Redpill me on the massive attack on testosterone Jow Forums

Could the falling T levels and sperm count be responsible for soibois?

How do I increase my T? Is there a specific workout that'll work for me if I'm a skinny fat person? What should my diet consist of? And do multinutrient tablets work?

Attached: testosterone-benefits.jpg (806x451, 65K)

It's gotta be all the plastic, processed shit food, pesticides, air pollution and destruction of our systems through the abuse of antibiotics, birth control and all that shit. So just don't live in the west and you should be good

Where do I go then? To Africa? I'll be killed there because I'm white.

There's no place left. Accept your fate as a western soiboi

They sell (((pills))) for that

Self-loathing faggot. It's not over till it's over.

Do they work? Have you tried some?

Eating healthy and exercising can make a hell of a difference, that’s all you need dude. Eat lots of red meat and jog a little every day.

I'm the left except my sex drive is really high
what does it mean

What if I'm vegetarian and only eat eggs? Is there no hope for me? Will I have to take the meat pill?

Yeah. Shitposting aside. This guy is right. I started lifting this year and taking garlic and vitamin d supplements and avoid all junk food. I feel really good now. It's like my brain fog is gone.

You need to at least get some protein. Eat lots of nuts, beans, and eggs. Red meat is preferable though. Eat a steak, faggot.

Exercise is equally important. Jogging/running alone is indispensable. Everyone should run.

That means you'll be a madman and a rapist conquerer of women if you transformed yourself to the right. You'll fuck everything in sight. The fish in your water tank will stop moving when you come home. You'll fuck all your goals with your 24x7 hard-on.

You need 750mg of test per week stacked with 50mg anadrol per day.

How do you manage garlic breath?

Thanks for the advice man. I gotta start doing that shit quick. And I agree, running is fucking awesome.

Will that shit make my balls shrink and give me boobs when I'm older?

Only if you stop taking it

You can try fasting too

That would turn you into a greasy waterballoon with tits and tiny nuts. Don't take steroids until you know what you are doing.

Yeah I don't want to be hooked to some shit all my life. Any natural tips?

What kind of fast though? Water only? Or are you talking about intermittent fasting?

Yep. Miss me with that shit.

Step one: lift weights and exercise 3-4 days a week, if you cant afford a gym do some callisthenics and simple cardio

Step two: clean up your diet, eat 80-90% whole foods, minimal bread, minimal sugar and avoid onions (most processed foods) high protein, decent fat and lower/better carbs like fruit, oatmeal and rice

Step three: sleep at least 7 hours a day, 8-9 is best but 6 is not enough for an average

Step four: stop watching porn and beating off every day or every other day, your body know the difference between real sex and jerking off. Keep the latter as minimal as possible and try to get sex instead use your pent up energy as motivation to do other things including finding mating opportunities.

Step five: cut out alcohol and weed, both are estrogenic and should be indugled in minimally, a bit a alcohol here and there is ok but keep consumption low.

Step six: do all of the above for a year, start with realistic changes and work up to a healthier lifestyle, once you start getting in shape the changes come easier. You will feel results and want to do more, no need to go strict all at once and then backslide. Your body will enjoy better food, exercise and yes even less jerking off. It can be done.

(Step seven: after a year get your test levels measured, if still low keep going another year and test again, if still low consult about TRT- if over 40 shorten timeline by 6-8 months)

Take hcg for the balls and Nolvadex for the gyno. The only problems you'll have is mega high cholesterol and super rage. I say take it for 10 weeks and get as big as you can then quit, but you won't want to. Also anadrol Tabs are hepatoxic

Thanks for the really detailed post leafbro. I appreciate it.

I'm skinny fat. Which means I gain weight faster and gain muscle slower. Do you have any knowledge about what kind of workout would be best for me?

And what pills do you take to counteract the side effects of those pills you just mentioned?

It doesn't cause garlic breath. Coffee is much much worse for your breath than garlic supps. I also take a small amount of zinc every day. I think that probably helped the most. Don't take 50mg ones. Break them into smaller pieces. Messes with your copper absorbtion if yo u take too much

I've been jerking off before sleep every night. I can't sleep now without jerking off.

Oh so you take garlic pills? I thought you ate regular garlic. Thanks for the pro tip on the zinc man.