Lets be honest, if this was your mom you would believe her no matter what. You people are disgusting

Lets be honest, if this was your mom you would believe her no matter what. You people are disgusting.

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Absolutely not. Are you crazy?

If my mom said a man raped her without any evidence, given how faulty I know her memory is and how prone to exaggeration and overreaction I know she is, I would not believe her.

My mother isn't a whore that has no respect for the law and she actually would care if her lies would destroy an innocent regardless of their race or gender.
Unlike me, I'd roast innocents who are brainwashed.

>Here, wear these glasses and cross your eyes. The goyim holes will all fall for it

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And if it was my dad being accused, I'd expect people to actually have proof of their allegations.

Fuck off, saged.

My mom wouldn't go up in front of a nation and put on a 4/10 acting job about how much of whore she was in school.


if this was your mom you'd have had your brain sucked out and be cut into little pieces and vacuumed up from the womb

My mom wouldn't lie to congress so your question is moot.

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What the fuck...

I barely trust my mom as is

If it was my mom I would have some knowledge of her background to base my belief on.

We literally don't have shit on her, nothing. Just a few pictures, ONE highschool yearbook photo and TWO of her wearing eye blocking shades.

Scrubbing her social media / online history is clue #1 she had more to hide than the holes in her story.

My mom thinks this woman is a lying cunt

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Except my mom isn't a fucking bought and paid for liberal cunt who had her social media presence professionally scrubbed and tried to ride the coattails of the #poundmetoo movement by fabricating the most pathetic rape story.

Fuck you op.

My mom didnt fuck around drinking alchohol at parties in a bikini. How dare you compare my mother to that kind of slut. Ahe is the most pious and god fearing woman I know. I would only be blessed to be as lucky as my dad was to pair bond with someone wholesome for life.

if my mom was a cia nigger i probably would not

Hang her from the nearest tree if she’s guilty of obstruction and lying under oath.

Her lawyer sent letters to her biological family asking for them to vouch for her as character witnesses. They all refused. Take from that what you will.

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I don't believe half the shit my mom says, in fact I think she lied about rape to

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>if your personal bias would lead you to believe something that a family member told you then you should believe everything that total strangers tell you without corroborating evidence

Okay, thanks.

What if Ford was you then you would believe yourself, prove me wrong
another shill thread
OP going to be on suicide watch next week

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>Gosh guys, just imagine was a relative. Wouldn't your perspective change?


If my mother did that kind of heinous shit I wouldn't trust a word she said.

>let's be honest, if this was your dad you would believe him to matter what. You people are disgusting.

My mom was raped as a young girl and she thinks Ford is full of shit so eat my asshöle.

Tie her to a rock and throw her in the hudson
if she sinks she's a liar


If that was my mom, I'd kill myself immediately.

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>trusting a woman

my mom is an evil liar so... no

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>Let's be honest, if you ignored logic and relied on emotion you would believe her no matter what.

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Yes, when blinded to reality because of paternal bias, I would believe her.
Wtf are you like this?

Good thing she isn't

My mom was a drug addict and a cunt. FUCK THIS BITCH!!!!

Her own mother, father and 2 brothers haven't shown any support of her. Ask yourself why.

My single mother pulled this shit on her ex boyfriend. it happens every single day. in fact a gay guy tried to charge me with rape (lets call him Jake) because I said "don't poz me bro" and laughed at him.

My mom thinks this cunt is mentally insane lmao.

Glad my mom isn't a roastie then.

Back to shareblue you faggot shill.

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I would believe my mom because she wouldn't bullshit around and remember every detail unlike this swisscheese brain cunt. Fuck you faggot, don't you dare bring my Mama into your stupid petty fucking character assassination again you disgusting cunt. Youll be shot first.

>mothers are incapable of lying
Stop looking at people as groups, focus on the individual. To come forward just a few days before Rapin Brett is up for confirmation after 36 years is absurd, and to bring maternal relations into the argument is morally reprehensible. M'lady is a roastie and a liar, she should be tossed in the gutter with the other trash where she belongs..

>Lets be honest, if you were a liberal, you would believe her no matter what. You people are disgusting


Btw Keith Ellison’s accuser wants to know why you don’t post about her.

>capable of producing 14 viable offspring

Why do you keep showing up posting this non-argument. Yes most people will irrationally remain in solidarity with their mothers or other family members even when their actions or thoughts are the problem. This is not an argument and one that is cleanly disposed of by knowing that judges or people who within our laws are to pass or enact a judgement are not allowed to do so where their family is concerned. You have however given a notion that the only way a rational person could hear her claims and take them at her word is if they possessed a level of devotion to her as strong as one normally has towards their own mother. So even if you do claim to believe her, you recognize that her words and actions are largely unbelievable to other people. Congratulations and correct the record if I'm wrong, I'd just like to share my thoughts on the state of blue politics, you've managed to post this for several days in a row and have utterly convinced me that even you don't believe her. The appeal to emotion and irrationality is noted and kys.

This thread has been posted dozens of times over the past few days


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My mother accused my dad of sleeping with random women because she was a drunk alcoholic who wanted a way to divorce my father without looking like a gold digging bitch.

So no, I wouldn't just blindly follow my mother. I love her, but even I know that accusations are just that; accusations.

> Your mom has a vagina and for has a vagina so you should believe Ford.

I believe my mom, my sisters & gf. All other women can go to hell.

Nah i'd be like" Dad moms doing her rape bullshit speech again, next she's going to bitch about aliens taking over the white house".

Gee, sure is (((shilly))) in here.

>report shill threads
>ignore shill threads
>sage shill threads

It's true I did think about it, and I felt bad for a time, but then I pushed my feelings aside because facts are worth more than feelings in this instance.

Fuck no. Besides my mom is red pilled as fuck. She kept telling me not to worry about women voting for Hillary during the election because in her words " nobody hates women as much as other women. That's why lesbian relationships never work"

Too bad it's Amy Schumer.

>tfw you witnessed how a familiar could insert a "memory" on your mom about something that never happened about some familiar violence, and she played along because it benefited her

i got utterly blackpilled after that


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If it was your mom I'd punch Garth right in the face.

>He assumes anyone on Jow Forums is even a quarter white
Look at this guy

My mom thinks she’s full of shit

you know something user... YOU ARE SO FUCKING GULLABLE.

my mother is legitimately like that dumb sorry ass cunt.

And every fucking time my dumb cunt for a mother tries to manipulate me with her crying and her fake broken voice and crocodile tears, i tell her to fuck off.

so fuck you and your shitty arguments you tripple faggot.

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My mom would never do something like that though. She is an honest and good person. And she doesn't like jews.

My mother used to be a prostitute, so no I probably wouldn't.

My mom went to an all girls school until college.
She liked to party in college but usually went with her sisters and their responsible husbands.

Eh, whatever i bet most mothers here had a couple of adventures before settling with our dads, who are we to blame? Atleast they're not fucking behind our dads backs.

My mom is far more honest then that thing . . . .

> And I don't believe a goddamn word my mom says

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Doubt it, my mom has always been a potato, even at 16 y.o.

>Lets be honest, if this was your mom you would believe her no matter what. You people are disgusting.
It should be "if this were your mom" you fucking illiterate fuck.
And if she were my mother, I would of course believe her, but not because of the accuracy of her statements, but because of personal bias due to the family relationship.

Believe evidence.

there is only one absolute, God.

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Where is the evidence mom?, fuck your lied

but it would have been because of personal bias, not evidence

Actually no I wouldn't necessarily believe her. I would ask her what proof she had, and would believe her if the evidence was convincing.

I love my mum but she's a chronic liar.

To me it’s not about believing anyone, but that unproven accusations of things that may not be a crime could make such a huge difference in polititics. Why shouldn’t this happens anytime anyone is elected to anything?

>appeals to emotions over facts and evidence
at least you shitlibs are consistent.

Mom and granny both said this old lady triggered their roastie alarm.

Yes if she had any evidence at all
My mom is 10 years old than this bitch but I questioned her on a party she had when she was 13
She knew every name of the people there knew every detail of what happened.
Cops came and my grandma(her mom) told the cops to fuck off its just kids having fun.
She remembers a guy getting drunk and locking her in the garage for fun as a joke.

If this bitch was raped/gropped she would remember everything especially how she got to some random party 20 mins away and how she got home.

Also my mom was a hard drug addict for 30 years and still can remember a random non eventful party

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If that was my mom, my mom would be a lying whore. I’m glad that’s not my mom

This is a sad reality for most of us. My mom means well, but I've learned quickly that anything she says is most often rooted in some fantastical delusion.

Do you guys think Kav even remembers who this broad is? Is there even substantiated evidence they’ve ever been in the same room. If Kav went to an All-Boys HS how can we know their paths ever even crossed?

Let me tell you when I was 14
I had a party for my birthday. We had subway party subs.
Black kid brought his little brother over he was double fisting sandwhiches one in each hand.
I remember we were swimming in the community pool and someone pulled some other kids pants down and his dick was flopping out one of the girls screamed. It was funny as fuck. Today that would be rape... of the girl.
I spilled my DR pepper all over my white/yellow shirt.
I remember talking to one of the kids dads about his badass old pickup truck thats how one of the kids got there.
Going to sleep that night my eyes hurt from the chlorine in the pool. One of the gifts I got was a video game called Diablo 2.
9 days later 9/11 happened
I know the date
the address
who was there
specific events
how other kids not even me got there
and this was a random party

This bitch cant remember a single detail at all of a night that haunts her for life to the point of fear of being in small places like an airplane?

Seems legit

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My mother is not a liar and would never politicize rape.

I knew it was bullshit when her best friend gave sworn testimony that she doesn't even know who Brett Kavanaugh is.

This cunt actually acts and looks exactly like my 65 yr old dads girlfriend except blonde. It was kind of creepy when i watched the body language youtube vid of this schizo sociopath realizing it explains why my dad's faggy cuck persona is so easily manipulated. I was so disgusted but at the same time his shitty choices made more sense to me now.

Feels ehhhhhhh man.

My mother said that Ford is a liar, so I believe my mom

the bitch has a psych degree. she's the person screenwriters and actors would use as a source to write/play a rape victim. add in some coaching from a couple of liberal kike attorneys on how to handle old white male senators and get the bleeding heart feminists to believe her through relatability.

>if it was your mother, sister, daughter

Ah yes the appeal to irrationality

> not being redpilled on wammens in 2018
Imagine my shock


If she was my mom, I might believe her, but it would be because I'd have a strong emotional connection with her. And that's what makes it irrelevant because truth isn't dependent on emotion.

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abortion vids are the real black pill

If mumsy told me she was raped I'd just kill the guy and be done with it...

You lot are fucked

I would not.

No, my mother is nowhere near as stupid as this retard.

If that was my mom I’d pull an Adam Lanza

If that was my mom I’d put her in a home. Poor thing has lost her marbles.


For like the sixth time

My mother claims she was raped as a teenager by a guy who crawled in through her window. She claims she told my gram about it the next day and grandma didn’t believe her, and I don’t, either.

Rachel Mcadams really isn't all that hot without her makeup on
Is due for her bikini wax, too.

checks out

If that was my mom I'd abort myself right now