straight up sickening and shouldn’t be funded by the government. Hopefully this will also get all libs to fuck off to the coast

People don't always follow their parents, in fact a lot of them rebel and do the opposite of their parents. I'm sure there are plenty of liberals with conservative parents.

the pretty anime girl convinced me

>straight up sickening

>yet a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy that elects "republicans"who brag about underage drinking and rape is acceptable

the best thing donald trump can do to make america great again is go back to his liberal home in new york city and take his fake republican supporters with him

most of us are not swayed by blatant media slander. plus hes done more for the prolife movement than the last 20 years of repubs paying up lip service

Things they don't teach you in school

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>blatant media slander

right,i forgot.your as much of a manchild as your president when it comes to accepting criticism

>pussy grabbing
>muh trump
Piss off cunt

sorry, some offhand statement isnt quite so bad when youre dealing with largescale undemocratic mandates such as abortion gay marriage and transgendered bathrooms.

Because there's an imaginary spirit in the sky who listens to my thoughts and it told me abortion is wrong.

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i accept it i just dont give a fuck about brotalk from decades ago.
in fact i find it hilarious to see liberals of all people feigning moral outrage over the subject

do you have a single fact to back this up

Imagine being this much of a fag you can't accept the divine

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