How fucking thirsty do you have to be to rape THIS?

How fucking thirsty do you have to be to rape THIS?

Attached: 29CEF470-0144-4212-AC44-42B82650E6F7.jpg (554x554, 52K)

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Like a walrus raped a strawberry and this is the result.


"How ugly do you have to be bore you need to lie to make money?"

She can't even be eye-raped
This generation of women are unsalvageable, bragging about rape, lying about raped to have 'cred' good God

You just put a bag over her head. A hole is a hole and you need someone vulnerable.

The ugliness is at Austrailian Abo level

I'd hate-fuck her

Don't insult strawberries like that.

>actually believe she was raped

You've seen the state of the face and body, do you really think her cunt is acceptable? Do you really believe deep down in your mind that you won't catch some disease?

Fix yourself.

I'm into beastiality anyways

dat acne scaring tho

she wasnt

occams razor


That’s the sound of the trannies!
Rape culture must #cease!

New song from KRS trans

Judging by the delays in his posts I'm going to assume (and hope) he's using a braille keyboard and only has 15% vision.

Rape has nothing to do with sexual attraction. It's about having power over your victim.

I wouldn't have sex with her given the opportunity. I don't even think I'd let her blow me.

Most criminals tend to be pretty stupid, rapists? Even more stupid.

Why do people say this so matter of fact? If a drunk girl passes out and a guy rapes her, I doubt it was for "power". Niggers raping white women randomly isn't for "power" either, they have a mindset of "muh dick" and little more.

It's part of SJW dogma and only retards believe it because MUH STUDIES

youre raping her feelings by not finding her desirable and not wanting to rape her.

>Burke’s involvement in social justice began at the tender age of 15. As we nommed on cheeseburgers and fries, she explained that her “militant” upbringing growing up in the West Bronx sparked her interest in civil rights.
She wasn't, she never said she was.Read her bio
She just started all of this shit for 'activism'. Getting enraged on other peoples behalfs

i think if you dont rape it, it rapes you... or so the legend goes

Idk if thirsty is the word to use more like Desperate

Imagine the smell

Ugly west african monkey... But east africand on the otherhand...

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I wanna squeeze all the puss out of her face.

Maybe, just maybe, she has a really nice looking pussy. Never know

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Kek nice numbers
Just put a bag on her head, man

She's the most shockingly ugly person I've ever seen. Jay Z is a close second.

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Look at that nose.

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She could play Crocodile in new Batman movie

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It's legitimately unsettling that those aren't photos from the set of a new movie.
What the fuck, it's like every stereotypical feature of minorities has been pumped into a single person.
This is worse than el ogro de las americas

Attached: 4chan+uses+it+once+or+twice+a+thread+not+eight+_b0276e5552eb776246545f3239c9d48e[1].jpg (187x200, 5K)

Wew Lawd

Attached: metoo.jpg (1842x1036, 107K)

I don't understand how her complexion looks that horrid.
Most blacks at least have smooth complexion since their genes make their skins more adaptive to outside exposure and harsh environments/temperatures.

I've noticed that the ugliest blacks seem to come from new york, detroit, or chicago. Something about the city ghettos is so dysgenic that it produces these monstrous features.

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>I don't understand how her complexion looks that horrid.

Isnt it all acne scars from teen years?

is that the magical nigger from The Green Mile?

>since their genes make their skins more adaptive to outside exposure and harsh environments/temperatures.
lol where did you hear that bullshit? Blacks have the worst skin in the world. They have the most skin diseases of any race. Why do you think the black skin care industry is so huge, even in backward poor countries like Haiti? They still pay for skin creme even when they can't afford food and have to eat dirt cookies.

Attached: black skin disorders.png (1102x755, 112K)

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I don't recognize this Oblivion NPC.

That only applies to men in prison, retard. Men already have power over women. I noticed it's only leftists that say it's because muh power because everyone knows how fucking ugly Ford was/is. Rapists rape attractive women because they're sexual deviants who want a quick release. Rake yourself

NY huh? Jew admixture could be a catalyst for it.
You know they can't keep their dicks out of the racemixing. They want the mischlings

>that pic
There is no way anything short of a zoophile would find her atractive.


Its true, the majority of jew-nigger michsling come from Jew York. Everything mixes there and produces monstrosities.

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That's the #Metoo official Mascot the "'#Metoo Monster" she is great for branding.

>how can wh*te gurlz even complete.nog

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fucking kek

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I have a friend who would never call someone ugly but when i put this visage in front of them it broke them.

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orca, killer crocs bae
the guy from the green mile faked his death, and became a woman. then was caught in a horrible chemical fire in the same factory the darkman was disfigured in. its the only explanation.

imagine the amount of oxygen theyre able to pull in. how can we ever compete

Finally found a good pic of her

Attached: 33E86682-89C6-4635-ACDA-E17F607781D0.jpg (643x482, 19K)

not even the hardest hardcore of Japanese perverts could find a way to sexualize this. this would turn even their stomachs.

>I have my -2/10 days

God my hippocampus is being raped just looking at her.

The only thing raping her is a bowl full of battery acid

A guy in the last thread said the skin looks like a toilet bowl full of beer shit.
Can't argue with that

No white man ever raped a black women.

When did Seal start transitioning?

So here's the thing -it's not impossible or even that unlikely that something has at least humped up on that creature.
Because niggers and spics.
There's an article floating around about a nog that raped his grandma. Further evidence is the large amount of staggeringly ugly people they produce by continually humping up on uglier and uglier creatures. For example this particular amount of ugly surely is the result of two very, very ugly people. Theyre impervious to shame so I could almost believe it.

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poor semen that got shot into its hole. you must really hate yourself to fuck a gorilla. it could easily pull of the head of you after coitus.

Probably raped by a black guy, black men will fuck anything.

That's her real nose? No photoshop?

black don't crack, but black do crater

Dude must have been on year 2 of NoFap

She’s literally a career protester. She’s also (((consulted))) for several Hollywood movies about activism.

bet it was a black man, the real problem

What is the difference between her and this girl.
Aren't they both black?

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that girl is humanish, ugly is an affront towards God, Man, and A E S T H E T I C S

This is a fucking magazine cover and that’s all they could muster kek

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It’s almost as if there could be regional ethnic profiles that determine someone’s appearance, based on a long standing history of genetic isolation.

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But not with your PENIS, right?

that looks like the man from the green mile

Her nose is a half mile wide

I would have died from dehydration

thats why the elite are called jesters , its all a joke to them like obama catching osama

Maybe she got raped by a retarded animal

Is there enough alcohol/meth on the planet to make her even mildly attractive?

This animal wishes it was raped.

Two gallons of ethanol should be enough to kill her, in a few weeks the rotten corpse will probably look better.

everytime I look at her ugly face I feel like my eyes have been raped
can I have some eye bleach please

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is this human ?

you can lead a horse to a woman to rape but you cant make him stick it in

Men will fuck anything. This is news to you how?

Impossible. That thing would rape you

This bitch has asian genes. Look at her eyes.

We have found the unrapeable.

It has to be a lie, there is no possible scenario in which a seeing man would touch this monstrosity with his dick

You may be right but its too disturbing to imagine it

That's a racism. Reported

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As a straight man, I would literally fuck Jay Z's ugly nigger man ass than this horrific ogre.

Fuckin hell she's gross.

Hyped up on some serious hardcore drugs and foaming at the mouth while hallucinating. That’s the only way anyone would have sex with her.

Thst scene in Pulp Fiction where he got raped was kind of disturbing.