>good father
Is he the perfect man?
Varg Vikernes
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot murderer
>abandons whites
>low iq
>welfare leech
Is he the worst man?
Begone christcucks!
You forgot heathen and going to hell
He's going to Valhalla you jew worshiper.
Fuck off. I have statues of Thor and Odin in my room and my dad has mjolnir tattooed on his arm.
It’s one thing to criticize Varg. It’s another to criticize honoring your ancestors and their beliefs.
That's just another word for hell. Varg killed an unarmed man from behind and you think he is a badass. The absolute state of larpers.
He was extremely aesthetic when he was younger. Top percentile of male Facial features to be sure
Tragic. Don’t be like that guy. Be like this guy you stupid homo.
Varg is based, the only people who disagree are medshits and others who are rightly called out for being nonwhite
He is the lowest that man can be lol. Are you retarded?
Lol faggot
Varg was so handsome then.
Do you have proof for any of these claims?
His name is Kristen =^)
t. guy who goes to every varg video to "dislike" it
you should kill yourself
He is not a murderer, he has only killed commie.
Daily reminder that people who 'mock' this goy are people who have never watched any of his videos nor/thus understand his perspective. Simple parroting goyim.
Varg is God's chosen.
At least he's taken a life. Most of you haven't stepped out of a city.
>Kristian Vikernes
>cowardly and dishonest mediocre musician who makes shit tier edge lord trash
>stabs unarmed sodomite midget in the back as he runs away after getting into a fight over money made from scamming other musicians/retards
>spent decades in prison where niggers and roaches beat him by his own admission
>is an idiotic narcissistic loud mouth who blocks everyone who points out facts about him and whines constantly while D&Cing Nationalists for French Intelligence so he won't be thrown into a real prison to get murder raped by arabs
>Norse pagan LARPer who plays dress up with faggoty play swords/armor and claims he is NS while conveniently ignoring Hitler himself calling pagan LARPers useless faggots who D&C real nationalists and hold them back
>terrible father who forces his children to live in abject poverty while brainwashing them into believing we wuz vikangz so they'll never be able to function in society
Why is this faggot still alive?
You faggots schill for this guy a lot around here.
So what you are saying is that it's not imorall for me to kill everyone who isn't a libertarian?
"It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable. For those very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone. And thus they skedaddle when the first communist cudgel appears. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators.
I have seen too much of that kind of people not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but (((the Jew))) finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State." - Adolf Hitler, pages 204 & 205 of Mein Kampf
He's also an NHL all star, HOW DOES HE DO IT FELLAS????
Get off this website, no one over the age of 18 would brag about this you sperg.
stopped reading right there
"but (((the Jew))) finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State." - Adolf Hitler, pages 204 & 205 of Mein Kampf
>calls me a jew while shilling for a literal shabbos goy
Oh the irony....
He’s fucking ugly
>meme flag
ah, en educated jew, just like karl marx
He's not worth a shit.
>muh strong homeland defending masterrace free thinking
>lives in a french forest on government handouts
If he is odin the audience he is mostly trying to entice (young white males) is fenrir.
>90 IQ
>2% Anglo on DNA test
>dislikes hardworking whites
>advocates welfare
t. real pagan
99% of pagans are atheists, nobody actually believes Zeus lives on Olympus. You can literally go there and check.
>gets called out
Ameritards, I swear.
That's the best part
LOL Hitler's own words BTFO you pagan LARP faggots
>ass blasted gaygan LARPer
>a politician lies to get more support
Wow, how uncommon and out of the ordinary. Its almost as if his party was posing as "the protestant party" to secure elections, and as if Germany was very christian and germans needed to be lied to so they can remain servile pawns.
Read Mein Kampf
You stupid fucking faggot.
commies aren't people
Varg has explained the meaning of mythology many times. You need to educate yourself
Fagans aren't too. Yet they live.
I don't need some welfare queen immigrant to tell me, I know its mostly philosophy and aesthetics. I am suggesting that for educated people it has always been that way. For Aristotle and for Plato it has always been atheism + myth, and never religion. Nobody thought a big man lives on the mountain where they go to gather herbs, and that he turns into a bull and fucks women.
larping and delusional
larping and delusional
No intellectual accomplishments whatsoever
That is correct, he is extremely talented
That is correct, he is conventionally attractive
>good father
Most likely correct, but one cannot for sure
He gets a pass from me for puncturing the skull of euronymous with a pocket-knife.
muh larper
Yeah, he has a daughter in Norway he ran away from. Literal snow nigger
>nah im not voting for hitler i love bbc's up my ass
No u
>I have seen too much of that kind of people not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State
>And yet these comedians are extremely proud of themselves. Notwithstanding their complete fecklessness, which is an established fact, they pretend to know everything better than other people; so much so that they make themselves a veritable nuisance to all sincere and honest patriots, to whom not only the heroism of the past is worthy of honour but who also feel bound to leave examples of their own work for the inspiration of the coming generation
>Among those people there were some whose conduct can be explained by their innate stupidity and incompetence; but there are others who have a definite ulterior purpose in view. Often it is difficult to distinguish between the two classes. The impression which I often get, especially of those so-called religious reformers whose creed is grounded on ancient Germanic customs, is that they are the missionaries and protégés of those forces which do not wish to see a national revival taking place in Germany. All their activities tend to turn the attention of the people away from the necessity of fighting together in a common cause against the common enemy, namely the Jew. Moreover, that kind of preaching induces the people to use up their energies, not in fighting for the common cause, but in absurd and ruinous religious controversies within their own ranks
key points
>miserable play-acting
>folk-lore comedians
>innate stupidity and incompetence
>the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men
>All their activities tend to turn the attention of the people away from the necessity of fighting together in a common cause against the common enemy, namely the Jew
Man Hitler really hated LARPagans didn't he?
To be fair, Burzum was highly influential and inspired a lot of later, better bands, even if Burzum itself was extremely mediocre.
Is there anything more pathetic than an american christian? He's foaming at the mouth with his defense of greedy, promiscuous and degenerate organized religion, defender of kikes, meatshield for Israel?
i stand with israel
Yeah a ruski fedora lol
explain this christcucks
>Is he the perfect man?
No, he is a pretty boy who relies on being pretty. He never worked hard or achieved anything because of his arrogance and conceit. He is literally a waste of white genetics.
The council of Christbeard hath spoken! I am henceforth a fedoralord and you will address me as "my lord" or "your lordship". Thus ist my will, peasant.
>fucked his own life at a young age by going to jail
>now lives off of foodstamps
truly what every aryan should aspire too!
I'll never understand his hatred for chirstianity.
Why not m'lord?
Watch his videos and you will
Kikes are afraid of Christ
I did watch a few of his videos and the arguments are pretty trash and he comes off as a fedora in disguise.
Watch this
>tl;dr: dem whitey invented reading and writing to keep the LARPagan man down
>being so triggered you start sperging
Doesn't dismissing of all criticism of the crimes of christianity via the fedora meme seem too convient to you? As if maybe someone helped to spread it
just converting some christcucks
More like let them realize how autistic fagans are.