So am visiting from Europe and am here in Austin Texas. So my question is, why are dimwits allowed to carry guns. This city seems like the most rightwing extremist place on Earth. I have seen about 6 people oppenly flaunting their gubs since last week. Then I go to the city and everyone says to be careful at night because of criminals. Why not outright ban guns or at least put a criteria. Mental health evaluation every year, mandatory community work, safety tests, quarterly inspections of firearm storage, yearly course on gun safety, can only vote for local politicians such as the mayor, donate to charities. Is this too much to ask for? This gun culture needs to change ASAP!
So am visiting from Europe and am here in Austin Texas. So my question is, why are dimwits allowed to carry guns...
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How about you go back to yuropistan instead you fucking mongoloid?
Euro fags would call the only leftist city in Texas full of right wing gun wielding idiots. Just because you can have a gun or a sword.
stop getting triggered by inanimate objects.
just because you chopped off your balls doesn't mean the rest of us have.
go fuck yourself sissy boy
>Right wing
You wanna how I can tell you're full of shit?
Nice bait fellow american, you're sure to catch a fistful of (You)s
What you suggested would cost money and put up unnecessary barriers for poor people. Everyone has the God given right to self defence.
>why are dimwits allowed to carry guns.
t. dimwit
You wish you could have an AR at all in your piece of shit country. I can walk around in Texas with mine if I feel like it. No license required. Feels good.
To defend your self you pussy!
>this gun culture needs to change
>why are there so many people with guns?
Was there any shooting? If not, shut-the-fuck-up
So you could see the weapon they carried? Did you feel like you could rob those people with zero resistance or did you feel they could protect themselves?
How about walking around at night? Did you try it? Were there people with baggy clothes on without firearms on display?
How the fuck do you expect us to believe you’re in austin when you’re saying it’s the most right wing extremist place on earth? Are you fucking retarded?
terrible bait
>allowed to carry guns
Read this, and shut the fuck up. No one gives a fuck where you came from. You are in our house, please leave your muddy shoes on the outside next time.
It might be right wing to him
This. So much. Bacon should be illegal for euro cucks also, it hurts their new muslims brothers feelings and clogs your arteries euro cucks.
>Why not outright ban guns
worked out great for chicago
>Right Wing
Go back to your cuck continent Mohammed.
Pussy europoor
Go home eurofag
Haha you would really shit in east Texas, llano or anywhere that’s actually Texas. Go visit hays city store for good dinner and not retarded Austin lifestyle.
Suck a dick, lol
>Then I go to the city and everyone says to be careful at night because of criminals
If you're scared of criminals, try carrying a gun.
>goto america
>some little fucking twig wearing a assassins face on his shirt shoots me
How is this justice or moral?
Because you are European and you fundamentally don't understand the concept of Liberty.
>1 post by this ID
Seriously this. Austin isn't part of Texas.
Well, we all see how great banning guns works in major cities. I'm sure you would just LOVE to walk through the sketchy part of your town at night, because, after all, your gun control legislation means that there is absolutely zero chance you'll get shot or mugged. Fuck off back to your authoritarian state and leave us be, shlomo.
Voting blue doesn't technically make you left wing.
Technically, by definition, you have to be a socialist to be left wing. Possible full Marxist.
The moment you believe someone is above someone else, or should be, for any reason, you are right wing.
>So am visiting from Europe and am here in Austin Texas.
Shut your cunt socialist mouth and be thankful we even let you into our country to visit.
Fix the problems in your socialist shit hole country first before you talk shit about America.
I'd rather have Bubba open carrying an AR-15 than I would some sand nigger with a truck or knife.
Bubba doesn't want me dead and beheaded....unlike the fucking sand nigger.
Stop liking what I don't like while I'm a guest in your country?
You don't have to like it.
You don't have to understand it.
You just have to go home.
I've lived in every major city in Texas and literally this. Austin is about as openly flagrantly leftist as San Fran. At gay pride you can witness the full gambit of tolerant people applaud a man fisting a 12 year old boy as the main attraction behind the human rights campaign.
op is fag
Go home if you can’t hack it
Go back to your shithole. I wish I lived in Texas.
You saw police? No one open carries in TX you gay euro fuck
Because we have aggressive niggers who will impulsively attack you for being white. Thats why they have open carry.
OP here I will be visiting Boston next week, what can I expect? In Europe you can travel anywhere without encountering thugs like I did in Austin. It seems like I was at DMZ with all these firearms. I called the police officers on one of the maniacs and the maniac got mad saying people didn't know nothing. My qyestion to said maniac was who are you protectong yourself from? Just went on about how stupid I was for not understanding the law. To my surprise the police officer just drove off. And the maniac just resumed their business as if they weren't crazy. What gives? Can I expect similar behavior in Boston? In any part if Europe this maniac would be talen either to jail or mental hospital and it wouldn't just be me saying this, it would be everyone within 1000ft of said maniac
Austin is like 1/10th or less the violent crime, shooting, and rape rates as your beloved NYC, London, and LA.
We have a nigger problem and carrying guns solves it. They are fucking savages if you've ever met one in real life.
If you are from Europe and not just an anti-gun shill, why don't you fuck off and let them do what they think best when it comes to firearms? What sort of child wants his views forced on others? Or does any freedom at all offend you?
Austin is a liberal shithole.
Thread discarded.
retarded hicks think that waving around firearms makes them masculine
Another big part of gun culture is this notion that if anyone trespasses on your property, you have the right to shoot and kill them on the spot. So you have the humongous, endless farms carpeting the landscape, and if you step foot on any of them you can be shot dead without warning. This means that a lot of kids who walk through the fields because they have nothing better to do end up getting shot. And the farmer will always beat his chest and talk about his right to kill anyone on his property
Not true.
I work as a mechanic.
At the shop I work at there's a jacked up mexican that drives a fucking ugly piss yellow hummer.
He always has a glock on his side.
It turns out he's a bounty hunter
Perro the bounty hunter..
I am offended but more concerned about safety. Wish I didn't have to argue facts with maniac-enablers
So what? Don't talk to stupid people who wag around with their firearms. Just go away. Its their freedom to do shitty things.
Don't like it, slither back to the shit hole you come from.
But did you die?
>Right Wing
>Why not outright ban guns or at least put a criteria.
Because that is illegal.
when you live around nogs, you need guns
LOL. Austin is Texas's San Francisco. It's literally the least right-wing place in Texas, which is probably why you have to beware of criminals and the patriots open carry.
when you live around crazy white hicks with fat beer bellies walking around with guns, you need guns
One of the burgers should put a bullet in you for giving euros a bad image. Now shut your fucking cock socket and neck yourself, you cuckold freak.
You aint seen nothin yet, city boy.
How about you just stop being such a giant gaping pussy instead?
Lmfao I'm a native Austinite - born and raised - and I've never once seen anyone open-carry in this city. Never. Maybe out in Bastrop or Georgetown or something but not in Austin.
And you're in town for the faggot ass ACL fest so you can go suck a dick and gtfo
Goddamn I wish the US had just nuked the whole fucking world. I can't believe Europeans were allowed to remain alive.
>taking 2/10 bait
This place has been thoroughly infested by low IQ magafaggots
Because it's not about "allowing" someone to own guns. The 2nd Amendment is there to prevent the government from infringing upon the right to bear arms
Austin, TX most rightwing extreem... Yeah fuck off you moronic piece of shit. You dont deserve to post
Inherent rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights, not bestowed upon us by the government. A concept that a lifelong subject has a difficult time grasping.
>2 shitposts by this ID
No matter how weird our countries get, no matter how strained our relations get - we'll never forget when we BTFO the British at Yorktown.
Nothing needs to change. Nothing is wrong. Your opinion doesn't matter. Go hang yourself.
Gun rights are the best thing about America.
>Austin Texas
>the most rightwing extremist place on Earth
somebody pretending they went to Austin, Texas
>most rightwing extremist
Here’s your (you), (((you)))
>right wing
you faggots flaunt your dildos and we'll flaunt ours ok?
How many times did you have to prep your wife's bull to collect enough gold stars to come all the way to the US?
So am visiting from America and am here in Stockholm Sweden. So my question is, why are whites allowed to be outside. This city seems like the most rightwing extremist place on Earth. I have seen about 6 people openly flaunting their whiteness since last week. Then I go to the city and everyone says to be careful at night because of nazis. Why not outright ban whites or at least put a criteria. Mental health evaluation every year, mandatory interracial breeding, safety tests, quarterly inspections of privilege, yearly course on black superiority, can only vote for local politicians such as the mayor, donate to charities. Is this too much to ask for? This bigot culture needs to change ASAP!
Sorry we don't have free tampons or whatever the fuck you're bitching about.
lurk more
What the hell are you even talking about?
My Euroniggas!
Based Eurobros. We're all gonna make it.
>come to America
>complain about it
yeah? well fuck you too buddy
I'm an enabler? Better than a faggot I guess.
Malta is kinda rare. Come on over
What's great here is the quintessential british writing style. You can totally hear some brit voice say IF You ARE from Europe. Kek
Austin Texas
Right wing
Apply sharp edge to your neck
Make Austin Straight Again
How do you know when someone is from Europe?
Because they tell you, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
Austin, TX is so incredibly leftest it is almost not
Texas. Funny that being it is the capital city, but maybe that is why is is so leftest, that and UT Austin and all the Hollywood wankers that have moved there to get out from under Commiefornia tax insanity.