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Silent majority
What pisses me of about those democrats is that they probably don't even know what social democracy is but then when someone calls them out on their bullshit they say, well look at northern europe. Northern europe is still free market and capitalist. Maybe with high taxes but it ain't socialism you asshats.
how many identify as hard right lol the other 3?
No, capitalist.
The implication is that 25% of millennial Republicans are unironic Nazis
I certainly am
I love this timeline.
millenials are retards
more at 11
came here to post this
I wouldn't call myself a socialist of any sort but capitalism is the gayest economic system.
why does the title in the pic say republicans?
I identify as a Flugel
This but unironically
capitalism is the gayest economic system except for all of the others that have been tried
>socialist or democratic socialist
Unless they mistook National Socialist for the above, we can just assume millenials ARE stupid.
all those shining examples of things that weren't capitalism.
You dumb cunt, then they ARE NOT Republicans
>center right is socialist now.
progressive rags - get out.
Churchill can suck my dick. Fucking Zionist piece of shit. Capitalism is not the same thing as trading. Would you call the ancient Romans capitalists or a two medieval peasants making an exchange? No. Capitalism is the system where everything is transformed into a product and economic growth is the only thing that matters. All of this is topped off the basis for capitalism which is usury.
I hate milenials so much.
Pls send your white qts to Florida
>half of millenial republicans trust the government
Not sure if funny.
>1 in 4 millennial republicans
Haha, I love how they are trying to hide the fact that this is actually only 25% of millennial identify as liberal. Democrat is going to be a completely dead party in 20 years.
>millennial Republicans
Gen Z is where it's at
Feudalism worked fine, Trumptard.
What is NAZBOL
Nazi Bolivians?
Looks like a case of the boomer trying to discredit millennials. I know the whole millennial thing is sort of a meme, but there is a lot of righting wrongs going on with millennials. At least trying to clean up what was given to them.
Wow, that is absolutely bizarre. Why would a socialist be registered as Republican?
Twilight Zone.
Reminder that NAZBOL = Alt-right = Duginist kike psyop
does National Socialist count?
You fucking liked niggers push an ideology identical to communism and you nigger faggots think you're woke. Bwahaha! Dipshit NAZI like rubes. Stay in your holes, you latent faggots.
Kiked* not liked.
yeah, im a socialist all right
>I'm a nationalist and a socialist
Posting on the Internet using mass produced electronics ina fuedalist society .
Yeah ok ...
>1 in 4 are actual nazis
25% of the people in america are not american
2010 called, they want their half-assed weed smoking porn watching ideology back
>Silent majority
>1 in 4
Based and red pilled
nearly half of americans need to die
Che and shit. Hehe. Communism is kewl n edgee. Hehe.
>nearly half
>1 in 4
LMAO libs can't INTO math
How the fuck do we expect them to believe their own fucking polling?
>you're using the internet you're argument against the problems with capitalism are invalid
What perfect meme response.
Shut up, you stupid peasant.
98 percent of polls are full of shit
wow maybe you're good at math but you sure are a dumbass when it comes to reading
quality bait OP, made me look
>hi we are making a poll and would like you to answer couple of questions
>yea sure whatever as long as you don't send telemarketers at my way
>great, so which party do you support?
>republicans pretty much
>ok is there any specific ideology you identify yourself as
>oh yea absolutely national-socialism
>oh socialism like marx and lenin?
>what, i said national-socialism like Commander Rockwell and Doctor Pierce
>I'm sorry I don't know who they are, so socialism it is I see
>no it's natio-
>thank you for your time have a good day
>1/4 of the young republicans are literal Nazis
>millennial republicans identify as democratic socialists
I uh... can it work that way?
i think there are only four millennial republicans
Also a very homogenous population
>1/4 republicans identify as socialists
what kind of socialist
IDK, going over the methodology and complete results, it's entirely possible most of the "Republicans" who ticked the "socialist" box are just uninformed retards.
because it is fundamentally impossible to reform the democratic party, and the republicans in the age of trump are acting more american and nationalist anyway.
plus there are ever growing elements of the left that are more libertarian leaning and have some conservative values, and can now see through this weird post-truth authoritarian clusterfuck going on with the democratic party.
id be happy to answer any other questions
funny part is that those are two completely conflicting political viewpoints
So the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics wasn't Republican?
not for long
It's really fine. All we need to do is get rid of the modern day robber barons and we're good.
I actually am tho
>Buzzfeed poll
So the DNC is so bad they provided 1/3 of the conservative millennial vote?
>that’s a good thing
NEW POLL: People don't know what socialism is and conflate social security with socialism.
And the other 75% are Hoppean ethnonationalists
What is this headline psyop bullshit
>get your shit together son
Capitalists brought this on themselves honestly
Why should I defend a system when I can’t get a job, everything is getting more expensive and my living standards decrease by the day
Confiscate their wealth desu
Enough of the false choice between bankers left and bankers right
The right needs Natsoc now
>le 56% man tries to tell le 93% man that he is brown
The absolute state of mutts.
oh I'm socialist alright.
Just in a Nationalist sense.
That's why Trump's populism is realistic and the traditional Republican (muh free market, ideology over demographics, Bush, McCain Ben Shapiro etc) style conservatism is heading straight for the dustbin of history.
when will euros realize that 'not for long' doesn't mean now, but rather something to come? are all euros retarded?
>Those democrats
Read the text in OP's pic Ahmed.
Do these socialists in the Republican Party favor free enterprise and private property?
Libertarians tend to be pro-private property and very pro-free enterprise. So they fit logically in the Republican umbrella.
Republicans have historically been the party of unbridled capitalism. I don't see how a socialist would fit in the Republican Party.
That poll looks extremely oversampled in a particular area of the USA.
I also came here to post this
>socialist or democratic socialist
A person can only be one of these things
Care to refudiate his valid point, dummy?
Excuse me?
Is national libertarian a thing? Because I think that's what I am.
Like libertarianism but confined within a nation, none of that open borders free trade shit they like to hawk.
>if you use the shit bucket in the gulag you support the gulag
The sad part is that is how it went. Just like that socialist nationalist Steven Crowder debated.
That news headline literally made ZERO sense. Republicans dont identify as socialist or socialist democrats. LOL. Who actually believes this horse shit?
>a person in trouble tries to warn another person - "Hey don't do this, this got me in a lot of trouble"
>heh, he is in much deeper shit than I am, who the hell he is to lecture me about getting in trouble?
you fucking moron
The point of the "56%" meme is that America isn't even white to begin with...the "whites" here are all mutts with at least 10% Indian/Nigger DNA.
If you're an American and you aren't an Anglo supremacist whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower, you can't call yourself white. Sorry.
they'd better, or they're in the wrong party and wont last long.
its hard to answer that because i suspect there are many different types with many different ideas, and some who are just unprincipled idiots.
this is a very, very weird time in this country though. the republicans seem more reasonable on a lot of issues to some of those on the left who are paying attention and havent had their critical thinking skills robbed into suffering from stockholm syndrome; we will never have a functioning healthcare system, a strong economy, good infrastructure, anti-trust laws, or strong families and much of a future to look forward to with these democrats. they just want to sit there and be bought into doing anything and everything and then spin and gaslight with it. so what we get is robbed of our rights, war, weakness, divisive plantation/identity politics, our healthcare held hostage, shitty borders, crumbing infrastructure, overregulation, unfree markets (although good luck fixing this with our central bankers everything bubble) a surveillance state, and a bunch of brain dead zombies who cant take responsibility for themselves but want everything for their fee fees, and fall for orwellian propaganda. fuck that. this is unacceptable and unamerican.
at least with the republicans in the age of trump we might have a chance. gonna need a much smaller, significantly less corrupt pro-american government to get this shit done.. and that sure as fuck is not happening with the democrats.
This. I came across an aj+ vid and they were saying that the ussr and cambodia werent real socialism (shocker) and that western europe is, even though those are market economies like you said but they never made mention of any of that (again, shocker). Theres obviously an agenda going on here
oh they really thought this would happen
Read the link. He just edited the picture to say Republicans.
The picture is edited. The real article says democrats.
all this political and economical shit is confusing. i just want kikes dead. what would you call that?
not Jow Forums