Winning physically against leftists

So what can we do to win physically against leftists who are organized? They bring megaphones and make loud noises and their physical presence effectively shuts down free speech. Straight up violence is kind of off the table because zogbots will arrest you.

Do we just have to be even louder? Do we have to just scream at the top of our lungs right into their ears? Do we blow hot air in their faces? Do we spray them with water? Should we burp into their faces? What can we effectively do to:
1) provoke violence on their part
2) shut them down physically
3) overpower their disruption

Give suggestions thx

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Small amounts of copper covered lead entering their bodies at high velocities usually works.

>say something benign
>watch them freak out anyway
>record it
>post it here for keks
>probably redpill a few normies in the process

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

nazis were left wing...

Physical violence. Modern gommies are laughably weak compared to their historical counterparts.

Who fucking cares if they upheld the German race above all?

Tea party-ers/libertarians and Nazis and nazis should hate each other. Libertarians are an ideology of allowing people a greater freedom by limiting govt. Nazis empowered a govt under an idea of civic nationalism.

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Getting megaphones so loud or modify one to be so loud that they have no choice but to hear you. Or a microphone plugged into a massive speaker and put the speaker in something like a steel cage so they have a major issue breaking it.

What is your definition of "left wing" then? National Socialism definitely isn't what you would call "left wing" these days. They were ethno-nationalists who felt solidarity for their Volk, but that solidarity had very clear limits and a very clear goal. That kind of socialism is very different to the modern kind of socialism paired with multiculturalism.

>NSDAP were civnats


this, we have to be Christ like and film their madness

To add to this, you could just make sure to position on a rooftop the zombie horde of leftists can’t access and place your speaker there.

Just another retarded mutt that can't understand the difference between National and (((International))) socialism.

>goad and manipulate them into ulterior circumstances
>lead them into terrain that is poor and disruptive to a protestor body
>quietly jump the worst and most exposed of the antifa, just fucking do it bro and understand you have the skill to get away with it (as well as the fact the cops just don't fucking care and quietly support you, just don't kill him)
>when they put their sign in their face, grab it out their fucking hand and retreat into your own protestor bloc
>when you can just make them tremble with awful insults, do it; when you can intimidate them, do it
>understand the way to win is to simply terrorize them as hard and as aggressively as you can but strictly within the context of the event's relative Overton window
>steal their shit, when they chase you for it throw it on the ground between you and them keep running


*Ethnonationalist, sorry I got my buzzwords mixed, I don't spend the majority of my time on this board.

>understand the way to win is to simply terrorize them as hard and as aggressively as you can but strictly within the context of the event's relative Overton window
Yeah, this is the way I feel. Brownshirts did not win back the streets by asking nicely and making compelling arguments. This isn't the way leftists have won the streets of today. You have to be physically present, ready to fight, ready to make sacrifices.

Good tactics there, thanks for sharing!

you have to man it's certainly not like any of us want to be evil dicks but the only way to stop evil dicks is to be more of an evil dick in the moment to them

I wish you the best man, I seriously do

you do know that your IP can be tracked and you can be acctually arrested?

Distraction tactics. For every one or two or three or whatever actual events, hold a fake meeting for them to exhaust themselves on. If a real meeting is engaged physically by the leftists, just have everybody leave instantly to reconvene at a later date. Make sure everybody understands this beforehand.

Hold online events for small events rather than physical ones. The large events can afford to have the people there who are willing to engage physically with the leftists.

It's just like regular socialism but without the plausible deniability with regard to what they intend to do to nonwhites, which is why international socialists pretend to disavow them.

Lets zippity zop 'em in the boopity bop

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Nonwhites do not belong in Europe. Also lmao if you believe in the holohoax like a good little goy.

Allow groups like Proud Boys to physically attack them. The media won't attack them like they did to those RAM guys and they wouldn't get insane sentances like they did. They can't call PBs neo nazis or white supremacists like they can with RAM or IE since they let in based nogs and "tan americans".

RAM and IE should stick to the media and win hearts and minds.