Why is this guy smarter than 99% of alt-right fags

why is this guy smarter than 99% of alt-right fags
and cuckservatives

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>barely taller then some tiny gook bitch

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>argumentum ad personam

He's not. He doesn't believe facts and pushes sources that don't go along with beliefs aside. He's an idiot. i got banned from his chat for saying "the difference is he has sources and you have none"

t. desTINY

desrow is that u?

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I think you mean
>argumentum ad half a personam

Cause cause alt-right fags and cuckservatives are close to being functionally retarded.

The premises for all of his beliefs are wrong, even if he comes to logical conclusions based on those false premises.

Wow is that Latin? Holy shit you must be a smart individual woah, most people would just say "Your attacking his character not my argument" despite the original post is also a character attack but no, you're definitely a smart individual

Who the fuck is this?

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i love how there are no arguments just insults
really makes you think
czego się spodziewasz po idiotach

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I used to love these threads, but they're way too stale.

Go bang some sexy slav instead of wasting your time with this shit OP.


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that's how you call it you mongoloid

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Remember that time Metokur got him to say we should carpet bomb mexico?
Also that slave shops are ok as long as his cellphone is cheaper.
I use to like his SC2 shit but he's a disingenuous no-belief faggot beta like all the other liberals that play video games.

Why is he grabing the she-gook boobs?

his ideology is one of losers
there are more losers than winners in life
thats why he has an audience of idiots that agree with him
maybe its more of a racial issue, of him being some coooban

He's never debated any smart right leaning person.
Metokur got him to say dumb shit but he also doesn't have any strong political views.
Same goes for Metokur, Crowder, Shapiro etc. they've never debated anyone smart.

presumably because they don't exist

This guy is shockingly bad at debating people. His only techniques are strawmen, goalpost moving, and backpedalling. As a full example for an issue like opposing illegal immigration due to the economic consequences. He would misrepresent their argument as one based in racism, then try to change the nature of the migrants being discussed, then go back and redefine some agreed upon definitions during the debate to save face. It is no surprise though, the guy dropped out of high school right?

but not taller thats for sure

He's a fucking idiot that pretends to be smart. He thinks he's fucking brilliant but the only people that agree with him are literal retards.
No Liberal is smart. If they were fucking "smart," they wouldn't be Liberals in the first place.

If he was actually smart, he wouldn't need people to shill him as such every single day lol. You're a stream-watching virgin gamer that doesn't know shit about politics or intelligence.

>cause cause I'm a fascist larper that likes dick

Hey isn't that a argumentum as hominem personum?

Literally who? Some who-even-gives-a-fuck YouTuber I assume?

Sage and keep scrolling.

Maybe they've never debated any "smart liberal" because there AREN'T ANY TO DEBATE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

after taking this meme seriously and watching tens of hours of his gay content, I can say confidently that he's lost plenty of times
don't know why you faggots say he always wins

>argumentum ad personam
I had never heard of this so googled it and apparently it's just another way to say circumstantial ad hominem that you think gives your that claim more authority hence including "argumentum," otherwise completely unnecessary. An ad hominem is to accuse someone of only making their argument for any reason, up to and including insults, e.g. you make that argument because you're stupid. These aren't just fancy ways to say "insult," idiot.

holy shit i just spit out my chik fil a

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literally who

You didn’t make one bitch

>don't attack their character!
>but I can do it tee hee
Is that some kind of plumber logic you learned before you got kicked out of the U.K.? But don't go resentful at Britfags.

It must suck to be such a pussy! U fucking kids that play keyboard warrior. Woman want a MAN not someone who is GOOD at #Overwatch