Are we the closest to Civil War II that we've ever been in modern history?
What would it look like?
Are we the closest to Civil War II that we've ever been in modern history?
Josiah Lee
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Asher Nelson
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Michael King
Jaxon Moore
The more you want it to happen, the closer we get to it happening.
Lucas Murphy
I want the left gone but war is hell in reality and I don't really want it
if that's what it takes then fine
Carson Robinson
It's already started
Hudson Adams
Big badda Boom
Andrew Kelly
No, economy is going too well. If and when it crashes again, we can talk about that.
Nolan Butler
I know how to stop the civil war as soon as it gets hot. Just switch off the internet.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
the economy was fine when the first civil war broke out