>OTTAWA -- Canada has not included the United States in an upcoming meeting aimed at saving the international trading system because it doesn't share the views of the 13 invited countries, says the new Canadian trade minister.
>Canada will host senior ministers from 13 "like-minded" countries for a two-day discussion in Ottawa later this month to brainstorm ways to reform the World Trade Organization, said Jim Carr, Canada's newly appointed international trade diversification minister.
Burgers on suicide watch... he messed with the wrong leafs...
>Canada's new trade agreement with U.S. and Mexico contains one clause that could have a big impact on national sovereignty and puts the agreement itself at risk in the long run.
>Inside the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a provision that allows any member country to essentially veto free trade agreements with non-member countries by dissolving the USMCA to form a bilateral agreement instead.
A great brown wave has been taking over at an alarming rate lately...and nobody is doing anything to stop it.
Jaxson Hughes
>Canada will host senior ministers from 13 "like-minded" countries for a two-day discussion in Ottawa later this month to brainstorm 1. North Korea 2. Yemen 3. Mozambique 4. Venezuela 5. Cuba 6. Argentina 7. Sierra Leone 8. Liberia 9. Malawi 10. Burundi 11. Haiti 12. Somalia 13. Chad!
Angel Gonzalez
I believe those are Canadian "Rangers". Those are WWII rifles they are carrying - .303 British Lee Enfield No.4 MK.1 bolt-action rifles. One killed a polar bear with one several years back.
Jacob Garcia
I thought international trade negotions involving cuckland had to now involve the US as per our latest trade agreement. Looks like I have to notify a few bureaucracies that leafs can't be trusted.
Kek. Nevermind I was going to rat you leafs out but now I see why the US doesn't care. Enjoy your third world status.
Evan Barnes
I told some leaf (who was running his mouth about trump) just last week to get ready to be skull fucked in the trade negotiations.
I can't ask him, but how does it feel? I hope you all dump that idiot next election.
Aiden Perez
This is a shitpost, right?
Evan Allen
The average leaf is so retarded that they believe it when Trudeau claims victory because a dairy cartel retains the right to assfuck the canadian consumer while giving enormous ground in terms of economic autonomy.
It doesn't effect me personally and I am past caring for the welfare of any other Canadians at this point.
Unironically some of the best troops in the world for what they do and where they are. They aren't gonna be fast roping into a hot LZ any time soon, but then again Ranger batts aren't going to be doing 6 week LRRPs at 70 deg north in January, either. If I was a Russian infiltrator, a fat Eskimo with a .303 and a lifetime of patience is about the last thing I'd want sniffing on my trail.
Adam Miller
>trade diversification minister >Diversity™ Good to know that the Canadian government knows what's important...
I'm in BC but some of us here and pretty much all of the leafs in the prairies have nothing good to say about him. Sad thing is even our conservative party is a joke now with sheer as the leader so voting for that party is really not an option.
I'm voting for Mad Max and the People's Party of Canada if I can. Only white person who is not a cuck.
Owen Torres
.303 brit can take down elephants, you're surprised about a polar bear?
Xavier Murphy
Have lived in Seattle for 15 years, yep those are what the average Seattlites look like
Matthew Jackson
kek >USMCA >Mexico before Canada topkek
Nolan Jones
>leafs trying this hard to appear to still have power and be relevant
I almost feel sorry for them lol. Think it's funny how Trudeau took a page from Trump's book about just not inviting your trade adversary to the talks and trying to make them feel left out. I don't think it will work out for him, though, because Trump isn't a cuck like Trudeau.