University Offered course to protest kavanaugh for credit

>The class, called "Engaged Citizenship," invited USM students to bus down to Washington, D.C. to join political demonstrations.

>Students could get one credit by enrolling.

>"The idea was here's this bus going, the seats on the bus are free and students could have an opportunity to come and participate," Dr. Susan Feiner said.

>Doctor Susan Feiner, a retired professor from the University of Maine, created the class.

>Feiner says she did all of the required work to get the course approved through a grant.

>"Everybody at the university signed off on this grant and been really happy about it," Feiner said.

How does pol feel about tax payers paying protesters to protest the presidents nominee?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope we finally get to use the microwave riot guns soon

"Yes goy, put yourself into more student debt to protest for us!"

>Anons: "where do all these people at the protests come from? How can they just take off work/school??"

>Reeeee us leftists are so oppressed, fascist conservative white male establishment REEEEEEE

>approved through a grant
I wonder who might have provided the grant

Another nutty professor.

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I've been asking this shit for over a year. And now I have an answer.


Jesus Christ. Why is Jow Forums right literally every fucking time?!