So this kid died of leukemia in New Jersey, and his parents owned a pasta shop and when he died they put him on the back of a sauce jar, just save the picture and format the text. Have fun!
So this kid died of leukemia in New Jersey...
Hunter Perry
Evan Torres
>>/b/ newfag
even there they willl tell you NYPA
Ayden Cox
what, did the guy fuck your mom or something? what's your problem yon niggerfaggot?
Ryder Thomas
would your parents do the same OP
doubt it
Adrian Peterson
i dont give a fuck you fucking emotional crybaby faggot pussy
Liam Bennett
Great thread
Ryan Reyes
He died of leukemia you monster. That could have been any one of us.
Nathaniel Cruz
Go do your homework faggot
Hudson Perry
Only losers get cancer, I prefer my Jow Forums friends who don't get cancer.
Sebastian Gomez
Jarid is at peace now. I'll be praying for his parents.