Start reading the bible out of curiosity

>start reading the bible out of curiosity
>Halfway through genesis
>God has so far delighted with animal sacrifice, ordered circumcision of babies, apparently sees no big deal with Lot banging his daughters but sees a problem when any Egyptian king sleeps with Abraham's wife which Abraham himself sold to them, oh and God sanctioned him sleeping with his maid for children.

When does this book get holy? New Testament? Because so far its just degeneracy and filth of all kinds. Being a sikh I actually had to read Guru Granth Sahib to cleanse mind and get a good holy sense of God again.

Attached: bigstock-Holy-Bible-Closeup-81548951-1.jpg (1024x683, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread: 2:25-29&version=KJV

That is from the Hebrews, all the evil shit.
Turn to science, which will lead you back to God.
Start with the double slit experiment.

Just because something happens in the old testament and God doesn't immediately strike people down doesn't mean he approves of their actions.
This guy is at endgame level so it may or may not make sense.

Read this. It's extremely based and redpilled. While Paine may not have been 100% woke and while I don't agree completely with all of his opinions, his analysis of the Bible is extremely enlightening.

(repost, forgot pic)

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The New Testament foretells the coming of Christ and revealing the Old Testament to be false words of God forged from the Synagogue of Satan which is Israel and its fake Israelites.

Are you missing the part where God decreed the murder of first born sons? Or the part where God decreed to kill all the men, women, children, and livestock of the Canaanites?

Start with the Gospels, then the Epistles, then the wisdom Books. After that then move on to Genesis and Exodus.

Can't blame you for hating it, when you start believing Jewish myths you get Jewish insanity.

Kennites are the sons and daughters of Cain, literally Serpent Seed.

Just skip ahead to Bible II, the New Testiment.
Or skip way ahead to Bible III, the Book of Morman.

lmao this fucking thread is going to be hilarious

that was jewish god not real god

Like Tom Campbell?

Literally just started today and got to chapter 29 so far and man it's so hard to concentrate with all the lineage shit

>everyone is sinful but me
people that say that are the most prideful, which is a sin

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop Chr*stian dogs from advancing. We mow down Chr*stian dogs but they keep coming. I shoot Chr*stian dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering Chr*stians, since Chr*stians are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. Chr*stian were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are, the Ch*stians capture me and tell me to convert to their jewish cult, I smile and cough, I start laughing coughing blood I say Odin ALLFATHER bless me by your hand, I get shot again, I cough blood laughing before giving one last shout to reach the skies and beyond HAIL ODIN ALLFATHER, I get shot, I lie down, facing up to sky and I see ODIN smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Valhalla, my homeland. My NORSE brethen gave me a warm welcome to Valhalla. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

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The serpent is the kundalini, part of the natural Gentile religion prior to the kike filth. The Jews have always hated it.

OT shows a lot of God's wrath and justice, some mercy and love.
NT shows a lot of God's mercy and love, some wrath and justice.

Attached: tytler.jpg (360x321, 26K)

Once literacy increased, and once the bible was translated from the Latin for the common people to read, people figured out that it was nothing more than a book of fables cloaked in foul jewish symbols. If I was a jew I would get such a high off seeing all these dumb goys reading my ancestors' books like they were the words of God.
If the gospels were the entire book, I would easily be a Christian, but instead the gospels are put side-by-side with a bunch of Jewery, inane laws, long chronicles of genealogies to which I have no ancestral connection, boring poetry (psalms), and prophecies about jewish tribes which, again, I have no connection with. Reading Leviticus and I Chronicles and the end of Exodus was the greatest exercise in boredom I have ever mustered in my life. It was painful. I skipped whole chapters of Numbers which are just endless repetitions of names and figures that no sane story-teller would include unless he were some sort of autist. I enjoyed Ecclesiastes quite a bit. Isaiah too, was enjoyable.

In short, it is a book written by jews and for jews, and the new testament would have been much better without the old testament stacked along with it.

>old testament god is an evil bastard
>muh Jesus is the real god, and he is love, nothing like the old testament cruelty
>but we still like some of the old testament laws and acts of YHWH
>Jesus is also supposed to be the fulfillment of the god of the old testament in the flesh, one and the same with god (don't try wiggling out with the semantic games)
>Jesus is love and forgiveness
>but you'll burn in hell for not believing the Jew god

This, tbhon.

Jews are centuries of cultivated filth and degeneracy, it's why they only end up in places like pornography and banking. David and goliath is the absolute character of the jew, where trickery and cowardice is praised as overcoming the archetype of the devout warrior. Also if you're reading the old testament you must realize it's not monotheistic at all either, it accepts other gods exist and have power, like moses confronting the pharoah's magicians, he's just their bronze age jew superman that's better.
Christians are literally all insane due to trying to reconcile this with a new testament that tells them the opposite.

The god of the Old Testament Yahweh is NOT the Christian god.

Here’s a real red pill. The Jews of today follow the Talmud. They ignore the Old Testament. Jews today do not worship Yahweh. Yahweh was a god of the old Israelite/Canaanite religion And he was only one of the gods he wasn’t even the supreme god, just the they used to worship above others.

Christianity should worship the absolute supreme god of this universe. This god is never named since it is so divine, so perfect it is considered in-nameable. He is the lord of lords and god of gods.

Now Jews hate Christians, like really hate Christianity. They have infiltrated the church and has the Bible edited so as to trick Christian into worshiping Yahweh when they are not supposed to. Most Christians worship the wrong god because of Jewish tricks.

OP don't expect much the New Testament is literally Jewish fanfiction

>The New Testament foretells the coming of Christ
The New Testament was written and compiled after Christ, dumdum.

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Take the gospels and apply them in the same spot, with Odin instead of Yahweh and Jesus as an iteration of Baldr. Oddly enough, you pretty much end up then with the exact same thing as Hinduism, and we have created the true Aryan religion. Also I'm drunk.

That's an awesome looking video I'll check it out tomorrow I spent 2 and half hours earlier with an audio book I just dont want so much a simplifies version but the real thing

>reading the OLD testament
read the NEW testament you fucking braindead retard and/or kike

Here's another favorite of mine for all those Ezekiel bread lovers.

Ezekiel 4:12
>And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.

>Christianity should worship the absolute supreme god of this universe. This god is never named since it is so divine
Fuck off you're either LARPing or a nervous bundle of poorly held together rationalizations who doesn't understand Christianity at all

The Christian god's name IS God, for that embodies all of what it is supposed to be.

It's the same degree of absoluteness as in Arabic languages, Allah = God and all other gods are defined with the plural, genericzed definition of that word/name as well

If you want a real redpill go look up Sky Father, the original deity that bore the linguistic root of "God" in many Western languages. It also explains why some Eastern cultures worship the idea of Heaven rather than a deity.

Go kys you pagan fucktard


>something, something, only came for the lost israelites, something something, but you dogs can have scraps from the (((masters'))) table
>there is no scythian, greek, jew, or roman, all one in christ, now let in some more africans

How do you get into Hindusim? I have no idea honestly and have always been curious.

what bible are you fucking reading??
schlomo translation 2019 edition?

> make up nonsense post it on Jow Forums
You are truely a faggot go tip your fedora then put a bullet it your head



Hail Odin the Allfather you don't know what you do, you will all suffer for eternity in Hel opposing Odin the Allfather.

I watched Dazed and Confused last night...Richard Linklater seems pretty fucking redpilled on the nature of the jew, because he had the jewiest guy in the movie play out that exact archetype. Fhe dude gets punked out, spends 45 minutes fuming over it and calling the guy who punked him out a "nazi" and a "fascist dominant male!" while hatching some harebrained scheme to pay thw guy back for the burning social defeat. Meanwhile the dude has entirely forgotten about it, until.the jew sucker punches him, and the original antagonizer then beates the shit out of the jew and moves on.

It's hard to know how to comment in a thread like this as a person with a hard-won knowledge of Biblical Theology (the academic field, not just "the theology I garner from reading the Bible").
I've read the Bible, in its totality, from front to back, at least five times (and probably more times than that), and that's not even counting incidental or devotional reading.
It is a profoundly complex compendium of works, and if you are astonished that you find a book written in parts before the Pyramids were constructed difficult to grasp on a first reading, I don't know what to tell you.
I blame the Protestants for idea that you should just be able to "comprehend" it, since it's the universal word of God to everyone on earth.
Problem is, that's a myth.
The works that comprise the Bible are savage, alien, and bizarre in many parts.
In that, it is a very honest portrayal of the human condition.
It is also not for you, exactly.
You must meet it on its own terms.
It's been around way before you ever came along, and it will continue to exist long after you are gone.
The Bible has raised up and destroyed civilizations.
It's not for children.

Modern Hinduism is basically Christianity. The kikes subverted the east long ago. It's moralistic bullshit now.

Unironically this. I set out to disprove kike physics and this inadvertently lead to me going on a fucking wild rollercoaster ride until I found the "finger print" of God. The pure irony of it is there really isnt a way to describe it without sounding like a complete fucking nutjob. My attempts to reconcile the fact that it sounds like pure nuttery unless you sit down and do the figuring out for yourself lead me to my second revelation. 1) There is a God 2) He has a really funny sense of humor

Shit, any good religions out there to look into?

Your shitty pilpul might work on 90 IQ idiots but not me Chaim, you kikes always make and post in these threads the same trite nonsense, over and over again, day after day. You take quotes out of context, you use fallacies, you bring up platitudes. Sickening behavior fitting of a sickening group of people.

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Intredasting. Read samples of it and I'll continue reading.

From a glimpse of it, you seem right and it seems the jewification of Christianity started with the bible itself lumping old testament (and what clearly reads like something written by jews high on talmud) with Jesus's message.

You can always tell when you've accidentally struck the truth by how vehemently the kikes and their puppets come back.
Enjoy your shitty religion created by Saul of Tarsus, you fucking faggot.

Did you miss the part where those people were evil? It would be like sacking California. If you actually read the Bible and not meme it then everything God allows to happen to people is justified.

ESV faggot. I tried KJV but its too old english.

No clue. I tried reading the Bhagvad Ghita once but that shit sucks. That's why I prefer tye Norse/Germanic tellings of the tales.

Those are the best parts!

Here's a big problem with the Bible:
To understand any one part of it, you must know the whole thing.
You'll understand what I mean if you study it long enough.
The Bible was written when people had long attention spans and a lot of time on their hands.
That having been said, those videos will be very helpful to watch first, so that as you read you are reading with eyes used to handling the text (even though you borrowed them from Tim and John).
It will help you avoid silly rookie Bible-reading mistakes.

>reads one of the worst translations
Congrats on being an idiot, either read KJV or go buy a fedora and join the Atheist crowd, or a Horned Helmet and join the LARP crowd

I didn't miss it. I also didn't miss that Isaac forced the Canaanites to get circumcised before they were slaughtered. It's a Jewish book for Jews. The Islam book is an Islamic book for Moslems. Were you expecting something else?

>and if you are astonished that you find a book written in parts before the Pyramids were constructed
Pyramids are older than the bible, same with the sphinx. I bet you also believe the Hebrews built them too or were even in Egypt at all kek even they don't believe that.

Funny because we're all pretty much in agreement that even those who loot in California are subhumans.

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Fuck off faggot.

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Your understanding is that of a handicapped child, no wonder that is your impression.

People will spend a whole day when their precious fantasy book don't make sense or rationalize for hours when their atheist leaders spoil spaghetti and yet when you read the bible you refuse to find depth, you glance over pages and for some reason always find the same copy pasted problems as everyone else, as if the only thing you managed to pay attention to was your own confirmation bias.

You will probably need to go back once you start reading properly and more honestly to give yourself new light but if I were you I'd continue reading, unless you are a complete dunce you will notice the pattern after a while

Easy, Marcion....

explain the nuttery brother, im interested.

>(((fellow white man))) using a nigger avatar

The Satya yuga was the age of truth. Sattvas are the pure ones. The Satanama meditation is very healing. The Hyperboreans were said to have given sacrifices of flowers and fruits to the gods (like Cain, "the son of the serpent"). Yahweh demanded blood sacrifice. First of the livestock, then of Abraham. The sick fucks that actually followed him are the hebes. The "accuser" is Satan. Even the pope is blaming the sexual abuse scandals on "satan the accuser". The Jew and their god Yahweh arrived at the beginning of the Kali Yuga cycle. And who is their enemy? Maybe gods can be slandered as much as Adolf has been slandered? Just some thoughts.

the context is right there, just read it you dunce

Also, how many wonders have God performed directly in front of you? Why are you so dimwitted you would assume our completely different situation not would be taken into consideration?

Your problem is that you think God is evil and thus you make mistakes every time and need simple stuff explained. Try adding a new possible perspective and it become obvious God is good

You believe myths and the reason they promote them is because then people like you have reason to doubt. Hell for example is not biblical, it is a pagan tradition adopted and promoted by the satanic catholic church.

Ofc the bible looks bed when you consider lies like that, ofc it looks inconsistent with lies added

Satanic doctrine mixed with a drop of truth is all I see here.

The God of the old testament is the same as in the new and he does not change. The lies make it appear so.

Yehovah is his name, "yahweh" is what we used before we knew the real name because jews censored it and only wrote some of the letters, but as is written, knowledge will increase in the last days

It was Buddha that introduced centrist thought that subverted the people away from Vedic Hinduism. Buddha was born a prince in a town that was settled by the Saka-Suni. The Saka-Suni were a tribe that was composed of two peoples, What Babylonian texts describe as a Saka-Suni royal class and a warrior class composed of Scythian mercenaries.

This tribe was initially divided into 3 tribes that went around the middle east steamrolling every town and city they came across because none had defenses strong enough to withstand an attack from an enemy that had their forces divided up into 3 extremely large (especially for the time) army's.

They went around like this for a while, no one could stop them. Then a low king, possibly a hittite, and if not a hittite from a somewhere near their realm, ran all around Europe to gather forces to oppose this threat. They divided their forces into two army's, one attacked from the mediteranian, the other marched down over land through turkey heading south. When the Land army met the saka-suni in battle the amphibious attack arrived to hit their flank. (kinda sounds a whole lot like the lord of the rings, dont it?)

They were able to completely annihilate one of the 3 saka-suni army's and when the other two were routed they gave pursuit and chased the fucks all the way to northern India before turning back.

This is when the saka-suni settled and established the town into which Buddha would eventually be born a prince.

Now, going back to those babylonian texts describing the saka-suni. That name, saka-suni, translates almost exactly as it sounds... Sons of Isaac.

These events are almost impossible to find information on, it takes some real fucking autism to read up on it. My best estimate for the time scale for when these events took place is somewhere between 6-4,000 B.C. It was always the kikes.

Depends on what you mean by "the Bible" and what you mean by "Wrote."
When I say "parts," I mean the parts that existed when the YHWH cult was one among many floating around ancient Sumeria, when all of this started getting its feet.
There are ways of thinking implicit in these stories that do not come naturally to English-speaking 21st century people.

Interesting thoughts indeed. Have you ever heard of Lumeria? It's a sister civilization to Atlantis. it's believed to be connected to "ancient gods" aka Aryans. There have recently been ruins of it discovered as well (those underwater pyramids in Japan). These might have been the gods that Hitler claimed the third Reich was searching for.

The animals were only symbolic of the yet to come sacrifice of Christ, the way people in the old testament were saved however was still through Christ. Christ was there before the world was created, just not as a human. Until the point of Christ dying on the cross.

Not denying there is no deep message. For example the part about Cain not offering God a good tribute, being warned by God that sin is right outside the door, is a good allegory for always staying with God's name to resist evil/temptations. However some stuff is clearly kiked, like God ordering circumcisions. No way that is holy in any way, shape or form. That is man made, some jew priest wrote it coming from God so others will follow his twisted way. Nature would not evolve any body part that God would want us to mutilate.

The best answer to religion I can come up with is a pantheist/deist approach. The entire universe (what's you consider that) is a manifestation of God, God is present among every atom, and thought and conciousness is also derived from God. God has no influence on every day life. God supports or enforces Natural Law, or the law of Might Makes Right. The Earth (Gaia) should be respected as much as one's home country/land, as well as their race, which should be viewed as an extended family. Since God is in every thing, but passes no judgment, violence and hate are neither bad nor good, just natural reactions to the environment

Interesting. I've never got that far into it.

I have. Those underwater cities are all around southeast asia and India, correct?

Its a bit late here so I'll give ya an extreme tldr. Everything in nature follows natural laws. Natural laws amount to patterns. Think electromagnetic fields, thermodynamic curves, and organisms tending to grow according to fibonnaci sequences. That in itself isnt anything new or groundbreaking but the significance of it gets explained away as mental illness "you are just imagining patterns". But, take a forest for instance. It is readily apparent that a tree grows with fibonacci based measurements. The lengths of distal compared to more proximal branches etc. But, does it stop there? No, it doesn't. If you really stare at the forest you will soon see that if you pick a specific tree and trace the paths between itself and the relative position of nearby trees that there are subsequent trees along the same paths radiating outward and that the distance between two proximal trees will be the distance between the next two more distal trees.

And if you spend a good amount of time observing this, looking at other forests, it becomes apparent that this is the rule rather than the exception. And, when you observe that this also remains true in natural, old growth forests that you are looking at that were absolutely not planted by the organized effort of men... then what does that imply?

The key to it all is setting out to answer that and similar questions for yourself. There are many more patterns, many more observations to be made but that one right there is a real good starting point.

There have sadly been many edits and attempted edits to the bible over the years from both catholic and talmud satanists.

Look up Nehemia Gordon, he does translations from old Hebrew and clear a lot of the mistakes up, he is a karaite jew so he oppose the talmud satanists.

Regarding the dick snipping, that is a complicated issue. I believe it was asked of people to be different from the other nations etc as is stated but it as the animal sacrifices is a symbolic gesture and it is later in the book, in the new testament discussed and this is said: 2:25-29&version=KJV

How can you christians constantly find justification for a blatant psychopath?

Your lack of understanding skews your perception of reality

>Those underwater cities are all around southeast asia and India, correct?
I don't know of any other but I assume so yes.

They want to because the religion makes life better for them, simple as that.

Attached: fruits torus.png (700x505, 411K)

>this based Jew would never lie to a Gentile!

I intended to copy the text itself, but basically it talks about circumcision of the heart being the important part, the symbolic gesture is not what makes a believer. The perfect example is the USA where people get it removed regardless and for secular reasons, it is no longer something that separate from the nations

You can verify the information yourself if you want, he shows you sources etc.

As with all things, judge the material and facts themselves, I just thought it is worth mentioning that there are still legit jews around

>There have sadly been many edits and attempted edits to the bible over the years from both catholic and talmud satanists.

So you have to admit the original message of Jesus and his followers have been muddied.

Time for a second coming of Christ to clear these matters.

> 2:25-29&version=KJV

Yes, have read about that verse and I'm glad its there. Circumcision can be of the heart, leaving the old flesh behind in spiritual sense, not physical.

Hopefully more and more people pay attention to Romans more than Genesis when it comes to circumcision and stop mutilating their babies.

It was written by jews claiming to be the chosen race, what did you expect? OF COURSE it's going to be a load of bullshit. The point at which the book gets interesting is when the prophet Jesus comes and tell the jews they are a false and dead religion, and that their temple and entire way of life is about to be destroyed. Naturally, they killed him for it. Forty years later, the Roman army did indeed destroy the shit outta them. Cool ending.

>When does this book get holy?
Prophecies for Kali Yuga:

Men will choose false ideas, in the Kali Yuga false doctrines and scriptures abound and expand. Sacred texts will be altered.

>apparently sees no big deal with Lot banging his daughters
This how I know you didn't read the bible or just skimmed it.
They go into detail how the kids of incest were banned and never were allowed to join the congregation. Second any mention of said tribes were always negative barring one women.

God made covenants with the Jews, who would fuck up and try to legally get away with their shit and still get to heaven. Jesus's death and resurrection satisfy one of the covenants essentially rendering Judaism null and void, so they don't like Christianity. Don't take the bible literally, as there are prophecies and passages will not make sense if done so. The bible teaches a lot of history, lineage, record keeping, as well as grace and forgiveness, so if a western family owned one book while settling the west (they couldn't take much with them), it would usually be a Bible which would be used to teach literacy, law, ethics, record keeping, ect.

No, because you can still follow the trail. The only people fooled would be the passive ones, the people that go to church and read their new catholic approved bibles without bothering to check what was edited or how it was translated etc.

Basically you need to read a bit of history but personally I found the experience fun, truth is really addictive once you start digging

I have even considered learning old hebrew, lol

Yahweh is not the Hellenistic "God."
He has no rules.
He has his reasons.
He does what he wants.

You must break through to the other side, my friend.
Yahweh is so strangely, terrifyingly real that once you stop looking for "general principles" like a stereotypical Modern and start looking for that God that did exactly do the things you described (in some fashion), you'll know what God smells like.
You'll feel it on your skin, because Yahweh is not the Hellenistic god.
He is a -personal- God.
He is an entity.
Upthread, someone was saying the Bible says there is more than one god.
There still are, and many of them are still fighting Yahweh (who, not incidentally, is their Father) to this day.
All Yahweh every wanted was companions who could be like he was to base reality, before Elohim created the Heavenlies and the Earth.
The other elohim, his children, would never know how it felt to be the Creator and Ruler of all.
He made humans to be that for the Garden, the ones who would work the raw material of Creation and inscribe their image on it, just and Yahweh built the Heavenlies and the Earth as a great temple, reflecting his glory.
He started with just the temple, just Creation announcing "Yahewh is King" in perfect harmony, and it was good.
But, to be very good, Yahweh took an ultimate risk, and created a creature who, with the right knowledge, bend the very fabric of reality to their whim.
The risk was so great that, not only could this creature wreak havoc on the Earth...
His very presence opened up the possibility for rebellion in the Heavenlies, the realm of his elohim children.
Has it gone well?
The Old Testament is a series of stories that say "not exactly."
The New Testament says, "it's starting to!"

In the denouement, Yahweh saves the Heavenlies and the Earth by recreating both, with the elect humans, the followers of Jesus, being installed in the place of the rebellious rulers, both human and elohim, who are cast into the fire.

My opinion of the dick snipping is that in order to come to the thought patterns that lead to revelation tier epiphanies one needs to overcome their base urges. Masturbation being one of them. If your dick is snipped the sensitivity of your penor is reduced meaning that you have less of an urge to overcome. Problem here is that this is a stereotypical example of the kikes trying to "cheat god". But what is actually accomplished by this is there being less to overcome leads to less people ever attempting to overcome it in the first place and even fewer overcoming it enough to reap the rewards.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Knowing the kikes I'm probably not far off on their motivation behind it.

>The point at which the book gets interesting is when the prophet Jesus comes and tell the jews they are a false and dead religion, and that their temple and entire way of life is about to be destroyed.

That's actually pretty fucking badass. Based Jesus.

another point is that if you consider a friend of yours, if someone suddenly lied about him you would notice, because it was not something in his character. Same thing with the edits they make, when they change the values and add inconsistencies then you notice. Outsiders ofc doubt, and that I guess is their main purpose, to hide the truth.

The catholic church wants to collect all the religions together and re-create the babylonian mystery religion, the only one that does not fit is biblical Christianity, it is one of the main enemies of globalism

Few people realize this but semen retention is the truth, not a meme. Masturbation is indeed harmful, and dick snipping makes it harder and less enjoyable. Thus a good way for jews to enforce their children fap less.

Its not the way though. Hindu Vedas say the same thing (Brahmacharya) but they go about it through yoga/mediation, not mutilating your dicks. Fucking kikes.

Well, Christianity IS a fairy tale.

Yeah, Semetic Mysticism got pretty fucky after the Exile. Before that it was your typical offshoot of Babylonian Mysticism. If you learn to identify and disregard what's known in scholarly circles as the Deuteronomic influence, then the Old Testament becomes much more palatable, though still quite pagan and "old school." Jesus is much more sophisticated and ethical/philosophical, what with all that Zoroastrian and Hellenistic influence.

A thought experiment that I find useful is:

We live in a world of deceit. Even the bible says as much, that the devil is real and he aims to deceive. But, this is also observable. What is the one thing that you can say is 100% logically true with all the evidence that you have at your disposal? There has been, at least once, a grand lie told of which we know neither the beginning nor the end, to which the extent of the lie and the truth of the matter are entirely unknown to us. Many such lies could be pointed out, the existence of the kikes, from whence they came and all the rest that goes along with the kike question is an example of this that everyone here should be familiar with.

So, if it is true that there exists at least one lie that is so grand and vast that we dont know the full truth of the matter, then it follows that there are likely other lies. Further, it follows, that the only thing that we can say to be definitively true is that we have been lied to, misled, deceived. That being the case, it is possible that we have been deceived into worshipping the wrong God, where we would intend to worship the correct one. Therefore, should it not be the ultimate act of worship to do your best to ensure that you are in fact worshipping the correct god whether doing so is blasphemy or not?

I came to this line of thought and decided that I needed to shit check everything as if eternity depended upon it.

>Dear God how do I know you arent satan, the deceiver, himself
>menacing laughter

Why was Jacob dubbed "Israel"? Because he wrestled with God and questioned what is real.

>When does this book get holy?
Clearly you have a poor education in history.

The talmudic jews even cursed the prophecy that told when Jesus would come, truth put fear in the satanist pretenders
once you realize all religions besides biblical Christianity is basically the same because they are all fractions of the babylonian mysteries then suddenly the wide vs narrow path.

It also put a whole new meaning to "all roads lead to rome"

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Yup. Making it less enjoyable makes it less to overcome which makes it less of a hurdle. You dont grow stronger if you are using something that makes doing pushups easier. The path to glory is the most difficult one you can take, every step to make it easier is unbecoming.