Is anyone else seriously concerned about what happens when Kavenaugh gets confirmed...

Is anyone else seriously concerned about what happens when Kavenaugh gets confirmed? I have a bad feeling that the commie left will chimp our harder than they ever have since the nigger riots a few years ago.

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they'll conveniently forget about all of this and move onto a new anger of whatever trump did recently

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They’ll chimp out once Trump confirms Amy Barrett when Ginsberg croaks. She’s a woman. She adopted 2 nigger babies.

What can they accuse her of...?


i hope they get violent so the police can shoot them down in the streets

>left REEEEEs on twitter
>nothing happens
>next week they get butthurt about something stupid again
>independents move right
>left becomes more extreme, black and white and US vs THEM

possible false flag tomorrow by Israel

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Some Antifa riots, cars burned w/e, 20 arrests no jail terms. A month later they will blame the violence on some "white supremacist" group and arrest and jail them for 20 years.

> implying God loves kikes

He means moloch

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I got a Binary Trigger and sleep on pallets of Green Tip. I got fuck all to fear from Angsty Commie Clowns and their kike handlers. I will make a fucking mint pawning off their expensive phones.

If they chimp out, we finally get to handle things as we want/need to. So we win.
If they don't chimp out, they prove that they're powerless and we win anyway.

If they chimp out they're only going to send more people over to the republican side

That's part of their fucking problem right now. They can't seem to understand they've gone batshit hysterical and need to calm down.

wow it's like I've just described a woman lol

>I have a bad feeling that the commie left will chimp our harder

LOL, what are they going to do...cry more? All you have to worry about with leftists are their plantation know, the same ones the Democrats have always owned, the blacks.

LOL, but if you think they're going to go to war for some rich white bitch who got her titties felt up 35 years must be as retarded as a liberal. Trust me, none of the thugs in the hood are going to side with some rich white bitch, they know more than anyone how coddled white women are. LOL, those are the same women who would call the cops on them and cry rape back in the old days, getting a nigger lynched. Now they just call the cops on niggers having a BBQ in a no-grill zone.

Trust me, the blacks are just as confused by the Democrats outrage over this trivial shit as we are. And that's supposing that Kavanaugh DID do what he was accused of.....pfft, ain't no black folks give a shit about that crap.

Pretty sure this will spell the end of western civilization. Once the females start killing off the males by manufactured bullshit, they'll realize "oh shit! we got no one to work this damn country!" Then the Arabs are like "YO BITCHES WE CAN DO THAT! Just let us kill your males, open your legs for us, and we'll help ya repopulate. Oh! But you have no rights and will be treated as second class citizens. Cause us Muslims don't give a shit about anyone but other Muslims. Hive mind religion you know what I'm saying?" And the worst part of all this, women will simply say "Yeah, okay. Better then starving." Then a valley of open legs for the invaders. We're fuckin done for. Our species is so malice and manipulative with each other, we don't deserve existence.

You're scared about this lol?

if we actually went at it, they'd all die in a week

That's all the whore cares about, gun grabbing.

Which is exactly why I want kavanaugh confirmed. To preserve the 2A.

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The last time they chimped out they turned a slightly left leaning person like me into someone far right. I imagine I'm not the only person this happened to.

These are the same people who protest against people owning guns. They are toothless pussies.

>i hope they get violent so the police can shoot them down in the streets

Typical Republican mindset.
Scared shitless.

its too cold for them. They are paid faggots. Even paid faggots have limits. I aint shook. Their movement is a larp funded by jews. Its game over.

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Can't wait to watch

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>Typical Republican mindset.
>Scared shitless.

Fuck off Greece. Republicans own guns here the US and are generally the only ones who know how to use them properly.

Sorry, but the left hasn't taken our guns away yet so they can't do shit.

So let them who cares. They will get btfo as usual. And if shit really hits the fan just load your gun. You do have a gun, right user?

user you're right. right now, the ball is in their court.

They aren't going to do shit

It's all just a retarded game to them, they don't actually care

It'll just be normal shit like at the inauguration at the very most, in fact it will be way less than that

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Pay debts, you gyro-loving fuck

I predict mass suicide, DESU

>And if shit really hits the fan just load your gun.
> needing a gun against people who hate guns and are scared shitless of them.

Nah, don't even need to do that. No need to murder any of these pussies. Better to just bash them upside the head with a pipe wrench or an old baseball bat (they don't make them like they used to) so that they have a living reminder of what happens when they have a hissy fit and try starting shit with honest people who are just trying to defend themselves and their families from a bunch of hysterical faggots.

The blacks and hispanics don't give a shit about some rich white woman problems and aren't going to die on that hill...they have their own problems which the Dems are ignoring.

Sure can't wait to see the fallout's gonna be like election night 2.0. And come Nov. 6th and the next day we will get 3.0 Maximum Keks.

Gonna be a great end to a crazy, crazy year.

>the commie left will chimp our harder than they ever have since the nigger riots a few years ago
that's a good thing, user

give them rope, they will hang themselves

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They wont do shit. Theyre too comfortable leeching off society. See. When they say they hate this country theyre lying. They actually say it because it makes you more patriotic. So they can keep leceching.

Am I worried about a leftist chimpout? No, I've been praying for it since the election.

Prediction: the first controversial supreme court decision that Kavanaugh tie-breaks will be illegally ignored by poz'd states like California, which will cause a legitimate constitutional crisis and further tensions leading up to civil war.

appropriating niggers

I hope the morons get violent so the cops have a excuse of shooting them in the streets.

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They are a pile of shit with feet. No fucks given. They will lose lose and lose again. Everybody hates the liberal. Media get paid to be creepy liberals.

They will, then antifa and such groups are declared to be domestic terrorists and rounded up. Jow Forums will cheer. Then the Feds come for us. The globalists are pushing this state of affairs so that the real threat to their hegemony can be swept up using the manufactured violence of the radical left and "right" as pretext.

Were any of you guys during the Reagan years? I have a feeling we're going to go back to those years. Trump will get re-elected in a landslide in 2020 and Pence will take over in 2024.

Shit, the way the left has taken us back to discussing "civil rights" don't be surprised if we get another post-civil rights fallout period. I mean, after LBJ you had nearly 2 decades of Republican control. Nixon and Ford from 1969-1976. Reagan / Bush Sr. from 1981-1992. Only bump in the road was when Carter got elected in 1976 but that was due to the oil crisis which made gas prices so high and created shortages where many cities and towns had to ration out gas. Carter ran on a renewable energy meme (he even installed solar panels on the white house) and only won because of that. But once everyone figured out he was a fucking moron, Reagan came along and blew the Democrats asses out of the water thru the 80s (lol, and he took those stupid solar panels off the white house).

I feel the 80s coming back and if we can bring the US back to that decade then HOLY SHIT, trust me, you young folks are going to love all of the growth you see.

>have a bad feeling that the commie left will chimp our harder than they ever have since the nigger riots a few years ago.

this is part of the plan bucko, when the left goes in full combat mode , the will be labeled as a terror-group and than they will rounded up

>I feel the 80s coming back and if we can bring the US back to that decade then HOLY SHIT, trust me, you young folks are going to love all of the growth you see.
We'll just have to ignore the endless wars for greed and Israel, the complete cultural control exerted by the CIA, the unfettered browning of a once European population, and the continuous widening of the gap between the high caste of traitors and those of us who live in the shadow of tyranny.

who cares, at least we will have high-paying jobs, a booming economy, racial harmony, and plenty of entertainment and shopping choices to keep us happy.

Fuck, even James Brown, who actually grew up in a segregated America, had a patriotic song that was popular and the theme for Rocky IV. Fucking Kayne will be putting out a pro-USA album in the future and even the blacks will be representing that American pride once again.

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The more they chimp the more normies get redpilled
Every time they do this shit our chances of winning civwarII go up a few percents

The definition of cuckservative. "Being a golem doesn't matter as long as I get to shovel carcinogenic trash into my burgerhole while staring into the faerie light of the CIA's propaganda screen." Disgusting cattle that croak about the wonders of liberty while marching down the slaughterhouse's anti-birth canal.

t. incel

well, you could always be a tranny or a faggot. you sound like one right now. if you are so angry why don't you join antifa and you can march against the powers that be like a good goy.

fuck outta here with your retardedness. the only important thing in life is to live free and enjoy it as much as you can. go be an angry faggot somewhere else