Does anyone else just dislike women now?

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>>yes, i agree to be arrested with Emily

What a beta ass

Amy "The Hog" Schumer lost what was left of her male audience. #sobrave HAHAHAHAHAHA

>"The Hog"

kek xD

But honestly, aren't women just making themselves so unlikeable at the moment? At least East Asian women can be nice to us, white women have been made so toxic.

Fuck off kike

As long as they can shave their head, put purple lipstick and tape their nipples while buying latte, they dont care about being likable by sane populous

Don't act like you don't feel the same way. If you are all that way about jews maybe you could say the jews are making them unlikeable to us. Either way the fact still remains that they are dislikeable and toxic af.

Perhaps, when they get older they will be such a trainwreck though. All I know is that they are akin to a toxic substance and I want to be safe from said toxicity.

I was kind of encouraged actually to see so many women fighting back against the “Support Women” Harpies on my Facebook Feed. It was reallly getting catty. I think this whole Kavanaugh thing has Red Pilled a lot of them. Becasue the full rage of the Left was unleashed on Yes Kavanaugh Women. And as we all someone being attacked by the Left is the best was to get that person on our side.

The problem is a lot of "women" aren't women anymore. They don't accept their natural role as nurturers, because they've been conditioned into believing such a thing is inherently bad, and sexist. I don't dislike women, I love women. I wish they weren't so rare. I hate "women", and "women" are fucking everywhere, now. It seems as if, beginning with the Trump presidency, women have become mythological. The good ones either aren't around anymore, or they just keep quiet.

To be fair I am very isolated, haven't been on Facebook for years and don't go outside for the most part. What makes my perception is the current news cycle and those around me.

Don't bash half of the white population and promote raxemixing on Jow Forums and not expect to be called a kike. If you're not a jew your brain certainly has been jewed.

Also my experiences with women too to be fair. I have seen first hand how women get whipped up into this type of delusional negatively emotional shit, this is playground bullshit as far as I am concerned.


Yeah. Ever since the sexbots became mainstream women have completely gone off the deep end and one is left to wonder if this isn’t just some form of trying get one up on men before they’re extinct. Women in the current year are so intimidated and terrified of sexbots because sexbots prove just how worthless and useless the modern woman actually is. Modern women don’t want to get married. Modern women don’t want children. Modern women can do nothing for themselves, and hey certainly won’t be cooking for you or a family. You can’t even talk to them without worrying if you’re going to be the next #MeToo victim. The only thing the modern woman is good for (sex), is about to be gone too.

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Women are garbage. I didn't need #MeToo to figure it out, but the silver lining of #MeToo is that it's helping other men figure it out.

I've hated women for years now.
That's why I fuck traps.

Women deserve rape.

almost all the women in that picture are kikes

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The fuck is that thing?
It can't be human.

It is true though that the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence and robotic engineering is the replacement of the female race and the pursuit of the perfect female. I'm not going to sit here and lie and say it isn't, and that the future isn't artificial female. I often look with envy at the future generations of man who won't have to waste their youth sleeping with disgusting biological organisms and dealing with their demented personalities and catching their foul human diseases.

How is Amy even relevant? She is the most hideous looking actress and she sucks at acting.

When you're that fat and ugly are you really a woman anymore?

Oompa Loompa Haha Hehe, Whats the point of living If no one rapes me?

I was actually kind of surprised. I saw multiple instances where women were posting Pro-Kavanaugh stuff and a lot of women were commenting positively on them. But literally every single post and multiple women bitching at them. It was hilarious because the Conservative Women wouldn’t back down like they usually use. Even when they would start talking about their own “Sexual Assault”.

People are incensed about this. I think they are thinking it could happen to their Sons, Husbands, Fathers or brothers and they are seething. The Democrats really fucked up with this.

an oompa loompa that escaped the farm


Everyone has always disliked women. Even other women. Wanting to fuck them is not at all the same as liking them.

Women have totally sold their souls to Satan at this point. They need like twenty years of figuring shit out to get straight.

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I am starting to have a different kind of thoughts with women. I have experienced being the top guy in a peer group with women but also many years of isolation on the internet. I feel like I can see through the game.

The truth seems to be that almost every guy is getting outplayed by women, they are below the woman. They get a relationship with a girl and feel good about it but she has already slept with a bunch of guys and is kind of condescending to the guy she is with. She will giggle to her friends about you. This is most men. (A lot of the leftist men that call right wing people incels for one are not generally respected by women, but the men get manipulated and 'puff'd' up by their feminist gf like you would a child)

The only way for a guy to 'win' is to be the kind of 'chad' that all the girls chase... But even then that is actually quite a precarious position to be in, if you are not directly dragged down by women it is hard to keep up being the top guy. And even if you do keep up being the top guy, the woman is generally shallow and or money hungry. What kind of situation is that for you as a man? To tie yourself to that?

Is the ideal situation not to just be some kind of roaming king kong that has light relationships with women here and there without being tied down whilst generating a tonne of wealth and having experiences with friends and yourself etc?

Do 'relationships' as they are seen today even really work? Are things not meant to be more loose like nature?

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I'm Bi and the behavior of American women the past 2 years has pushed me full gay.

dont be an idiot. these are just paid women that are being paraded in front of cameras for media fodder. they are hardly representative of all women

That is not bad to hear, as for the women bitching on facebook. Holy crap I can imagine, not being on facebook as has been a blessing these past few years. I tuned out completely around the time of the Trayvon case.

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Emily RATajowski

'Twas ever thus

If we hope to survive we will sooner or later have to stop women voting

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It's frustrating to see white women fall for jewish tricks, but they're still worth trying to save.

They want men to act like men so they are filling our role but iono

No man, protect yourself. If you can find a genuinely non toxic woman run away with her far away from this godforsaken anti white crap hole of a civilization.

Thanks for the advice, Mahmoud.

Stupid NPC

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No. God says be fruitful and multiply. Don't bitch out.

I would like to actually, but I don't want to ever be tied down. I need to have the ability to live life under my terms, especially not the whims of a woman.

And now our whole society is directed more by the whims of crazy women rather than white men.

It's pathetic, the leftist men who support it are lower than sewer rats. Grovelling around for approval from women that don't even like them, and I can't exactly blame the women.

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Oh shit bro. How will I ever recover?

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Nah. I don't associate with those faggots.

so you're just different type of fag

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Thoughts on this? (Pic related).
I don't think it was always this bad, but feminism, the breakdown of social institutions, and the pill have thrown gender relations into a chaotic funk that's hard to pull out of from the individual's perspective. We may have to just wait it out and work towards a better future.

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Abortion could mean anti-abortion. The pro-life movement is very strong among conservative women. But what a shock, it's almost like people care about issues that more directly effect them.

Men care about jobs because they need one to survive / have a good life. Women just care about their vaginas.

Reverse traps exist only in theory.
Irl, all you'll find are chicks with dicks.
Reverse traps are still gay btw, but tomboys aren't so there's no excuse anyways.