The Fed is apolitic-

The Fed is apolitic-

Attached: Fed-Bias.png (2180x1068, 53K)

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Higher interest rates shrink the money supply and depress economic activity. It takes a few months for a rate hike to impact the real economy. Obama had an effective rate of about zero percent the entirety of his Presidency. The moment Trump won the general election, the Fed began raising rates rapidly. Why?

To crash everything and blame it on Trump.

>and the chairman of the fed is...
>another fucker from Georgetown Prep

> liking low interest rates
am i the only fucking person who longs for the days when you got 5% return on a simple CD?
> inb4 then you're losing money to inflation
i'd rather deal with a little inflation than have everything i own taken away by jews

what are these retarded lines supposed to mean?

I don't know about I trust fred bias.

I wanted 0% rates longer, im 1.5 to 2 years from buying a house, and i want a low rate....i would also accept another real estate collapse

I swear to Jesus people who don't know how to properly label their graphs smfh

>leaf education
>doesn't know what FRED is



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Bruh they need them so we don't inflate out the ass. Inflation's a lagging indicator and it only recently started picking up. This wasn't political.

peter schiff is right again, trump's big mistake is tying the stock market's performance to himself. i love him but its not gonna be good come re-election time.

Patently false. The inflation rate under Obama was no less than it is now, and that isn't why the Fed rate increases anyway.

This sort of topic was once Jow Forums bread and butter, now the level of discourse is so low most can't even read a basic chart, let alone discuss these issues.

>most can't even read a basic chart,
Don't be a pessimist, that was just a leaf

This is how Jews will win.

Obama created an unsustainable debt.

Now the (((FED))) has total control. They can TAN K the E CO NO MY by cranking up interest rates and making an artificial shortage of currency or a run on banks like they did to cause the Gre atDep reesession

Will we be seeing a return and huge moon for nigger coin when its adopted as the global currency?

I have a feeling the new US currency will be backed by precious metals AND cryptocurrency because the USA seized BILLIONS from the Awans.

now show the rest of the graph you shill

fed does different things depending on who is president.

Trump ties himself to the private sector growth, which has a direct effect on the stock market. He's not wrong to attribute some amount of the stock market growth to himself, but he isn't being colloquial about it. It's obvious that the stock market could tank easily should the Fed rate exponentiate, which as it seems isn't too unlikely.

I've been trying to warn people about the Federal Reserve for years. My family doesn't understand what it does, my friends don't care, and our politicians stay far, far away from the subject. The Federal Reserve is far too powerful to host banks and pay them all dividends. It's unethical. It needs to be abolished and reformatted entirely before they decide they've been waiting long enough for the US to repay it's debts.

Peter Schiff is never right. You have to go back.

Public debt = private assets + private saving. Are you really trying to tell me you think the people have too much money and stuff?

This is what a shill looks like. This shill saged the thread when posting. Be sure to counter-bump this kike shill.

>anyone who doesn't stick to the kike-approved "two" party agenda is a shill
Kill yourself, jewnigger.

>Public debt = private assets + private saving
This is a simple statement of the sectoral balances model. Look it up before you kill yourself for being a jewnigger.
>This sort of topic was once Jow Forums bread and butter, now the level of discourse is so low most can't even read a basic chart, let alone discuss these issues.
>This is what a shill looks like. This shill saged the thread when posting. Be sure to counter-bump this kike shill.

bump, disprove me

Ok, what dollar number is the current "public debt" you dumb faggot.

they really want the economy to crash with no survivors prior to 2020 elections

you know (((why)))

Attached: the FED in one image.jpg (1245x973, 157K)

21.6 trillion give or take. Doesn't matter because it's imaginary.

Yield curve is blowing out
Look at TLT

you're not including future debt obligations - which is enormous

Jackson rolling in his grave

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it adjusts the rates based on growth you dumb asses. it is fucked up and run by satanic pedophile jews

No need to. Those are imaginary until they're real too. As long as there are real resources and labor to satisfy then, who fucking cares. Government is not a business.

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And you actually believe that the sum total of all private assets + savings is $21.6 trillion. Am I correct that you're that retarded, or did I get something wrong.

Been stackin Dinars since 04
gettin ready to be filthy rich anons.
LETS GO!!!!!

JK I don't have dinars
but I do have redpills.
They're more valuable .

Attached: Economics-FED.png (1308x1353, 973K)

Attached: Beaver-Money.jpg (1903x1586, 803K)

Attached: Hitler-Economy.png (1778x484, 38K)

Attached: Economics-GoldStandardProblems.png (1684x902, 352K)

they're absolutely real to anyone using the dollar as a store of value - and losing due to inflation. e.g. bondholders, treasury notes, etc

Attached: Economics.png (755x957, 64K)

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Attached: HitlerRevivedEconomy.png (1571x5683, 1.03M)

Attached: Petrodollar.png (1625x778, 188K)

>Before the invention of currency, people did engage in bartering

They are going to blow up your economy. Federal reserve is clearly partisan.

Attached: DonGdvRW4AIfLy0.jpg (720x378, 51K)

Credit is just 4D barter user.

>using money as a store of value
Their concerns are not my concerns. Maybe they should stop being lazy and jewish and start spending some money toward full employment.

you get one or the other

I'm not advising it. I'm simply pointing out that there will absolutely be losers in the imaginary scam (e.g. pensions)...i won't shed a tear for government workers that have their 401k's crushed

Also I notice your beavers aren't talking about the necessity of taxation to establish a stable demand (and thus value) for fiat currency (or precious coin, for that matter).
I also don't believe that the ability for a government to provision itself by creating money is the same as banks being able to create deposits on-the-fly, because the government can use both hands (spending and taxation) to manage inflation.

Why would they? A fiat currency issuer can print money all day long to meet them. They can also tax that money back out of existence all day long. In a fiat system, taxes are not recycled into spending.

simple: fixed/contractual rates vs actual

Not enough labels, please expound.

You actually want higher rates, they suppress housing prices (because everyone thinks in terms of monthly payment; higher rates -> higher payments -> reduced demand for housing at current prices -> lower prices). You can always refinance to a lower rate later but you’ll forever be stuck with the price you paid for the house.

Or maybe there are indeed economic cycles and you are either at the peak or approaching it. If anything, rates are still too low.

Why wouldn’t he tie stock market performance to himself when things are booming? The media would certainly hang it around his neck come recession time, best to get some mileage out of it while he can.

Notice all the so-called smart investor types like Clark Howard on the radio want you to jump in and buy a house when interest rates are low, rather than waiting just another 5-10 years as baby boomers die the fuck off en masse and there is a glut of homes on the market with few buyers willing to pay their extortion prices. Who gives a damn about a 4-5% interest rate when you can then get a house 50% off from today's Zillow rates as the greatest real estate correction in history occurs, I'm patient and biding my time.

The economy is doing better. They can raise rates now. We need higher rates.

Im buying in New York, so while prices do change, they are fuck fucktardedly high

I don't understand why anyone would follow such an executive order. And people think the populace won't simply give up their guns when asked.

>muh central banking works
>literally defending the fed
kill yourself. not even kidding. buy a gun and blow your brains out you fucking slave.

Heres proof a crash is coming
>if i loan you the first dollar in existence and you promise to bay it back with INTEREST, where do you get the other dollars from?
is there any way to balance such a system?
answer those two questions then go kill some bankers.