I made history today! What did you do?

Starts at 43

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No fucking way?
That's you?
Timestamp with stripeyshirt

When your adrenochrome dealer doesn't return your calls.


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Dang dude you look pretty white. Scots-Irish or German?

she's starting to look like McCain before he kicked the bucket

nice vid

I know she reaped what she has sown.

but is this the feeling warriors get once achieve victory after they fell their adversaries? the look of defeat in their foes, but instead boasting, I just look at her and feel pity.

Scots-Irish and Finnish

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looking at the still you posted I wonder if she uses a mortician for make up

I'll bite. What happened?

I just took a fat shit, congrats on peeking out of a doorway and not making a stupid hand gesture and getting your ass fired.


She looks like she keeps nearly falling asleep on her feet and wakes up at the last second. I worked with someone who cracked his head open in a car accident and he did the same thing, some sort of brain damage.

congrats on your shit, may your children be blessed

I heard DF almost yelling in the council room beforehand, I knew it was going to be good.

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Did you overhear anything juicy?

i like this chick's take


>that tweet
fucking savage kek

you did good man

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>sexual salt allegations

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>she's not just holding her hands, she's gripping them

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You don't know enough about her then, if you're feeling pity.

She's earned a reckoning.

>I heard DF almost yelling in the council room beforehand

What else happened?

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see this shills? We got anons every where. Good work OP

cheeky fucker

truly nothing is beyond Jow Forumss grasp

I knew you had to be one of us. Congrats, user, enjoy it.

This got a Fight Club Vibe to it. In a not gay way. Proud of you, user.

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I banged ur mom lmao

It's not defeat, it's the realization of defeat. And don't feel sorry for her, she would take from you everything you hold dear.

I see you have a nametag and a suit. You working there?

Geeze Louise OP you remind me of kenneth,

You should have rubbed your hands together like pic related, would have been funny

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Is that you walking past in suspenders?

Peeety cool bro.

That's why men have a sense of chivalry. Let's the vanquished retire with a shred of dignity. Did I hear Grassley is letting her resign the Senate rather than prosecute her? That's chivalry. Don't expect it from the left.

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Looks to me like somebody disappointed Moloch, and Moloch doesn't like to be disappointed.

This was her at the start of the Kavanaugh bullshit.
Was it only a week ago.
You don't need to be a body language PhD to see she's intimidating Sen, Alaska.
From this bully to weeping dishrag in a week.
Timeline is comfy.

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god speed annon gas the kikes

>chivalry is about succumbing to hubris and cucking in order to virtue signal and feel smug, all while assuring your enemy that there are no real consequences for their attempted treachery

kys memeflag, Feinstein was done for anyway that's why they used her. Totally expendable, she is being replaced with DeLeon.

you clearly dont know how evil she is annon to feel pitty for someone like that. I mean i get if you feel sad for an old woman but she is pure evil and deserves to see the evil empire she created crumble.

>Dang dude you look pretty white
If you don't look like that it's almost certain that you're not white

Murkowski is such a bitch. All our congress reps are such fucking cucks

don't you put yourself at risk by just posting on here?

Pity you didn't do a salute.

someone should replace you with pepe


Half of the conservative writers lurk here almost all the newer libertarian and GoP staff do as well.

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She seems to be losing control of herself.. might be unfit for office

What a syrupy delicious feeling. It feels so good it must be bad for me.

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so my shitposting might actually have an effect on actual government workers? dope.

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Maybe Scott Adams was right about how social media is going to shape our political process for the rest of eternity
And that's a good thing! (because Jow Forums has massive influence)

Nice one

the faggot discords are constantly posting niggers and drump threads, they now act like trolls when they get exposed by those that have infiltrated their shit
