He is dodging the MGTOW's artificial wombs issue. Let's pressure him

He is an amazing philosopher with a huge audience. Every one of his videos reaches out to at least 100,000 people, so I think we should pressure him on this.
Recently was asked about artificial wombs in one of his livestreams, and he acted pretty dodgy, saying "well, they will get banned before coming to the market, and if they are not banned it means we don't live in a misandric society anymore, so the demand will be nonexistent since man will marry, so there's no point on discussing this".
He repeated the same argument a week ago when a woman called on the show to talk about abortion.
I watch his show and I can tell for sure he is dodging this subject; being married, he is clearly showing his bias.
I ask to the MGTOW community to try and call the show to confront him on this issue
One of the arguments we can make is: "Stefan, if men had a choice between marrying a woman who will get old, irritated and ugly + having to provide for her and for his whole family vs buying sex robots that will fulfill his sexual desires completely, while having the chance of buying an artificial womb to continue his bloodline without having to deal with every other pain of being with a woman, do you REALLY think they would choose the first option?"
Or "Stefan, man never married because they wanted; they married and provided for their family and woman because it was the ONLY way for them to get sex. With the option of avoiding this and still continuing his bloodline, you really think they would want to be enslaved by a woman through a government contract?"
I really wanted to call him and confront him about this, but I have another serious personal issue that I need to cover when I call him, so I have only one chance. Since other MGTOW's here may think that this artificial wombs issue is a serious one, I ask one of you to call him and talk to him about this. He's been very receptive with MGTOW participants in the past, but we need more.Stefan Molyneux is his name.Freedomainradio dot com.

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MGTOW are so independent and high value that they spend all of their free time complaining about women on the internet

= 2013 internet jewing

get updated faggot

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>muh artificial wombs
It's going to be way too expensive and weird to make a significant difference in the birth rate.
And most guys DO NOT want to be single fathers. If they can't find a woman they just go "fuck it".

Artificial wombs are not gonna happen before 2035 or whatever. Growing a human is not like growing a piece of meat, anything that would come out of a box like that wouldn't be psychologically human

>He is dodging the MGTOW's artificial wombs issue

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>= 2013 internet jewing
>get updated faggot
he's 79, give him some slack

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Chinese will have artificial wombs in 5 years and they won’t fucking care about “psychological issues”

discord gg/3Yuek5j

Stephan's private discord

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>MGTOW community
>MGTOW's issue
Im sorry what?

MGTOWs are autistic as fuck so it’s not surprising they think sex robots will phase out the human desire for companionship

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>He is an amazing philosopher

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artificial wombs are too complicated to come out any time soon

anyone "advocating" for them is a fucking retard

based retard


Whiteknight BTFOd eternally

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Why are you trying to make MGTOW look like a club? And what artificial wombs have to do with MGTOW?

It's interesting that this 85% fully-formed baby sheep is the only image ever posted about this topic.

>amazing philosopher
oh boy

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He will turn it on you asking what happened in your childhood to fuck you up to such a degree that you're incapable of being in a loving relationship.
Why do you prefer to simulate a loving relationship with a programmed slave because that's the real issue that should be solved.

They've probably grown thousands of chimeras with this method already so most of the tech is a secret.

>1 post by this ID
SAGED fuck off

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