Which one of you guys did this?

Ok, which one of you guys did this

Attached: l-6359-australian-whistleblower-leaks-spy-documents-to-4chan.jpg (700x700, 190K)


its probably true. they probably were. they left out the fake part though.

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Jow Forums users left. They were effective when needed.


Lmao vice did some real reporting for once.

They forgot the other part


Leak some real shit next time or expect to be shit on again

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That guy is literally in jail now.


VICE is just butt hurt. That are resorting to bismerching Jow Forums because they're not an option for leakers. Jow Forums gets so many whistlebloers, we call the time wasters gay, fag, niggers, kikes... you get the jist.

this happens from time to time

Old as shit and that was /b/

>Jow Forums

ah yes, there once was such a place

This is an old article, and newfags are biting. This is a bait thread. If you responded to this, you can tell its a bait thread because there is nothing of content in the first post (The OP for really newfags)

Another great way to tell is to hover over their user id, and in this case it is a tell all

>1 post by this ID

This means someone put a dumb picture with no real info and you slugs respond to it.

Do I have to explain SAGE To you?

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I do want to add that it was real. There was AUS intelligence leaked here, and we discounted it as "Fake and gay" as we normally do .

it's fake n gay until you post a picture of your cock with a timestamp in the oval office

What documents are these exactly?

I did.

I was one one those anons yeah. I read one sentence of OPs post and then said it was fake and gay. Saged him too. It was just another one of those nights where I had 10-20 different pol tabs going at once.

>Be Bruce Sheepdip
>Spend your whole life shitposting
>Find some juicy rl secret spy shit
>Post it for your cobbers on Jow Forums
>No cunt believes you due to previous shitposting
>Huff petrol and pass out in a pool of piss and puke at the foot of an emu war shrine
Such is life in the outback

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Pick one

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but what does it mean, user?

based and redpilled

Q predicated this

top kek

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poor m8, we let him down.

Why didnt this shitposting cunt use a proxy

Posts like this is why I keep coming back here.


Everything is both gay and fake unless proved otherwise or is based.

Von Braun was so based

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it's a good thing he's gay

yeah because it was probably shit. we already knew what the guy was already leaking, its not hard to put two and two together especially when western intelligence agencies are so inept

Why the hell are you replying then, u old vet ?

If he wasnt gay he is now

> "The level of harm may never be known," the judge said.

We'll never know that there was no harm, because they'll never admit it

Not your army m8

Though not fake, the documents, to be fair, were in fact gay.

>FAKE and Gay.
Vice can fuck up a wet dream.

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this too, is gay

there was another one where op was just called fake and gay over and over, came out at his trial lol
