Why is the Leaf so obsessed with our politics?

It seems like they should be focused on Maple Syrup production, or arguing over Trudeau's culture appropriation or some Canadian thing. I swear, I see more Canadian flags who know more ins & outs of American politics, US government structure, who's doing what etc than most Political Science Majors.
What is their deal?

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Because our country is boring as fuck compared to your dumpster fire

stop posting here , you are not welcome on these boards you fucking leaf

This. Greatest leaf hobby is laughing at the absolute state of ameritards while enjoying our FREE healthcare

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Because every time the USA fucks up our economy takes a nosedive

So it’s projection then

because ours is shitty and boring, we got it really bad.

Hey, our trash people get free healthcare. The rest of us are just glad we don't need free healthcare or get taxed 50%

Nothing ever happens here and your shit is constantly rammed down our throats by the media and you can’t escape from it on the internet.

I do feel sorry for the rest of the world.

USA is completely stupid & knows 0 about your politics. "Hur derr - who's the Canadian prime minister?". Meanwhile the rest of the world knows Oklahoma is conservative & about to possibly elect a Democratic governor.

Dude it's meme tier shit and it's not free. I did my undergrad in Ottawa (why? fucking learned nothing) and the wait times are like on par with the US Veterans Affairs, not to mention you lose like half your income above 50k bracket to fund that abortion

I hope people stop being so abusive to you guys on average, and that you all completely gut your government and cabinet so that we all actually can be friends for real and none of this multiculti Rothschild friend bullshit

Everything we do impacts them massively because we're an enormous recipient of their exports. We're also massively more influential than them geopolitically despite being their neighbors, which gives them a raging inferiority complex.

Don’t worry, Weed man is not very popular any more here.

They are trying to find out how to make the Dondal in maple vill

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This right here @===> - - - - youtu.be/nRsi2giKki4

Jow Forums is basically an American board. So what else is there to focus on aside from our own general?

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It's because of the CBC. They can't cover much of Canadian politics because that would hurt the uniparty and them by extension, so half the time is spent talking about LGBT/Feminsm propaganda and the other half is spent saying "Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people."

It's akin to sexual tension I believe

Because at least 2/3 of what Canadian news covers is American politics. Trump being in power is something that works out in Trudeau's favor. Any potential scandal involving Trudeau (Aga Khan, for example) gets memory holed while CBC is autisically screeching about the latest thing Trump did.

This is where Canadian arrogance comes from, subsidized healthcare. Most Canadians completely ignore how screwed over we are in every other aspect of our lives economically because we have free, reactive Healthcare. Canadians are fuckin stupid.