
>Can't make a thread supporting one without pissing off the other
Why is it Jow Forums can't discuss politics in a civilized manner?

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Yuri Bezmenov said that the Kremlin engaged in active measures to turn Western groups against each other, as part of their strategy to demoralize and destabilize.

Same Kremlin, different day.


Probably would have happened anyways even without the Kremlin. It's rare to come across a political conversation without someone raising their voice or be open to new ideas regardless of political orientation.
You just supported my argument. Thanks!

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Selfless bump because I'm genuinely interested in the matter.

Go post on facebook if you want an echo chamber

Return to r/the_Donald at once if you unironically still think that its black and white librul vs cuntservicer

are you new here?

I don't bother with Facebook. If anything people shout their opinions there to be attention whores rather than produce any productivity in society.
It's rather pathetic.

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because this board isn't about politics, but incorrectness.

Fuck no. That place is terrible.
Been on Jow Forums since 06. Never really went to Jow Forums often. Figured it would be the preferred place for a reasonable answer to the argument. Everyone I know irl is either a Libertard or a Conservative. Nobody's neither. Meaning it's really hard to get an unbiased opinion.

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Try to have this attitude and you'll be called a kike shill. This board is absolute shit now.

Figured as much. It's in the title.
Could take the argument to another board.

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ur a kike shill

Something tells me I'm not gonna get answers regardless of what board I post this on.

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>Why is it Jow Forums can't discuss politics in a civilized manner?
Sometimes we try, sometimes we do. You’re not going to get decent political discussion when most threads that start with either “well?” Or “fuck Trump.”

>Thinks there's anywhere in the world you can discuss politics in a civilized manner.

I've said for a long time that liberal policies could maybe benefit me more than conservative. Too bad all the want to do is strip rights from the people. I'm not willing to give up my rights for gimmies that they will not want to give to me because I'm a white man. Oh, and they hate me over there, so shucks. I guess I'll keep my rights, and they can keep their any white bullshit, and their wet dreams about taking guns.

Because some groups aren't compatible with another and the Alt Right was a failure...
Let alone the facts so many Libshits call themselves to be against Libs, so they are part of the problem as well.
That,plus the fact that Jow Forums has been shilled to death by Moogatards and Left/Right tards makes this place more and more aggressive,it will never end unless one group wins over the other.

*Anti white bullshit* not any.

The Alt Right doesn’t exist. It’s the biggest honeypot ever conceived

You will never get an unbiased opinion from anyone no matter where you go.

Some alt-kikes such as Styxhexen tried to explain the reason of why it failed by saying,
"well...we shouldn't have polarized all of this" which was inevitable to be honest,it was just moogatards on denial

All I see is Freedom VS Government, Communist and Fascist dont matter to me, if there's government then its shit.

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anything that has to do with king cheeto and their autistic followers is a lib they deny it at this point is something that will always amaze me but since they aren't quite avid and act out of "hype" then am not surprised things would repeat themselves again and again

nice dalelock

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because this board is about political "incorrectness" you fucking retard

I know right???
Like, I get that there are people intentionally trying to piss people off here. Sure. Why not?
But even so, it's really hard to go anywhere on the internet, ANYWHERE, and find someone who starts a political discussion with lack of bias. Who is genuinely trying to formulate productive solutions. And even if they do, when they come to a conclusion, SOMEONE ends up bashing it, rather than kindly lending their own two cents, simply because they don't agree with it.
As if they oppose productivity.

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Because it's not really just politics anymore due to multiculturalism, it's more like a slow motion race war.

You don’t get kindness on the internet, that’s just a fact of life. Shit flings and gets flung back with maybe a few interesting tidbits of information right here

Case in point, this guy

hey hey,am merely stating the truth,am just a bit harsh on declaring it

President Trump repeatedly named the globalists throughout his campaign, it's not some big secret that the current political paradigm around the world is nationalism vs. globalism. Globalist puppets want open borders, suppressed wages, loss of rights, suicidal cultural marxist values, and high taxes for the middle class, while nationalists including President Trump are fighting against all of that.

There should be.
Rights are an extremely touchy subject in this country. It's rather irritating too when they're applied to states as large as countries, forcing you to live in specific regions you might or might not enjoy simply because of their laws. It's terrible.
What a shame. Really it is.
It's fucking terrible.
I'm sure a lot of people share the same sentiment.
You're very welcome!
I'm aware. Doesn't mean it brings about a decent conversation on the topic.

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that wont be enough, this isnt all about "globalist vs nationalists",thats just the tip of the iceberg, there is also the JQ and the unceasant interventionism in the east,that shit will soon or later strike back,which is actually what worries me the most, but I'll just let the NPCs do what they do best.

What part of politically INCORRECT do you not understand?

My friend you come to a board that talks about gassing Jews on a near minutely basis and expect fair and honest political discussion. You either take what you can get or just go with the flow.

Shit just from experience I’ve seen good topics discussed that get drowned out with retarded garbage posts, if you can find something worth talking about just keep talking about it. But don’t feel you need to bait people into discussion like most others here

I actually have an old and very close friend who believes one is coming. Just need to wait and see.
At least the internet is informative at times.
To be honest I find results of presidents to show themselves over the course of several years. What sucks is that the president that usually comes after reverts the previous president's actions.
Meaning it's very rare we ever get to see actual results from any president at all.

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Shut up commie.

Always something else to worry about. The world is one complicated place I'll give you that.
Again, doesn't mean you can't have a good discussion with the board. This one got pretty interesting all the sudden.
I suppose you do have a point there. Though it's much better than going to Reddit or Facebook.

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It's time for a third option. National Socialism will rise again.

Because this is fucking Jow Forums. Where we are either for, against, split down the middle or just don't give a fuck one or the other.

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We're tired of the left, we gave them an inch they took a mile now we just want them eradicated

You think partisan exclusion is a solely Jow Forums phenomenon? I pity you.

Oh f-
Sounds like everywhere else. Which is just depressing.
If only there was civilized negotiation to begin with. It's a shame really.
Productivity seems to be going down hill. It's all red vs blue now.

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>been here since 06
>posting shit like this
shill plz go

If you're honestly asking? Both parties have been weaponized against each other using rhetoric designed to sharply curtail the voter base's ability to critically analyze their government. While conservatives are in the lead now, the liberals will also reap the benefits of this when they are eventually back in favor. The people lose, because they have been lead to believe that this is a good guy vs bad guy situation. Politics is always bad guy vs bad guy.

>If only there was civilized negotiation to begin with. It's a shame really.
There was, multiple times there have been attempts at negotiation. They don’t want negotiation, they want it their way or no way at all. Which doesn’t happen in politics

And by “they” I mean everyone. Though personally I’d just rather be left alone with my own problems

I am a techno-dystopian shithead who thinks politics is stupid and irrelevant because the first guy to transcend the limits of human intelligence is going to slaughter us all anyway. I just like watching politicians fight because I hate them. But until we institute literal gladiatorial combat in Congress, or at least re-legalize dueling, Jow Forums is the best I've got

But the conversation is actually decent.
It's as if the system is built to manipulate the masses.
Very well said. And I wholeheartedly agree. Feels like taking any course of productivity is a loosing battle.
It is entertaining to watch people lose their shit whenever someone does something they don't like. The butthurt is glorious. However, it's also unproductive.
Sort of feels like we aren't particularly developed as a species enough to formulate a system that actually works and helps us progress.

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holy shit,is that a new branch of the Blackpill? Would make sense if it DOES happen