The American diet and its effects on testosterone

have any studies been done on this? I keep hearing how men’s test levels are at record lows and keep dropping. Why? Why do 9 year old American girls look like pic related now? Are we “evolving” or is something more sinister happening?

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Other urls found in this thread:

And why does the average zoomer male look like this?

>no muscle tone
>no facial hair
>FAS face

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Gib milkies

I love this dance so much

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Hormones in pretty much everything. Trace amounts but enough where it adds up.

Xeno estrogens, Probably in fast food as well as 24/7 comforts

>those shit-tier toes

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>looking at her toes

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>American Diet
I submit this counter argument

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Her little beer belly is so cutsie

>foot fag
Absolutely haram.
According to this article, scientists in fertility say its plastics not onions that are ruining men. Also I average dick development is even not happening like it used to. "anogenital distance (AGD)—the measurement between the anus and the genitals" is shrinking.

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She's fat..

BPA in plastics and especially microplastics in our water, powdered BPA on receipt paper, birth control hormones pissed into our water, plant estrogens from onions, and even animal estrogens from milk that is harvested from cows that are pregnant for 90 percent of their lives all both inhibit testosterone receptors and act as estrogens in our bodies. Thus you get a population that is overly emotional (suicide goes up), less logical, and less manly. You also get 9 year old girls with enormous tits and who learn that their only value is through thottery at an early age by posting slefies for likes and dancing with Jamal. You get basedboys that want to be cucks and vote against their race. This is honestly the most disastrous issue facing the world today. All problems political and societal can be traced back to the estrogenic chemical vectors I have posted.

Pic is only to grab attention.

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her tits would still be big if she was healthy instead of being a fat fuck.

hormones, water, gay frogs, etc.

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could a fat person do this?

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ayyyyyy its lil tay!

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This type of girl only has her looks to go on. I wouldn't be surprised if she never even graduated high school. Once those looks fade, it's all downhill.

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for fucks sake can you guys stop using this child as the pic related

Idk, can you stop being a namefag?

Because they don't exercise or go outside. What's interesting is even the poor ones are like that for some reason. The biggest divide between rich and poor has to be the 80s babies. Born in 1987 and grew up in the suburbs as a kid? Become basedboy or SJW. They go into Polyamory vegan lifestyles and are offended at everything. Born in 1987 and live in a trailer or apartment unsupervised as a kid? Become tough.

I met a couple born in 1986 from trailer park who were very tough and don't give a fuck. They had kids were on disability, but didn't care if they offended people from what they said about race, could fight well and were into gun culture and country music. Almost like they were another generation. I've seen similar from the born poor 80s born Millennials. Almost all of them have kids too and fighting is an everyday thing. The ones who were middle class as kids but are poor now don't count.

most likely phenyl estrogens from increased onions consumption. Increases feminity and decreases masculinity. Onions is more invasive than joos

Bumping because I think this needs discussed

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also like other posts said diet consists of high fat foods. Breasts are literally sacs of fat. proabaly why children pubescents look so mature and have large breasts

high fat diets don’t make you fat unless you eat carbs

Not enough rare beef or good quality beef, plus tons of antibiotics and vaccines that destroy the gut and brain

I would also like to add that onions is in literally EVERYTHING. Check the labels on what you eat, I promise nearly all of it says "contains onions". But you know what is in even more of what we eat than onions? BPA from microplastics in our water, BPA in the containers that we store ingredients in, and BPA on the receipts that fast food workers throw in right next to your food touching the fries in the bag and everything. Your tap water is contaminated, milk is contaminated, food is contaminated, toys and bottled water is contaminated. Even fucking well water is contaminated. What can we do?

carbs are sugars which turn into fats after some time. fats are sugars that have already turned into fats. With increased sedentary behaviour carbs will turn into fats but diet introduces fats into body without the middleman

Why do so many people think fat becomes body fat? Fats are very important for a healthy diet. They can be the energy source that replaces carbs for people who want to be thin.

where does the energy go if people just sit in their room playing fortnite?

The white pill is that once this shit, including usanons chemicals in the water is eradicated, will be naturally selected out of existence.

Chin up and make a difference cunt. We can't expect God to do all the work.

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Bro that is just wrong. Fat only becomes body fat if it is broken down into sugars and stored in a fat cell. Dietary fats become the building blocks of the lipids and cholesterols that form our cell membranes, etc.

Drink organic pigs blood out of a whine jug, or juice your own fruits and vegetables and store in glass jars

Cooperate with envirocucks to reduce the amount of plastic used as packaging would be a start. If bringing your own container to the supermarket was the standard for most foods you could dodge a large amount of plastics right there

if ur burning fat for everything it come from fat
if ur burning sugar for everything u will continuously consume doritos

maybe you need to visit the "new order of barbarians" info

>fats are sugars

go read a book nigger


I've seen other webms of her, who is she?
Salsa porfavor señor


So what? If she has kids and is a good mother she'll be more satisfied with her life than any amount of indoctrination could provide.

I unironically listen this.

Ah, she's not as fat as she looked sitting down. Still it proves my point even more. If she lots a little weight all the good parts would be pretty much unchanged.

I haven't eaten anything in three days.

>Brown eyes
>Busted face
>Ugly toes


a literal breeding heffer





Very cool blog. Loved all the anecdotal evidence.

What do you guys think about boiling all water and then condensing the vapor before ingesting it? Is that even remotely possible? I think that even microplastics could be done away with so long as they don't rise with the heat along with the water vapor. If they do, then the only other solution would be putting a plastic eating microbe in the water and then boiling it after the microbe breaks it all down so that you can collect the water from the condensed water vapor. But that is just even less energy and money efficient. Btw, pigs blood will contain mamalian estrogen.

16 year old Instagram thot (gained internet popularity at age 15)

>ugly mongoloid feet

Combination of things like birth control, chemicals, behaviors, the femin virus etc.

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Katy Perry is embarrassing

fyi this guy meant soi not onions. onions are great to eat raw....they give you a major boost of energy

most makes sense except bioweapon part.

No fat chicks

Yeah I was typing soi using a zero for the 'o' and then I tried using a 'o' character but those all got filtered still. Fucking hate that filter, makes spreading important ideas very hard and misleading to newfags that don't know about the filter.

I would put my 2inch behemoth so far inside her that whoever kills it would be called Saddam Hussein Al Tikriti

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That second 'o' was supposed to have an accent above it but I guess Jow Forums doesn't support that character I was using.

I haven't looked into this but I can voucher men probably have lower test today.

HOWEVER I have noticed lifting weights and dieting has become almost mainstream today.

I for one have been lifting weights and eating healthy for almost 10 years (since I was 14) and have never had any health problems or out on any medications.

And even though I have been weight lifting for so long I tried using my grandfather's hand tools from the 1950s and they beat the hell out of me. Sore forearms and back after using crank drills and hand saws. I eventually gave in and used my power tools. It was incredible how tough men used to be.

I think people today are just weaker and more fragile today because of industrialization, everything is automated, we drive everywhere, and are just generally blobs.

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Because that boy hasn't hit puberty yet

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Honestly I would shoot so many fucking ropes into this lardass.

He’s 16. I was shaving when I was 12

Lack of exercise is probably the primary reason boys are fat and low test now. I'm sure plastics and estrogens contribute but if every kid worked and played like they used to things would be fine.

As for women, I've seen studies that girls living with a non related man develop earlier. It's probably from all of the stepfathers raising daughters.

That's because you work out your glamor muscles and not the practical muscles you faggot

forgot pic

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>16 years old

that body is about as sustainable as quantitative easing. she'll be a fucking lardass by the time she graduates.

she looks like a spic

grip strength is something a lot of people miss in the gym. manual labor is the best way to develop it

Seems like an entitled retard who was molested by uncle Juan and Estoban the gardener to make her who she is. Those big fat titties and the face are going to melt like wax

Shhh, the cool dog - wine aunts with multiple masters degrees and high paying HR jobs are barely hanging in there as is.

Use those tools everyday for a year straight and you'll be fine.

t. commercial fisherman

After the first day I told myself I'd try the month.
It was eat, sleep, work, for about 3. Now it's not so bad after a year and a half.

>That's because you work out your glamor muscles and not the practical muscles you faggot
yeah well at the end of the day I'm healthy and fit so whatevs

Ridiculous amounts of estrogen in everything

that joke takes me back user. Jow Forumsing original pic

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>I think people today are just weaker and more fragile today because of industrialization, everything is automated, we drive everywhere, and are just generally blobs.
The Confederacy would have fixed this, user.

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>Use those tools everyday for a year straight and you'll be fine.
Sadly there really is no use to using those old hand tools anymore. I can get things do much quicker just using my screw gun and sawzall.

Who cares? My dick is going in her pussy, not her brain. And with that said, who cares if her looks go downhill? Men get more attractive with age (mainly because as a man gets older, he acquires wealth, wisdom, and power), and can always trade up for someone even younger, hotter, and dumber...

>the eyes
>the hair
>the nonsymmetry
>your quads

>yeah babe just eat this and try to look hot
>american relationships

Those feet

>Why do 9 year old American girls look like pic related now?
No idea but it must be why all the prisons here are overflowing.

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Estrogen analogs. They exist in soi and other in chemical residues that end up in our food.

it all leads back to the microplastics in the watert

holy shit....

>mfw Alex Jones was right

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wow perfect but scary

Is this the most pathetic case of clinging to his 15 minutes of fame?

Thank you America. I'm not the only one who can see she is a fat mexi

There is a very discernable difference in xenoestrogens found in things like animal foods and phytoestrogens found in soi. Phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors in the body but do not have the typical female estrogenic effects that xenoestrogens have, so they actually end up blocking a lot of estrogen intake. Fun fact: vegans have higher testosterone than meat eaters and vegetarians.

>Fun fact: vegans have higher testosterone than meat eaters and vegetarians.

Then why are they skinny and look like fags? Don't try to post some bodybuilder that went vegan after he got big, I'm talking about the vast majority of regular people that go vegan and lose all muscle tone.

Many don't eat enough calories. Plenty of meat eaters are the same way.

>2018 quote

fucking faggot

It is a filthy spic. Good on you for not being a cuck that doesn’t see race.