
Attached: BTFO.jpg (703x415, 33K)

You don’t when he is your president, whore.

literally this lmao

What a horrible thing to say about Obama.

honestly, i'll give them credit where it's due.

5/10, kind of clever.

>sexual predator
isn't the whole genetic impetus to have sex and procreate
>literally stop being biology!

Stop trying to nanny your friends and let them live their own lives. You aren't their mother.
Worry about yourself.

By bending the knee

These people are disconnected from reality. Some days it makes me laugh, other days it make me want to take a bath with my toaster

>being 100 million off the population

Attached: BA50283A-A753-4565-9AA5-7193DF8B0FAF.jpg (323x323, 55K)

It's hilarious as long as they never get into power again.


You're a fucking retard if you think that's clever.

I notice liberals tend to turn everything into a witty joke to score attention points/likes.

I think this is one of the reasons they're doing so bad..

He better mass text red pills.

>not subtracting illegals and subhumans

>emergency text comes on your phone
>it's from Trump
>says "send nudes"
post yfw

Attached: Justine Trudeau.png (550x538, 531K)

Dont post half naked pics of your self on the internet

They are here...

Attached: 1537263450091.jpg (636x943, 57K)

Bump. Enjoy your ban


Attached: 1347677916784.jpg (400x400, 60K)

>not tweeting back to her saying that 500,000,000 of your friends want him to text them
>she responds with population numbers
>you then blast her saying that liberals don't care about statistics unless they are using them
>you get to assblast her and everyone in her feed twice

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Get rid of your cell phone, you stupid thot.

>How do I st op a sexual predator from texting me?
>stop texting

i hate that blue check mark

She was texted by some no-name intern at the DHS.

You move to Mozambique, fucking whore.

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Now THIS is modern art.


genuine art, post hires so I can get it framed


I think you mean for them to take a bath and you to put in a toaster.

Start by not giving out your digits to every good looking rapist you meet.



Use a flip phone. We all know you won't though, slut.

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Ok, if Yellowstone pops off, the sun belches out a flare, or someone fires missiles at us we'll just not inform you because drumpf is a meanyhead.

Oh sweetie... Not only can the government send emergency alerts to your phone, they can also interrupt your radio and television broadcasts to send you a message. It's called the Emergency Broadcast System, and it serves a very important purpose, like giving out Amber Alerts if a child is kidnapped, or evacuation mandates if a hurricane is coming. Our President isn't going to be sending random text message to Americans, ESPECIALLY not to you.

why do these idiots think they're so funny twatting such moronic bullshit ?

it's really just a load of stupid unintelligent garbled cocksucking, but somehow their egos anoint it as being crisp and fresh humor while it's still gestating in their thoughts, just enough to get them to post it

Is this the first time you've heard that cringey ass "asking for a friend" line.

Fucking retard

Attached: dummy.jpg (360x360, 17K)

>why do these idiots think they're so funny twatting such moronic bullshit ?
(((She))) has 3,776 likes! When is the last time you said something important enough to have almost four thousand people upvote you and give you Plebbit Gold?

Yeah, I thought not. She's kind of a big deal.

womenz the majority hahahahahahahhahahah

>ctrl + f
>no results

Having an off day, Jow Forums?

Why are these retards too stupid to realize the president doesn't even send the alert?

Changing your number. Wow these bitches are retarded.

Is she implying there are 450,000,000 people in the US?
>Asking for 99% of blacks, 75% of joos, 66% of spics, and 100% of white traitors.

Did fucking Portugalfag make this? He's doing God's work.

Attached: 1537242997679.jpg (292x257, 29K)

>54 replies
>ctrl-f (((fisher)))
>0 results
What the fuck pol? Do your damn job.

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Attached: meme3.jpg (750x742, 85K)

>U.S. population is 326 million
>Roughly half are women
Frances doesn't math so good.

Now I am conflicted. Shes either based because she hates illegals and non whites or shes too dumb to get it right. I need to see her tits to figure out which is the right answer.

Attached: Confused.gif (360x240, 1.24M)

I didn't laugh until I pictured this being tweeted by someone with down syndrome.
>durr how do i use the technology

>wants to stop sexual predators
>laughs at virgins
What will it be?


ok thanks satan

Attached: (((Twitter))).png (724x525, 111K)

Well, you see, the NPCs have been programmed for months to believe that Drumpf was going to send them a big mean tweet talking about how bigly he won the election, how he was going to make America great again (tm), and how he was going to personally deport their entire family because he is literally Hitler.

Well, of course, that didn't happen, but their programming didn't change, so they're still reacting as if that was the case.

could we start a petition to demand he START sending me personal text messages and whatnot?
i promise ill respond to every one, and ill send bobs and open vagene!

What a dumb cunt

that's a fun joke, but you people get butthurt over everything

But he's not her president shitlord, it was her turn