Why do you hate Arabs, Jow Forums?

Why do you hate Arabs, Jow Forums?

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I don’t hate them actually I respect their conservatism. I just want them out of europe

becasue they're uncivilized mosque carpet lickers. people think they're not cucked, but that's only becasue they're still at the barbaric level.

Jews commit false flag attacks in their name and ship them by the hundred thousands into Europe and the US. They're fine if they stay in their shitholes to rape goats or whatever.

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Jow Forums loves Arabs you retard.

Because they keep blowing shit up

Because they, and their, culture perfectly embody a shit stain. Brown, smelly, ruin everything they touch... I could go on.

We hate anyone here in Italy.

I don’t smell.

You fucking eurotard, this is why Muslims ally with the LEFT. You people are so fucking dumb you deserve to all die