If everyone else votes by party line, do we even need to be concerned about this cum goblin and his wishy washy bullshit? Even with a tie Mike Pence will electroshock the tie breaker.
Do we even need this jizz janitor's vote if everyone else votes as expected?
Bonus Question:
Is he actually a semen demon or is he posturing in order to help the republicans come out the other side looking like they give a shit? Or is he just making it look like he alone is the one that gives a shit (virtue signalling)?
Murkowski is apparently being a little bitch too, so we may need Flake
Murkowski is looking like a likely "no" if you've been watching twitter closely.
Not looking too great, especially if we have to put our hope in Flake the flake.
He's angling for his post Senate job of either lobbyist or corporate no show job where he makes 500k a year. Guaranteed Dems have offered him something along those lines
Party line is 51 49. If he alone defects its 50 50 unless they do the vote without the wedding dad
Yup and that is the way this works. Democrats run as republicans then cash out after their (((work))) is done. These people should be shot in the head and placed in a town square for treason.
Was he always one of these RINO fucks? I've never paid attention to him.
quitting the senate to make a run for president, possibly as a democrat. absolute virtue signal.
Any GOP votes no they are not only weak but are saying anyone can be accused without evidence. Let that sink in. Democrats are for a police state where rule of law does not apply.
what a cum commando
What if Flake has the greatest comeback arch ever? Is that a chance? Seems unlikely. Looks more like any excuse to vote no and pocket some illegal money somewhere.
>implying the only reason he shouldn't be confirmed is that somebody accused him of rape
Never mind the Supreme Court isn't supposed to be a political position
That's literally the only argument against him. The rest is nonsense. "He supports torture, he's a jesuit, blah blah"
Would be cool if flake showed up to the vote with the Majin symbol on his forehead, having gotten some balls from lindsay graham.
Arizona is such a cucked state it's unbelievable
What exactly is this skeet mosquito saying?
She is still undecided
She's been listening to "rape survivors" one on one all day. People are saying she's been very receptive of them so far.
Though that's all we've heard. No official statement. The buzz on twitter is that she's leaning "no", take that how you will.
He's a senator from Arizona. Of course he is a rino neocon fuck
She sounds like she wants to be convinced Kavanaugh is a rapist despite there being zero evidence.
I sure hope not because he's a solid "No". Have no disillusions, he will Flake.
Flake the fake will forsake
>little (((warlock))) gives him power for his soul
>tries to show up his dead friend
Next up he will turn on his new master and die
Then we'll all feel sad