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don't see the problem here. only leftcucks would see this as a bad thing.

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oh boy our (((hacks))) have moved onto the next stage of kavanaugh bitching. this shit must be so much fun to watch for people outside of the US

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I think that citizens should have right to have tanks, jet-fighters and other heavy military

Did you combine the two? That's clever user. Good job.

Food for thought: Who do you suppose is operating the drone? Who do you suppose they voted for, and why?

As far as I’m concerned, a literal reading of the Second Amendment means I can own a nuclear weapon. There are no exceptions in the text, and those suggested by the courts have been criminals’ weapons like switchblades or sawed-off shotguns, on the grounds that they have no use in war.

Give me one reason we shouldn't own anti drone RPGs you fucking communist

legalise recreational nukes

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get on my level

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Did he mean to make it look like the rocket launcher from halo?

I sometimes imagine a situation, when American government forces all other countries to ban nuclear weapons, just to sell all nukes to its citizens and than rent it from them, so that on paper, America won't have nuclear weapons, but its citizens would have all nuclear weapons.

i unironically believe that citizens should be allowed to own rocket launchers and tanks

Based and 2ndammendmentpilled

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We used to have privately owned artillery and warships.

>An RPG has any chance against a modern drone and hellfire missiles
Come on, guys.

I citizens can own tactical nuclear weapons, government would aways think twice before doing some shit. Coz citizens can nuke government.

that would be great

wew how much was the stamp on that rocket?

a-user...how many tax stamps do you fill out a year?

Horsey is a moron. RPGs are not good at ground to air kills. You would need a MANPAD system to shoot down air target.

Cringe is the word you’re looking for.

i do not see a problem with this....

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Got a license to repost that comic?

and here we have the world's weakest argument ever

It is probably inert.

>implying there isn't antidrone shotgun shells that contain depleted uranium

youe rpg tube is pointing the wrong way

the government should be able to drone strike its citizens. they'd only ever do that if they had a good reason to. People should have no means to resist a government that drone strikes its citizens

Release the family atomics

The only way to stop a bad guy with a military aircraft is a good guy with a military aircraft.

I was about to say you have good taste until I noticed your dust cover was open.

that's not that dumb actually, you could sell it to PMCs and rent it back from them like some poor countries do with their APCs and shit.
Good way to divert public funding too.

Umm, so what does the author want? Boot, stomp, face, forever? I don't fucking get it.

>civilians can now own MANPADS
>random guy in his backyard can now shoot down an entire airliner filled with people

As if shootings in America weren’t already easy enough.

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You can already own RPGs, also RPGs aren't great at taking down aircraft/drones but it's not like Horsey would know that.
>if moderate rebels can have stringers then so can americans

>freedom finds a way

God bless America.

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>used to
Still can, just incredibly expensive and lots of red tape.


the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a plastic fork license, right?

According to Twitter, the RPG misses because predator drones are white.
using it on minority drones gives an accuracy bonus of 88% and +3 poison damage

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>when Horsey gets red pilled from stalking our behavior and fucking our sloppy seconds

good 4 you man, I hope you can get it together entirely so that the rest of your life can be enjoyable

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This. Well, I draw the line at things that would be illegal for other reasons, Eg because they are environmental hazards in and of themselves. The average citizen doesn't have the means or skill to safely handle uranium, regardless of whether or not it's in a bomb. But yes, tanks, rocket launchers, etc. are technically legal under the Second Amendment and anybody that disagrees is objectively wrong, not to mention a faggot.

Me mum were killed with a plastic fork licence, you insensitive bastard.

I don't see anything wrong with this, it's equal.

wait till liberals start nuking red states because muh conservative are racists

The bill of rights literally says we can own rpgs

I find it amusing that the “You don’t need guns, the government is aleays right!” democrats are literally the ones complaining that the government is wrong right now. It’s nice.

>You can already own RPGs


like I said..

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Horsey doesn’t know the difference between RPG’s and MANPADS.

There could be private companies that would manage those things.

A slug would be strong enough to fuck a drone up. If it hit any wiring it would cause 10,000+ in damage. Aircraft are very vulnerable to unknown targets. Muzzies with shooting 762/39 where grounding aircrafts that flew over cities. All it takes is a single hit on the engine to ground a helicopter.


many tanks use rounds that are radioactive from what I understand.

You can do the same, also you can buy anti-rocket systems.

I waited for hours for someone to knock that fucking card stand over. Then apparently after i went to bed it happened.

They know it's already legal to own a functioning tank in America, right? Permits are a bitch, but if you can afford the goddamned tank you can afford the paperwork.

You should be able to own both

If the Feds can own it private citizens should be able too that’s the whole point of the second amendment you faggots

Lots of red tape, taxes, fees and extensive background checks. But it's legal.

>long guns are a poor deterrent, but none the less a deterrent, against a technological army
>therefore it’s better to have no deterrent than to have a poor one.
This is the fucking argument that only a nigger, a mong or hook-nose would make.

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>That guy
>Looking like Kavanaugh
>That missile launcher
>Assuming he would do this
The state of Horshit

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>tfw you will never shoot down a Reaper with a Pzf 3 because leftists will take your guns away
Hold me Jow Forums ;_;

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Fire and forget is notorious for hitting whatever it sees that is either hot or moving. That’s why drones and missiles are not usually allowed to pick their own targets.

Listen, you fantastically retarded motherfucker. I’m going to try to explain this so that you can understand it.

You cannot control an entire country and its people with tanks, jets, battleships and drones or any of these things that you so stupidly believe trumps citizen ownership of firearms.

A fighter jet, tank, drone, battleship or whatever cannot stand on street corners. And enforce “no assembly” edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3AM and search your house for contraband.

None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. Those weapons are for decimating, flattening and glassing large areas and many people at once and fighting other state militaries. The government does not want to kill all of its people and blow up its own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical assholes in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington D.C. into glowing green glass they would be the absolute rulers of a big, worthless, radioactive pile of shit.

Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground. And no matter how many police you have on the ground they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing but their limp dicks.

BUT when every random pedestrian could have a Glock in their waistband and every random homeowner an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because now the police are out numbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.

If you want living examples of this look at every insurgency that the U.S. military has tried to destroy. They’re all still kicking with nothing but AK-47s, pick up trucks and improvised explosives because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but fucking useless for dealing with them.

Dumb. Fuck.

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An RQ-4, which is what's depicted in the comic, would never fly even close to remotely within the range of a shotgun. Their flight ceiling is 60,000 ft.

You're not even going to get an eight of the way high enough to touch the thing, let alone damage it in any way.

Besides that, you wouldn't even know it was above you without advanced radar which you don't have.

Citizens with weapons is the only way to ensure honest government. Politicians are only accountable if they fear their citizens.

>When you subliminally and in all seriousness endorse an imminent reality where U.S. citizens are patrolled by armed drones, in order to make a point about how dangerous some judge might be.

Can’t tell if I’m supposed to side with the government drone striking Americans. Seems like a bad thing.

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not many tanks necessarily, but more to the effect many tanks can fire radioactive rounds and have even to this day

that doesn't exactly mean depleted uranium is the only kind of munition on deck

Nothing handheld has a chance against a drone, they are small and fly high you would never see one. You need some sort of radar SAM.

checked wheres your fookin loicense to kill

>you don't need your guns because there is no tyrannical government
>your guns can't possibly fight a tyrannical government now surrender them
It's almost like leftists desire a tyrannical government.

rocket propelled nuclear EMP

I'm out of the loop, what's this card stand thing?


Based Ivan

Should companies own firearms? For example Google


Isn’t that the logical conclusion of MAD? If we all have nukes, no one would have to use them

Mad Europoor. U better watch out I think In a month or two mamma Merkel will throw u in prison for shitposting Amad

"the loop" happened almost 10 years ago, it used to be a meme on /b/, there was a livestream outside of a store and people would post "I'll be in the area in x minutes, going to knock the bitch over" but they never did.

Pasta, but still quality pasta. You ruskies aren't too bad

Only if it is for its security guards

..... is this supposed to be an anti kav comic?

i honestly can't even find a way to articulate how horsey must think if he sees something negative in this.
Does he believe that the US Government has the right to conduct kinetic strikes on US citizens simply for owning guns? That being able to defend yourself from being killed without a judge, jury, or trial is a bad thing?

Is the point of this comic to express to his left wing viewers that those who support Kavanaugh should be killed? To me, this is a pro 2A/Kavanaugh comic, but I know Horsey is a huge leftist piece of shit... unless this has been edited or something


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Tell that to the sandniggers who can do it just fine

This doesn't work for Muslems and other groups that don't respect their own lives.

I read it as patriots shooting down the drones which will inevitably be deployed by the state within the state

we already bagged one with a fucking bottle in Kansas, as if we won't try harder for the drones working off the disposition matrix

I believe the government should fear the people



thanks user

It's too old for you to remember kiddo

I don't see the problem. You want the police to do their jobs properly? Imagine if a citizen could roll up and fucking RPG the building at any time. Or politicians, for that matter. At one time members of the public would duel politicians for fuck sake.

That has never been true. The Second Amendment was about using the common small arms of the enlisted soldier. The regular enlisted man doesn't use an RPG, a nuclear sub, or even a battle tank. So, in short. Fuck off.

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