We need to dethrone the homosexual, Justin Trudeau-esq Gary the Basedboy Soiseth in favor of traditional, masculine, Portuguese stalion Brad Bates. The God Emperor of Central California
Central California Thread: Gary Soyboy Soiseth-Gay Mayor of Turlock
Whoa! T-town makes it to Jow Forums! Little central valley cali propelled to message board fame!
Who else 209/559 here? I chose Fresno State over Stan State. What's wrong with Gary? We have Mayor Mike down here in Merced and he's been pretty good. Better than Josh Pedrozo of the Pedrozo clan.
Gonna post 1-11, champ?
He works for millionaire Matt Swanson, he's also a major fudge packer
Geeez, Crazy!
I heard he taught a bunch of middle eastern Afghans how to properly irrigate their poppy seed crops
Turlock is based.
These fucking real estate tycoons are destroying the valley. The Razzaris and Pedrozos are fucking us hard down here in Merced.
I always thought Turlock was on the up and up, and usually argue for Merced to adopt the model. Our Main Street is fucked in half. Dustbowl really helped you guys. These retards built the UC in the middle of butt fuck no where. I moved here in '08 and it was ridiculous to think the in coming students would revitalize the economy when the nearest store is a 5 mile walk, and it's a fucking Raley's.
I don't see the issue with #7. Explain.
Basically soiseths Job working as a contractor for the army
559 reporting in
FSU student here. I was at the tailgate last weekend and all the fratboys were toasting to Kavanaugh. Fucking awesome.
Man I miss that shit. I'm going for my MS in plant science. Easily the most conservative major. Some are fucking retards though. Had to yell at my favorite student because the numb nut couldn't follow the lab directions.
When a nation cries, heroes rise
Farmer’s Market deal coming SOON
He singlehandedly destroyed KEK Norris
It's getting a bit redickulous that the tomfoolery basedboy has perpetrated gets no mention. Anyone hear of his sexcapdes with his "mentor" the local eye doc?
T-town has seriously gone down the shitter. Nothing but homelessness, drugs, depravity, and graffiti. It used to be a clean, small, "Norman Rockwell" style town. Now it rivals Tijuana for low man on the totem pole.
> When you walk in on Gary having an intimate exchange with another gentleman...
Thanks BasedSeth
Brad the Chad Bates is a Portuguese stalian sent from God to cleanse Turlock of sodomy,
Reaction when you finally realize Brad is truly a "Chad"...
But don’t talk to my wife’s son again
When the corrupt incumbent finally feels the wrath of the community he betrayed...
What a disgusting animal. Proof that he is sexually assaulting old ladies.Shame on you Gary Granny Soiseth
Damned hate facts!
Seriously? The hell you guys talking about! Turlock has greatly benefitted from Mayor Soiseth. The lgbtq community finally has an ally in the valley. I can finally feel comfortable in my own skin, and not feel like a bunch of skin heads are going to beat me up. The downtrodden of the community are finally able to work on their own needs with out fear of being jailed. We're finally going in the correct direction, which is left!
I hear Onions Boy Soiseth has a good social media game... very active.
Has anyone checked what the social justice “New Deal Market” dynasty has to say about this? It’s possible they’re (((scheming))) another ploy bilk an insurance claim , so I’ll wait....
One of Turlock's finest. Awesome town. Come move here Cali Goys!
> Gary's approach to politics...
I used to get fifty pound bags of Red potatoes at the Turlock Flea market.... is that still happening?
for $5.00
even central cali is cucked
Yosemite fag here. Kinda out of the loop in the mountains, qrd?
wtf never thought I'd see the day T town came to Jow Forums.
Just gotta say thanks to you guys. I heard some classmates shit talking californians and I joined in and we talked about how you faggots are moving here and ruining our cities.
First good conversation with classmates I've had since I got back into school. Keep being shitstains because you make a great group of people to hate without being harassed by the PC police.