Stage 3: Bargaining

Stage 3: Bargaining

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If they impeach him on a flimsy charge with no evidence the Republicans are going to do the same thing to the left leaning justices they don't like.

>Bernie still could become president
>Here's how






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Where have I heard of this threat before?

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they really are desperate for civil war.


Can anyone outline their faggot argument so that I don't have to give them clicks?

Does those people really want Pence as president?

Just imagine if Ginsberg dies while Trump is in office after winning a second term. The freak out while be awesome.

1. My feels
2. If 1. is right then I'm right
3. Logic is bad

If they were to write
>If Kavanaugh gets confirmed there is nothing we can do
It would get zero clicks
>It's not over. We still got Kavanaughty
That gets clicks


Thanks user. Sounds about right.

They could actually have reason to impeach ginsburg for not being fit to serve because of how old she is

>in theory
But in practice, if they did that none of them would be elected ever again.

no the republicans will just lose gracefully.


>fighting dirty like democrats
Oh no no no no hahaha

yeah,because republicans wernt doing that for 8 years when obama was president

how's that shit sandwhich taste now that you got donald trump

the correct answer is going to sound like a meme because there literally is no argument for impeachment. that's why they never follow it up with one. The rare few who try end up looking stupid like in .

The mutually understood subtext between democrats is that if they ever had enough seats in the house and senate, they'd impeach trump for NO reason. There doesnt need to be an argument for them to convince themselves. They want trump gone, they'll use any means to do it.

> (OP)
>If they impeach him on a flimsy charge with no evidence the Republicans are going to do the same thing to the left leaning justices they don't like.
Not really an issue if they impeach him then seize total power
But then you'd get that civil war pol wants

How do people get all these glossy, professionally made signs so quickly?

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It's just really tragic if they try that because 1) it's going nowhere without 2/3 of the Senate and 2) it sets a very depressing standard for impeaching ALL future presidents and current Scotus judges. Everything will be a gay, retarded political circus from now on.

>doing anything other than bending over for PC dick


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>Just imagine if Ginsberg dies while Trump is in office after winning a second term. The freak out while be awesome.
>The freak out
user it will be mass hysteria, we could even witness leftists self immolate if it happened. RBG already has a medical team by her side 24/7 just incase she gets hiccups. The left is absolutely in fear of losing her. What’s funnier about the whole situation is that she would have retired when Obama was president had the Dems not completely fucked up their ability to get shit passed in the Senate back in 2010. She’s basically a prisoner right now because she knows once she’s dead/retired that all her progressive Jewish bullshit will be wiped away by another woman who’s far more center right than her.
I’m hoping we get to see something amazing in the next year regarding this. My body is ready.

Literally an hour in photoshop and then a trip to the copy shop and print it out on glossy paper.

SOROS printing
he literally owns printers
and ships them in via private jet

>Be Deanna Paul in November 2016



Why do these fucking journalists constantly put stuff like "Here's how" in their headline? "If Kavanaughs so confirmed, impeachment could follow." Leave it at that you fucking retards. It is implied that the article is going to cover the topic. God damn these stupid cunts.

Her ability to competently do her job has to come under question soon. She's 85 and can't raise her head on her own volition. She always looks at the ground mumbling now. Even during interviews. She looks so tired.



Why do you think this? Are you new?


This is what happens when women are put in charge of making titles for articles. It should be news. People aren't looking for a freaking tutorial. Not even sure why those opinion pieces even appear anywhere near the front page of Google ever.


Ginsburg is going to die on December 13, 2018.

“Bernie can still’s how”

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liberals dont exist anymore. fact.

> We will impeach kavanope if they dare confirm him hurr durr
> Impeachment is impotent without 2/3 of the senate
> Couldn't muster 60 votes in the obummer days but somehow thinks they can get 66 now

Holy fuck, can you imagine how bad the left would flip their shit if that happens?? I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

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Just get your basedboy orbiters to do it
They mostly take up careers like
>freelance graphic design
Or some other tumblrshit

They will lose seats in the Senate next month.

they weren't you fucking moron. don't pretend it's even close to the same

They mean impeachment of Kavanaugh

Impeach on what? Unfit because he got upset that libtards threatened his family? Fuck them, keep pushing faggots.

Did anyone catch Jason chaffetz saying just now 53 votes for Kavanaugh. Q said 53-47

Um guys!

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i-impeach blumpff pls :(

>libtards think they can impeach anyone
Impeachment requires a super majority in both chambers of congress... whether it's a president, supreme court justice or just some fucking random person in the executive branch... If anyone thinks the dems are going to end up with a super majority in both the house and the senate then they are retarded. Even if they end up with a majority in both chambers they still wont be able to impeach anyone. This is just something that the liberal media is trying to use to console all their butt-hurt fans.