Swedish girl finds ancient Viking sword


>Swedish girl named Saga finds ancient Viking sword

Is Sweden soon to be uncucked? Have the Old Gods chosen their Heroine to reclaim the nations glory?

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Let it begin...

I hope she brought it to the experts so they can find Allah is great inscribed on it

As foretold, Freyja shall be reborn on Midgard to reclaim the world for the gods. The fate of Valhalla rests upon her little shoulders

jej... i was thinking the same thing.

>Is Sweden soon to be uncucked? Have the Old Gods chosen their Heroine to reclaim the nations glory?
No, it will be turned into scrap metal like all historic and cultural items from museums

They are going to turn it into some gay fag shit.
If not then it would surprise me

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A swedish nigger is going to melt it down for diversity points

inb4 theyre sent to the scrap metal bin like the last viking artifacts

>implying they won’t find that it isn’t actually a sword but a giant dildo used in hot viking homosex with muslim migrants
we’ve evolved

She'll be getting a BBC in about 6 or 7 years. She'll produce strong Black, Islamic men to rule Sweden. So, she will be one of the thousands and thousands of Swedish women to soon receive a BBC, the seed of the BBC, and thereafter produce more BBCs.

I feel sorry for you

Christcucks will probably take that sword and "accidentally" break it

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The gods have selected their valkyrie

>scientists confirm ancient sword found in Sweden was actually used by a black man

However, the eight-year-old's experience hasn't made her want to pursue a career in archaeology, saying she currently hopes to be a doctor, vet, or an actress in Paris, although she does enjoy learning about "old stuff".

She moved to Småland only last year, having grown up in Minneapolis in her father's home state of Minnesota, USA. The family moved back to Sweden in 2017 to be closer to the maternal side of Saga's family.

stop embarrassing us, nigger

>implying the government didn't already seize and pulverize it.

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Its the sad truth

>inb4 theyre sent to the scrap metal bin like the last viking artifacts
For being fake or for being haram?

>inb4 swedish government takes and destroyes it

Break it off up your ass, faggot

When do the so called authorities come and take it from her?

did you think this post would get more (You)'s?
try using a different picture next time, mental midget.

I'm surprised that this hasn't happened already.

sadly, you're probably right

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most likely outcome
>oi bin that ancient history m8

probably belonged to her great x4 grandma

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How long until some (((scholar))) finds an allah inscription in there? Or the Muslim culture minister melts it down for scrap?

get out of the way cuck master general

can we find some how some way to contact her parents, and tell them to keep the fucking thing instead of giving it to be melted down.

this. they'll make a dildo out of it.

Probably already got melted down by the government.

let these digits show that the fate of this sword will match the fate of sweden

Story on this?

When she finds the "Made in China" stamp, she is going to be really upset.

Praise Odin.

Sweden will always recognize the superiority of large black penises.

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He died.

So her family was running away from all the somalians. They're in for a surprise.

Thought she took the longest dump by the pic

who gives a fuck about some dumb bitch maybe that rusty piece of metal needs to sever her neck for disgracing her ancestors disgusting ungrateful pos

Hail Odin tge true God.

>scientist Sven Svenstein confirms ancient sword found in Sweden was actually a black man's fossilized penis
>thought to have penetrated hundreds of Swedish men

I know many people hate that movie because of its "inaccuracy" etc but this is one of my favorite movies until this day. Great atmosphere.
I think Vladimir Kulich (who's Czech BTW) was just perfect in the role of Buliwyf.

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the gods exist and kill npcs for fun I'm sure you have many afflictions in your life for being a sarcastic weasel

Its 2018... Can't believe people are still sex with gender... BAKA...

For the uneducated... Sex is your biology and can't change. Gender is the social construct and that's why a man can identify as a woman. She's a woman in the wrong body. Why is that so hard to understand?

why does she look like a boy transitioning?

Welp, better recycle it to save the environment

he was on fire and he fell out a window.

>Swedish girl finds ancient Viking sword
>Swedish girl named Saga finds ancient Viking sword
Who will write the Saga saga?

Just as the Swedish Government begins to crackdown on "dangerous dildos"?

>So her family was running away from all the somalians. They're in for a surprise.
top kek m8

>the belly of the dragon will drip water

Odin is God all other Gods are false.

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Why is there a moor among vikings?

Imagine what an omen this would be, finding an ancient weapon of an ancestor who was a conqueror? It's the kind of shit epic poems are written about. God damn it Sweden, get your shit together.

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because she's half Polish

Hopefully it is turned into scrap metal before it inspires any racism

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Bets she'll sell it and donate the proceeds to refugees?

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>Pagans about to be BTFOd by Christians again
Lets see if this maiden can compete.

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She better hurry the fuck up and save Europe. She only has until the 10th of december

These sacred artifacts of the Norse must be saved.

Honestly there's probably thousands of them. Think about all those battles.

They'll melt it.

theres an alien face in the top of the blade


I bet there's already a bidding war for the multimedia rights to her story.

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how are they gonna fuck this up?

All of this shame, humiliation and demographic ruin is the consequence of us and our forebears becoming comfortable, tolerant men.

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oh shyt i see it

That means you're posting too much. Go do something else

this was at least historically accurate as there was trade with islam\


It's better to burn out than to fade away

That is some ISIS-level shit. This is what invariably happens when you let too many camel jockeys into your country.

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The Princess of Power is born. She alone will save Sweden.

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>they gave it to a fucking muesuem

That should be thousands of young men and women waking up to the truth about their own people. It only has to be "the one sword" to them.



We go to Valhalla Christian infidels go to HELL

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She'll probably use it as a dildo or give it to some muzzie and he'll use it to decapitate her and she'll orgasm while being beheaded.


May the old gods protect this sweet little girl.

Oh wow I see it

Sorry but what are her parents thinking letting her play with ancient swords? She could get an infection or cut herself by accident. She ought to be put in a foster family.

Nope. They'll just destroy it or melt it down because it's existence is an offence to the Diversity™ and Multiculturalism™ "ingrained" in swedish "history".

Nature is trying to tell you something.

I'd let her find my sword, if you y'know what I mean.

>God of Thunder gets BTFO by an angry monk with an axe

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this is my first time on since tuesday. i rarely make a comment. less than ten times a week

this comment only took 1 captcha

When I visited a museum in Ireland there were Viking coins and according to the museum they said "Allah is Great" on them.

Swedish government will melt it down for scrap when?

I know brother. I know..

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Not sword. Unsafe Swedish assdildo used by historical CuckSwedes. There is another thread about this. Would link, but fuck white people and your sick sex games.

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>Swedish girl finds ancient Viking sword
>Gives sword to African migrant to symbolize the new Sweden
>Migrant rapes girl to death with rusty old blade
>court finds rusty Viking sword dildo rape is a part of migrant culture and calls for tolerance

>she currently hopes to be a doctor, vet, or an actress
Sad. Only thing cunt like her should hope to be is a wife and mother.

amazing movie, absolute pure hero's journey

i for one welcome our swedish viking overlords

I wonder how many christcuck heads that sword made roll.

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Of course some fucking jew or nigger is going to get pissed about it