A female friend linked me videos from a site called Facial Abuse today, since she claimed society hates women (this was initially about Kavanaugh).

>Girls cry and shake as men spit on them
>they are slapped
>the male actors ask them to list things they hate about themselves
>one girl talked about how she found her mother dead and a guy started facefucking her saying it was making him hard
>girls are forcefully facefucked until they puke

How is this porn legal? Should strict legislation be passed to ban violent porn. I certainly think so, how can you argue otherwise unless you truly like seeing women abused?

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Other urls found in this thread:

im 10 and this is my first time on the internet


>A female friend linked me videos from a site called Facial Abuse
Bruh, she's trying to tell you something

I have literally never been with a left-wing woman who hasn’t asked me to choke/hit/restrain them during sex.

>society hates women
Women hate themselves. That's why they consent to this abuse.

Loaded question.

Women are the one’s into that shit.

Ban ALL porn.

How is this an argument against feminism? You know the women who are filmed in that porn volunteered to be there right? If we banned it then feminists would complain anyways because MY BODY MY CHOICE!

Girl in OP pic happily puked on dicks yet her multi-millionaire parents spent tons of money getting every video removed.

She is now a famous and elite artist.


One of the videos I saw (the Kyra Steele one) were partially non-consensual.

Kyra told them to sop the cameras as they spit on her and came on her face. It took them three minutes of her begging to stop the cameras for them to do so.

They continued degrading and filming her for a few minutes with NO consent.

FUCK FacialAbuse

Stop watching all pornography.

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Liberals trying to whip up a bit of what their dick imagination calls 'rape culture'.

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Go raise your wife’s son, faggot. This is how women like to be treated. No, it doesn’t make any sense and yet it makes perfect sense when you see the state of the modern woman and the state of the modern man (you).

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Ban all porn with real people. CGI and 2D only.

I'd marry Mayli in a heartbeat.

It's fucking fake as shit, it's just staged bullshit with dumb, mostly amateur pornwhores who can be seen elsewhere.
Like all professionally produced porn, it's staged bullshit.
And, the entire Jewish-owned porn industry needs to be shut the fuck down.

Look up the word consent you retard. Also, you do realize most of these chicks are actresses right? They are paid to do this shit, they aren't being 'tricked' into swallowing a load.

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Women are the ones who watch this kind of porn OP

Women are taught to hate themselves by the kikes*

Your female friend masturbates to that site. The is why she knows of it.

Didnt that porn star cody lane throw a fit over doing one of those scenes?

this is literally porn for women

How new are you LMAO

Nah, I'm 31 and she's only 18, I know her from Uni. She is just obsessed with sex

>tfw you know the name of the color of that couch!

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Hi 10, I’m Fred.

no one finna read and understand alla dat, nigga.

But the sex workers in violent porn are hardcore feminists.
Their body, their choice.

Or is this just the default state of women when there are no strong men to lead them?


Ban all porn.

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They signed a waiver that details what is going to be done to them for porn shekels. Not my problem they chose this path in their life

Cunt youre a legit faggot

Unironically true.

>Look up the word consent you retard
They sometimes film when consent is withdrawn.

>How is this porn legal?

I don't like porn at all but it's the dumb cunt's fault for signing up to do it. People who truly hate women are people who absolve them of their responsibility and adult autonomy, and 18 year old Facial Abuse "actresses" know what they're getting into. Females are not children, they can choose whether or not to engage in the disgusting things they do. Could it be that the problem is actually women themselves, user?

OP is confirmed s o y and an incel for not realizing how wet it makes women to be choked, slapped and used like a fuck toy during sex. Why do you think women acting cunty is at an all time high? Women are BEGGING men to become masculine again and put them in their place, but instead we have söyim like OP who want to be their girlfriends, not their boyfriends.

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Hi Hi 10, I'm Fred., I'm Dad.

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Women have no default state.

>A female friend linked me videos from a site called Facial Abuse today
That was a sign and you missed it, better luck next time buddy.

why do whores even post this?

Your friend was watching that because it makes her pussy wet

Because they’re retarded

>your snapchat filter reinforces the patriarchy
tfw feminist jargon is just a trendy way for women to shit talk eachother

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Are you incredibly naive or just a faggot?

If this isn't bait you need to go facefuck her right now for all of us

her career was short but legendary

Had a few not-so-proud faps to her lads, gotta be honest.

it is their choice you misogynist pig!

>You're an older guy
>She's fresh out the house
She needs daddy to fucking PUNISH HER

You left out the part where they cum uncontrollably back to back.

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I just watched part of the Mayli vid (curiosity)and popped a massive boner. What does this mean, am I normal or degenerate?

Porn should get fucking banned
It's degenerate af and has fucked up our Western Christian Civilization.
It's sinful and demonic
And kikes own the porn industry.

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Either before or after the filming, each actor/actress has to sign a release form, allowing that scene to be released onto whatever format that’s being used at the time. This isn’t amateur shit, facialabuse is a professional setup. It’s all consensual, all of the actors and actresses are compensated. Are there regrets? Perhaps. But they know what they sign up for well in advance. This is consensual sex, no matter how the storyline of the scene wants you to think otherwise.

Its corrupt af. I lost my innocence when I first downloaded ghettogaggers off kazaa. Porn is a mind weapon and meant to take us away from what is just, right, and virtuous. Anyone in actual favor of it is a ccrrupted servant of Zog. When israelis first ivaded romala, the first thing they did was take over the TV stations and start broadcasting pornography on all of them. Porn is how the Jews controll the world. With everyone spilling their lifeforce needlessly, men no longer have the will to fight for what is right. Porn is a mind weapon.

Oh, she was basically propositioning you for violent degrading sex.
Stay away, if she's a feminist, she will enjoy it to the fullest and then accuse you of rape.
Facefuck a normal girl instead.

>Cunt youre a legit faggot
at least explain why


...she's trying to tell you something.
Protip, from one 30 year old boomer to another: women don't link men to porn unless they want that man to fuck them.

better hope mods don't see that post or damn you got a Long ban coming

the US had the chance to ban internet porn and a lot of people expected them to, but we didn't because america is the great satan

Libertarians are the biggest cucks in the world.


There's signed consent for everything that goes on there, idk what any girl expects when she signs up to do porn and the company above the dotted line reads FACIALABUSE.COM


>facefuck a normal woman instead

Brah, if she enjoys facefucking she isn't normal, thats an oxymoron.

>I'm cool with my daughter doing porn.

Cool story. Pornographers need the rope.


>never had a gf who wanted you to "rape" her
shit is actually really hard without using real force


oy mate you got a license for that internet connection

Violent porn is mostly watched by women. Most men would rather have their cock worshiped in a porn than watch women get the shit beat out of them

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>”It was different with him..”

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Why do you think feminists go on and on about how much they love porn? They love the fact that there's an industry where women can go to get fucked like sluts by guys who are much different than the average man.
Women are depraved sluts and "violent" porn just exposes the fact that they love it more than men.

Restrict porn on the internet now! Make it pay sites only and less people will seek it out.

It's rape play and they're actors you spastic.
Her saying "no" is part of the kink, if the actress ACTUALLY wants to stop they have safe-words to use.

Stop acting like Jow Forums owns facialabuse.

unironically this.
I just watched porn and will attest to how shitty it is
I have been trying for 2 years.
Want to kill myself sometimes over it despite being very successful in business and attractive
Know I can't have a successful marriage until I can legitimately quit
Completed 90days one time
Dig myself back into a rut
Lack constitution for suicide because your pic related.

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nobody cares, incel loser

Fuck those whores. They knew what they was getting into, they signed a contract, and spent the money afterwords. I have ZERO sympathy for any whore who will let strangers fuck them on camera for shekels. They get what the deserve.

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Every single time. They also fucking always want anal which is fucking disgusting.

Enjoy your ban

>gf insists i choke her
>I give in after awhile
>calls it off after 5 seconds cause she cant breathe
>constantly talks about wanting to be held down and assfucked
>cries screams runs to bathroom holding her ass anytime anything goes there
>wants me to slap her
>gets fucking furious and it starts an arguement when done
The only fucking thing I can do is make her gag on my cock and even then she gets shitty about it

Enjoy your month long ban retard.

So the girl you're orbiting because you want to fuck her sent you a link to the type of sex that she has with Chad when you're white knighting on Jow Forums. Good to know.

check'd and agreed

if women had any self agency this porn wouldnt exist. See how much power men and moolah have over them. A good humble Christian girl would literally fight for her life before being subjected to that shit.

Seems that being against abusive porn is something that feminists and actual women should have in common

they agree to do X in front of a camera for money. It is a legal agreement between consenting adults. Simple.

They have safe words for these bitches...saying no and crying is part of the show buddy

Ask her who produced that video

I don't think .a full ban on porn is healthy.

Some couples enjoy sensual porn together. I say violent, gross porn should be banned. Like, if making a girl puke over and over again is something you do in your porno, it should be banned.

Everything up to Bukkake should be okay, once you go past Bukkake, it's wrong

This is why I married my wife. Awesome

Reminder that Jews are into humiliating people.
Reminder that Jews own porn.

>I have literally never been with a left-wing woman who hasn’t asked me to choke/hit/restrain them during sex.

And if its not that, they want you to fuck them up the arse or face fuck them.

producing porn isn’t a self inflicted crime only.

It should be illegal to make money out of sexual acts, period.

user here. I know of several instances of women who wanted to do the rape role play scenario. Shit even in Sweden women are generally more open to casual sex. At this point, I’m not sure if we as a species are evolving or simply being overwhelmed with new technology that has been developed in the past 25 years. Let alone 60. Think about everything we are currently talking about. Man...60 years ago, this would be unfashionable.

Lastly I want you all to know. Asian women are so horny, and so sorry. But it’s a secret.

They probably signed a consent form and got paid thousands of dollars to do it. Who the fuck cares?

>Stop acting like Jow Forums owns facialabuse.
I wouldn't be surprised if the owners lurk, so the post is important.

You're basically correct.
Masochists are either very bad persons or very insecure persons and therefore totally unfit for any kind of relationship.

BUT, in a long term relationship with a normal girl, after a while, you can insert mild s/m elements to make it spicier, before the bore sets in.
Under such circumstances a normal girl might enjoy face fucking.