As an American who is pretty blacked pilled on the state of The US are there any redeemable qualities for us Yanks? Even though Europe has their problems they at least have a chance to saved themselves. The US is hopelessly doomed.
Is there anything America does better than the rest of the World?
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the us from 1776-2001 was a pretty good place, then 9/11 happened, the debt exploded, the demographics exploded, and we are here
Yes, we 'blackpill' (cringe) better than any other nation on Earth due to our situation. A lot of Europoors can always fall back on blaming America or Trump for their problems and the problems all over the world (I.e. Syrian problem is created by American indirectly so all our problems are too). Because they lack nuisance as to how America works this stunts their intellectual growth while simultaneously making them feel superior because they're not 'American'. In addition to this we have the best conception of rights and freedom.
-Provide and secure food
-Provide opportunities for work (if we didn't, all the little rats of the world would stop trying to stowaway here)
-Provide endless entertainment.
You make Websites and videogames. Or used to, at least.
How many European countries have flags on the moon?
I knew she was a man
I agree. After 9/11 America turned more degenerate than ever before.
It’s chic to hate America among some Americans.
We get fatter better than almost everyone else.