Indian taxi drivers that were "doctors" back in india

how many of y'all have gotten into a taxi and had the indian driver make claims about how they were a doctor back in india and how racist your country is for not giving him a better job here?

Attached: designatedshittingstreet.jpg (1024x496, 117K)

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Every brown person my mum meets is a doctor or engineer in their own country. A lot of them are accountants and have masters degrees too.

>superpower by 2020

>That image
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

I had a fijian tell me he was a dentist. Wish we could throw these ungratefulls out.

I ride multiple taxis a day because I'm an alcoholic and some of my best friends are whores, I've been habitually riding taxis for almost 30 years, and I've never once heard a pajeet whine about race (or anybody else).
If somebody brought up them being a doctor in their home country I would direct them to the Harry Hays building downtown where they can start on challenging exams to prove it.
I have friends who are corporate headhunters, I could potentially get a finders fee for that shit.

Delete this thread now

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Substitute taxi driver for gas station attendant, doctor for engineer, and Indian for Nigerian.

my doctor is indian

Why do so many high IQ doctors and engineers IRRATIONALLY choose to live somewhere horribly racist that makes them clean toilets and drive taxis instead of work in their elite professions?

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>1 post
try better chang

So the training you get to become a doctor in India, med school and all (if they have that?) gives them the skills equivalent to driving taxi's in Australia. No wonder they fuck up surgeries all the time here in the US.

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I know quite a few philipino's here in vegas with the same story. Their phd doesnt mean shit here and they can apparently finish school there in something crazy like 3 years. But by all means if you wanna hop in line at a 3rd world hospital to get cut open by a 22 year old who very recently wiped his asshole with his finger then knock yourself out friendo.
You're aussie stop having opinions about things.

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It happens in Canada too fucking lol

yeah take more NEET failed students
pay the toll

>you may see two street shitters, I see an doctor and an engineer

If they held the titles of doctors and physicians in their home countries, how are they NEET failed students?

It's almost like the only reason they were let in was to provide cheap labour and drive wages down so that the kike CEO's can increase their profit margins at the expense of everyone else.

Attached: wageshistoricgdp.png (800x550, 52K)

Indians global average IQ is 84. Real fuckin' dumb. The only reason they claim to be smart in western countries is because we harvest and import any smart Indian from India, which is inevitable when they number in billions, just like rats.

This is fucking hilarious! I never realized this was common.

I took a taxi with an Afghani who told me he was a doctor, thought for sure he was bullshitting.

NEET is the name of the national exam
Naitional Entrance Examination test
It's super hard, my brother cleared it on the second go and enrolled in a govt. college.
The ones in yours country are those losers in private colleges and low scorers

fucking kek I thought you meant NEET as in not in employment, education or training. I should have looked it up before I assumed.

LEL I assumed someone will fall for it
Pretty funny name for the exam desu

Indian genetics are highly polymodal. It’s like an “average IQ of London”. it doesn’t mean anything. Parsis and Telugu Brahmins have higher IQs than Ashkenazi Jews

ok paki go rape a white brit and upload it on net

you have any source for that genuinely interested

You know what's rather interesting about charts like that? None of them start long before 1971.

Not that guy, but I'm guessing the source is an old meta-analysis Steve Sailor did on his blog. I recall reading something like that a few years back.


That was also when the country started to get flooded by third world scum, and when second wave feminism started to fill the work place with women.

Attached: immigrationinamerica.jpg (1276x997, 232K)

It's quite common. The standards of being a doctor in Pooinloo are likely far less strict than ours. Also it is fairly often that they get paid more to be a taxi driver in the US than they ever got paid to be a doctor in their shithole.

Oh fuck me, there are charts that start earlier after all.

lol wut
Pass the NEET/AIIMS first then talk faggot

Forgot the pic

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The cleaner at my work was a Syrian doctor in Spain, but lost his passport so had to come here as a refugee. Women believe this bullshit

That's exactly my point though, Poo in Loo doctors can only manage to pass as NEETs.

look this

Its bullshit.
I know actual MDs who switch down to nursing and work abroad for easier work, better pay and better hours. But I can't understand anyone doing menial jobs like driving taxis after getting an M.D. when there are better alternatives.

Sometimes it's true though, the thing is their education is so dogshit they are practically 10 years behind everyone else. They can become a doctor if they do med school again, which most don't bother to do, and those that do fail because they were never cut out to be a first world doctor in the first place.

hey pinoy user what's life there?

Nice try Naidu reddy

Considering Pakis and Indians are the same thing, my original comment wouldn't be doing myself any favours if I in fact was a foreskinless Muslim inferior.

oh dear a real pakistani diaspora?
How's going there man?

Just like chinks there is a local business that promotes them with fake employment records and accolades so they look great for visas.

Nothing but an indian mafia exporting their useless shits that paid instead of earned the right to get into your country.

>Move to Saudi Arabia to work as an engineer for a year.
>Father wants to come over to live with me for the craic.
>Becomes my unofficial driver as he is an old boomer and likes it.
>Drive home Saudi colleague one day after work. Father is driving.
>Colleague asks him what he is doing in Saudi.
>Father turns around and in a thick phony Indian/Arab accent says "In my country I was a doctor".

Was probably the funniest thing my father has ever done. Next to the time we were drunk at a Tim Hortons in Canada and he berated an Indian kid in line in front of us.

This guy was my recent taxi driver. Damn shame such qualifications are not recognized here

ding ding
but less efficient than the triads



Miserable because of Duterte.
We got 6% inflation and hundreds of thousands of chinese illegal workers. And they make and import tonnes of drugs. Almost every other week they catch and handfull of chinese in their meth factories despite the dutertes drug war.

The money is better

>direct them to the Harry Hays building downtown
hello localfag

In that case duertete is in cahoot with the triads it seems, all narcos op are same-infi.trate and destroy

Was all in good fun, Raj.

How was the storm Calgary bros?


I would've done same shit too
for funs of course

theres like 2 feet of snow on the ground. sucks dick

His son is even directly implicated but nothing is being done. And they have been very successful of silencing any opposition you argues the issue.

The only silver-lining i can see is the rumour that duterte has ass cancer and may die soon. I hope.

Tell him it's no wonder their country is shit when some lowly ass cab driver can be a doctor

Better have a dead king than a corrupt one I guess?
Take care and vote for the good ones-never lose hope

Because most countries outside of Japan have no standard for education and transferring of credit between two establishments.
Case in point, I know an electrical engineer with a masters from Haiti.
He was mentally retarded and knew nothing about electricity.
He flat out said you just pay the college and you get a degree, when you come to America they assume it's a real degree.
No different in India, you can say whatever you want. Did you have the paper? Yep, but no one is checking the credentials of the establishment saying you have a degree.
Most Indians have less education than U.S. middle school.

Pajeet my son, I do hope you shat in the designated street rather than your little sisters bed this morning.

>superpooer 2020

India is slightly better than that.
Not a huge amount better, but still.

>i was doctor back in my country, but.....
this is classic imigrant story. doctors, architects or whatever. not just indians. migrants from east europe usualy have same story.

all my ubers are bored retired nice white guys heehee
i did however get a guy from dominica that works at tiffany's and they pay him x200 times what he made back home. he is ok.

Nice. Gonna rape 10/10

You ARE eastern europe though.
No hate, I loved Prague. Best holiday ever.

I never understood why Indian Tamils are perfectly normal people and then Sri Lankan Tamils are literally apes.

island tamils and their distant relative with autism


cringe porki

You can buy degrees there, not memeing

careful, the toilet witch will get you, Apu

I wish they were autistic, instead they're loud and always blocking highways/main streets because of "muh genocide and sinhalese war crimes".

too many pakis in bongland with free time mate, it's fun to rustle them

You have no fucking idea leaf look up LTTE that was the most badass terror group ever was

Just tell them to go home because they don't belong in a first world country.

because the Indian doctors that have to go abroad usually come from private colleges/degree mills.

a government doctor job here is hard to get because the govt. universities have pretty high standards for student intake, afaik 900-1000 out of a group 2,00,000-3,00,000 get selected.

the rest students either go to tier-2 government colleges or into private colleges, where you can just put in money and get into the college.

i unironically believe the government should get full control of universities and private universities should be abolished. but then you have the problem of govt. not being able to make enough quality institutes (there's 1 IISc, 5-6 good IITs, and 5 AIIMS for a population of 1.2 billion, that's pretty low)

pinoy land is u former colony it's their obligation to give them gibs

>inb4 bribe
you can't, surprisingly. it made news after the son of head of the examination board did not get selected into the government colleges because he couldn't pass the cutoff

excellent post

Autistic people are usually refrain from social situations and remain quiet. They do not, as for the most badass terrorist group I'd probably hand it to the Black Hand, niggas literally started a world war.

but did they have an army, mossad tier intelligence corps , air force and navy?

LTTE was pretty close to becoming a literal armed forces.

Even today Tamilians are autistic about Dravidian Nationalism.

"The glorious Tamil language BTFOed Sanskrit" - I've read similar things over the years written by Dravidian supremacists.

Part of it has to do with the fact that Tamil has been unchanged for 3000 years. Meaning a modern day Tamil kid can read Sangam which was written about 2,000-3,000 years ago. A modern North Indian kid cannot directly read the Vedas since Sanskrit has branched out into daughter languages like Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi etc.

You notice the Indians in NZ smell like the most budget soap ever? Like they bathe in budget soap. Also they somehow always smell like B.O even after bathing in soap.

"Dravidian nationalism or Dravidianism developed in Madras Presidency which comprises the four major ethno-linguistic groups in South India. This idea was popularized during the 1930s to 1950s by a series of small movements and organizations that contended that the South Indians (Dravidians) formed a racial and a cultural entity that was different from the north Indians. This particular movement claimed that the Brahmins were originally from the north and they imposed their language, Sanskrit, religion and heritage on the southern people."

"The prominent Tamil leader, E. V. Ramasami (popularly known as "Periyar") stated that the Tamil society was free of any societal divisions before the arrival of Brahmins, whom he described as Aryan invaders. Periyar was an atheist, and considered the Indian nationalism as "an atavistic desire to endow the Hindu past on a more durable and contemporary basis""

>Aryan Invaders BTFOed.

>Mossad tier intelligence
Now you're just embarrassing yourself
So you're telling me all tamils are just retarded?

look it up
not even joking
They literally copied the CIA,MOSSAD,ISI and RAW routine

They smell like detergent and sweat tbqh

They are dravidian NATSOC basically

B.O = Body odor

fuck off back to UK coloniser

ISI and RAW perhaps, but there was no way they were CIA or Mossad tier in a third world country, let alone as a terrorist group. I'll look it up though, got any links in particular?

RAW literally trained them back in the early days.There's a fucking group photo in wikipedia too.

No shit, Sherlock.

periyar was a british cocksucker
There are better people in dravida than him.