As a member of the world, I hope Americans know we're laughing at him (and his incompetent regime) - not at America or Americans generally.
I find Trump horrifying, stomach-churning, stupid, dangerous, ignorant, racist, narcissistic, embarrassingly needy, childish, petty, misogynistic, selfish, nepotistic, creepy, stunningly corrupt, and the absolute antithesis of every single democratic value America was built on (and this isn't even a liberal vs. conservative, left vs right thing; he spits in the face of all of those broad sets of ideas, and prioritises Donald Trump above everything else).
Americans are not Trump, and every day I cheer on every little win on the road to you guys overthrowing this turd for the good of yourselves and the rest of the world. He has done nothing but hurt Americans since the day he took office, and every policy he makes seems to exist only to undermine a country I love and respect (my own daughter is American born).
Remember OP its not who laughs first but who lasts last... So how is your economy doing these days,,,, only going to get worse.
Jack Watson
Shut the fuck up Sven.
Owen Martin
Thank you for restoring my faith in Swedes. I lost it for a second there.
Austin Thomas
Remember, don't fuck up or we'll look the other way when he exercises our military power.
Ian Sanchez
>t. Brainlet
Alexander Cruz
>implying we give a fuck about other countries Listen here mudslime, Americans aren't even taught about Sweden. No one thinks about you, much less cares of your opinion.
Grayson Bailey
I hate useful idiots. They're everywhere here. Fuck him and everyone like him.
The US is clearly unstable, I think it's good that governments are finally questioning their ties with this terrible nation.
Brody Barnes
>member of the world Stopped reading there. Us not thinking of you at all is more than just a meme.
Xavier Diaz
I think of non-americans laughing at Trump the same way I think about string theory: I don't. Enjoy having such a sad life that you are obsessed with what goes on halfway around the world... and even spend time to post about it.
You're making a difference!
Angel Parker
Haha. I'm laughing too. Don't care about lefty morons and care even less about foreign lefty morons. Thanks for your pathetic excuse at shaming though
Aiden Rivera
Dude you have a sweden flag if anyone wants to know how to literally rape your own women with imported foreigner and destroy their culture in record time then people will ask your opinion. You embarrassment for any civilized country, sage.
Hope you have fun policing the worlds oceans without the navy bigger then every other one combined. Hope you enjoyed world peace and world trade while we made sure it happened.
Especially over 1 guy in a 4 year term. I don't quite understand how you think he's an unstable moron with nuclear weapons, and that this is also the time to poke the country he's in charge of. Are you trying to get glassed?
Luis Kelly
i don't support trump, i did not vote for him, but i am sick of everyone pretending he is a total train wreck, man child who has diverted the united states on some radical divergence. he has brought korean peace in to an actual possibility, he has maintained some restrain, canceling American support for jihad in syria. he has been besieged by every institution in the united states and the western world as a whole, he has enacted some policy his voters wanted he is the elected president of the united states, and you are nothing but a vassal state who depend on us for protection.
learn some respect.
Aiden Morris
Shut the fuck up Sven
Grayson Perez
>I find Trump horrifying, stomach-churning, stupid, dangerous, ignorant, racist, narcissistic, embarrassingly needy, childish, petty, misogynistic, selfish, nepotistic, creepy, stunningly corrupt, thats what I think of sweden. You've even got muslims for the misogyny
Daniel Diaz
Jeremiah Rogers
>Swedeflag worse than a memeflag, sad! I hope he continues to bring daily suffering to you, effete moron. This is the best timeline.
Colton Garcia
Jayden Rivera
All I'm laughing at is your fucking post, cringe faggot.
Jayden Gutierrez
Jacob James
You realise he was elected so Americans can laugh at the rest of the world right? We all knew he'd fuck you guys up but he also turned out to be a net benefit here as well. So expect more of this. A lot more of this. We're talking big league levels of this. Covfefe you turbo twat.
Cooper Howard
It’s the know-nothing caucus. We get overrun with it sometimes. Remember we have this whole inbred labor class that lives on right wing aristocratic propaganda. He’s very unpopular, and I doubt he’ll win a second term unless the dems run Hillary again.
Nathan Bennett
A Jew or a rapeist
David Turner
Trump is dragging the world kicking and screaming into peace and prosperity
Kayden Price
>>Remember we have this whole imported class that lives on leftwing propaganda. It's mostly centered around liberal cities with shitty social programs. Stop being a cuck and look at what's happening in the world? What trump policy has disappointed you? Please name a policy
Owen Clark
Get the fuck out of here and your beta propagandas.Go suck some immigrant trannys dick fucking beta Swedes.
Xavier Robinson
Thomas Wilson
I wish there were more swedes like you
Easton Allen
>Remember we have this whole inbred labor class Reminder these are the people who create actual value in this country and all the urban bugmen are fed by them. Not to mention that in urban areas many people have no idea who their actually related to and probably have the same or higher levels of inbreeding(though unintentional) except for maybe Virginia ;^)
>He’s very unpopular, and I doubt he’ll win a second term unless the dems run Hillary again. You do realize Trump is at a 50% approval rating right now. I cannot wait to see how many democrats commit suicide if Trump wins again. I've bet the number will be around 3000.
Benjamin Campbell
>Hope you have fun policing the worlds oceans without the navy bigger then every other one combined. Literally what? Oh dear.
Justin Price
>finds trump horrifying at the same time his country finds ebba åkerlund being squished by trucks of peace and their women raped by muzzies daily to be "not enough diversity"
America patrols the world oceans making international trade possible to solidify our position in the power structure and for there to be a power structure at all. The rest of the world combined do not have the naval capabilities to do this.
If america stopped doing this, and as we are nearly an net energy exporter now so we can care less about securing resources, the world would regress into closed borders, fervent nationalism, claiming of trade routes, dissolving of international water maritime free movement etc etc.
Aaron Hill
As a member of America, I hope Sweden knows we're laughing at them - At all of Sweden and the Swedish.
I find your country to be a crime ridden hellhole filled with Immigrants that rape your children and steal from your welfare. Your economy is tanking, and even the recent influx of red-pilled nationalist will not be able to save you from the NWO.
Swedish wished they had Trump, and every day I cheer on every little win on the road to you guys getting your shit together.
Environmental, taxation, foreign policy, trade, domestic policy are all shit. Infrastructure hasn’t happened, and I don’t care about inbreds chimping out over spics.
Liam Fisher
no one cares
Leo Wood
pol btfo
Caleb Thomas
>I hope Americans know we're laughing at him
This is by far the DUMBEST argument. Lol have you forgotten who you're talking to?? Other than Poland, Russia and Brazil if Bosonaro gets in, US only cares about US. Fuck everything else.