Friendly reminder that Alcoholics belong in Gulags

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Friendly reminder you're probably not an alcoholic

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But I like beer. Furthermore, I still like beer.

>tfw i was in the 90th percentile for the entirety of september

See how far you'd have to go to be an actual alcoholic?

Cracking open a #Beer4Brett

Agreed. Booze drinkers and pot smokers are both absolutely degenerate.

That includes jeb bush and brett kav

checks out

jesus fucking christ. Do they just have diarrhea every day?

the body adapts. kind of

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that doesn't look like a very good graphic. What constitutes a drink?

No, quite the opposite. I was averaging at least 30 drinks per week. Sometimes I’d have 5+ a night, sometimes just 2.
Building up a tolerance is the worst part of being an alcoholic because while your brain needs 3x as much alcohol as you normally would and your body definitely doesn’t. The people who drink 10+ drinks a day probably feel absolutely nothing for 1 drink.

I’m doing sober October however, so it shows I can at least drop the habit, for now.

The standard definition of a drink: 12 oz of 5% ABV beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz of 80 proof liquor.

Yes. Even if you stop every bowel movement is liquid for a long time. Also there's a lot of stomach pains and heart burn that isn't there while you're drinking like this. Smoking is the same way, your chest rarely hurts till you try to quit. Dunno why. Took me like a year before my body stopped hurting but I still have diarrhea more than normal but people.

I enjoy hungover more than actual drinking.
I will never be an alcoholic, since most of alcoholism is avoiding hungover.

>Average 80 drinks a week (strong craft beer & scotch)
>hold down 50-60hr a week job driving heavy machinery with no negative side effects
>still get more Ranga-Tangoed than American "alcoholics"
Are you soft cock Yankee cunts even trying

There is something oddly enjoyable about being hungover.

There really is.

is that what they're calling the bench at SCOTUS now?

It's your brain cells dying

I just kind of binge drink every now and then, people have seen me drinking and assumed and told me that I'm an alcoholic but I'll go weeks or months without it. I don't know how people can become dependent on alcohol or anything else tb h

This. I drink 1L of whiskey per day and haven't had diarrhoea in a long time.

What do you enjoy about it?

In that state, I don't give a fuck about the world.

Doesnt that stand for simply being drunk as well? Being hangover kinda feels shit, but while you are drunk its mostly fun. Or at least it is supposes to be.

No. When I am drunk I engage. I participate. I think about world affairs, and my own. Like right now. I have been up about 22 hours, drinking beer.
I talk with you.
When I am in hungover whole world can kiss my ass. It's a Twilight Zone where only me exists. I think my own thoughts, pass out every now and then, wake up, eat, shit, back to the infinity of my own thoughts. It's really really comfy, when you understand it right.

You cant drink in the gulag you stupid shit.

I was actually cured of my alcoholism by doing ibogaine treatments in Mexico.

Im able to enjoy a drink here and there still, but I no longer crave alcohol like its the only thing that matters. People should look into it.

But if you have been drinkin days in a row, you shouldn't never do hard quit. That is dangerous.

i just drink about nce a month, but usually couple days in a row or a marathon like now. I think this will get to somewhere around 30 hours or so. Beer really doesn't work for me, just keeps me awake.
I don't do other drugs. Except good ol' Swedish snus.

Drinking is fine.

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And when you do it properly, namely literally forget the world for few days, you come up from it fully refreshed. Absolutely in full power.




We could be prison island again

Anything you say Bruce.


Alcohol is not bad folks.
If you must drink, you have probably a genetic fix for it. If you drink to avoid problems, you know alcohol won't solve shit. If you drink for the sake of it. Do it.
It's all about you. Not the alcohol.

I fucking tear this world apart if it's banned. Don't fuck with Finns on these matters.

Sounds just like a roastie justifying her cock thrist

Didn't make any sense Bruce.

But please forgive me. You could as well be a lady. I simply assumed your gender since there are no females on /pol, without tits and timestamp.

>what were you guys doing in my room?

It's called probiotics, fiber, and healthy fats.

Let's put some good hill billy music here.

I mean I hold down a 50hr a week cook management job that is pretty intense with 10 drinks a night and still work out and train for Olympic level sprinting so clearly some of us can do it.

semi drunk post.

fuckoff faggot, go die with the rest of the shitlords in your sober boring fuck hell.

listen to the liquor, it knows what to do (except with horses, the liquor doesn't know shit about horses.)

(and in reply to whatever you say)- nigger.


It's ok.
When you meet a german say:
Haben sie hevonvittu

(do you have a horse cunt, where horse cunt is finnish.)

thats a photo of extreme alcoholism and depression.

for fucks sake nikola tesla drank like a fish.. where the degeneracy there?????????

The degenerate is only the guy that cant control his liquor.

why do you assume that?

control is the key word here. I know the key can slip out of hands and "get lost" sometimes, but I also know I am lying and it's me all the time who's responsible.

from rotting fruit on the jungle floor, to your expensive liquor cabinets. It has been with humans since time itself.

Is this also pathetic?

im currently a recovering alcohol with 1 month sober as of today.

alcohol control my life but now i am in charge

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May today become the day.

A song about a soldier, and everyone he thinks he is the bravest and craziest. But the truth is, that only thing in the world is a bullet between his eyes. He desperately looks an opportunity to get killed.

>random fucking is not bad folks
>if you must fuck, you probably have a rubber/antibiotic fix for it
>if you fuck to avoid problems, you know fucking wont solve shit. If you fuck for the sake of it. Do it.
Its all about you, not the sex

I fucking tear this would apart if I have to stop taking dick. Dont fuck with roasties on these matters

Nice to meet you my dear lady. :)
I see you got a bit upset here.
But all in all, if I put my dick into a woman, I know there are risks which I must carry.

>thats a photo of extreme alcoholism

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That guy should stop eating bread.

Ur a degenerate alcoholic, my man. I cant wait to concentrate you in a camp

Thats interesting. I guess i am not that outgoing, so my favourite part is when i can step out of my standard role, and be much more direct, and talk to people. I can spend enough time with myself, if i want, i dont have to suffer from hungover to do that.
Of course i do not have the time for real, but nobody does, unless they miss out on their duties. But you owkn what i mean. I can choose not to listen to music on bus trips to home/uni but to think, or whatever i want.
I know, i should not be separated from my own toughts. Thats not normal, have a personality, ntdo let other say, what you should think. But i guess i do not have to spread that kind of message here...

I have consumed 750ml of hard liquor a day for 7 years yet am still more capable both physically and mentally than the people who judge me for it.

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I hope now, seriously, you are a woman.
I would hate to stab a fag how has a crush on me.

Dude. What if we're, like, all in the Gulag right now?

Dude, I can't switch off my brains when sober or drunk. I have no problems with people. I am as at ease with people as I am when alone.
Hungover is really a heaven send.

what are the odds?

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Obviously that doesn't work, 80% of Russia is alcoholic, and they put more people in Gulags than anyone else. Nice try roastie

Your digits man.
Should we do some lottery?

>t. 14 year old


Imblying your alcohol degenerated muscle would be able to hold off your impending rape

You could at least let him suck your dick before stab him, no one would know

Dude. Like, life already is a lottery man.

Your mom is a lottery

Duuude like what? I thought we were friends.

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Hjelpa said a swede, when he was gang raped.
You know what a Finn said?
>bring it on perkele.

Is there anyway to get over those stomach pains and the heartburn? I used to drink absurd amounts and stopped completely for almost a year, now I can’t drink a little bit without extreme pain the next day.

shit tier shitposting



I promise to give you a reach around but it will probably be in vain with your whisky dick

I can't parse what you mean. Less vodka

the fuck they mean by "drink" ?
if you drink like 3 beers a night you barely even get buzzed and still would be 2nd on this list

Good ol' common courtesy.
My dick has always been withouth malfunctions.

Could you elaborate?

>tfw rarely drink, if ever
>tfw always went out and got drunk with friends as a teenager
>tfw never really developed a taste for wines or spirits for any other purpose than getting drunk
>tfw never really liked beer
>tfw will occasionally (once every week or two) get drunk with friends
>tfw I see alcoholics in stores spending like £20 daily on booze
>tfw they let themselves get addicted to booze
>tfw I will never be them
>tfw I will always be better than them

alcoholics are faggots

Let's put some good hill billy music

he also died retarded, cold, alone, and in love with a pigeon.

>drinking bread

One day a week i get utterly shitfaced and argue with normies about the satanic pedos in government and media


How would you know?