How did she become such a powerful public icon...

How did she become such a powerful public icon? Everyone will remember the testimony for decades to come as a "where were you" moment, and regardless of the outcome she's already won the hearts and minds of honest Americans everywhere.

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Wow such shill much faggot nigger kike

No one gonna remember this bitch next year.

Said it before me. Might as well shut the thread down.

You just bumped this shill thread new fag.

This. Literally everyone will forget this lying whore exists as soon as Kav is confirmed.

Because she came out and accused a powerful man and got bullied because of it.

Dems will drop her as soon as Kav is confirmed

>Everyone will remember the testimony for decades to come as a "where were you" moment

Except it happened when everyone was at work, so most of the country didn't watch her bit.

EVERYONE saw Kavanaugh testify after 5pm though.

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She gets her 15 mins of fame and a few hundred thousand dollars and is hailed as a hero which should help with future endeavors. Not bad!