Right wingers will defend this

Right wingers will defend this.

Attached: flowofincome.png (1157x634, 534K)

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>be labour
>couldn't earn a living if the owner didn't set up a system for me to do so

>implying i rent

that's only one less bite

If labour was the only input at play why dont people all start their own business and reap those sweet labour rewards?

Also what about the labour that put the shareholders in that position, or that generated that IP. Is that labour not worth something?

soon brother

Great thread OP, thanks for the responses

Alright, go out and be a waiter in a forest clearing.
Tell us how much your labor makes you.

I guess even that was too much work for a commy fuck

shut up capitalist kike

Great argument

I want to, but it's true.

>work on a multi million dollar project as the only developer
>other developer is some poo (literally the only Indian I would ever describe as that)
>project managers are patronising drains
>tester is okay, but she's pedantic (I guess that's a good thing?)
>get paid only 50k after tax, tester probably gets paid the same
So, like, what's the other 1.9 million for? Nah, really where does it go?

Not very clear from your post whether the budget is 2 million or the expected return is 2 million, because those are very different things. Also if you think your labour is worth more and you dont need to incur the cost of the system why dont your start for yourself?

You know I tried that.

>oh, you make web apps, that's cute! I was thinking about making my niece start a WordPress for my company but if you need the experience I guess I can pay you... 20 dollars for it!

This flawed, late stage capitalism isn't needed because the employers are greedy, it's because the clients are dumb and need salesmen to make them pay more than the reasonable price, so the salesmen make them pay a hundred times more than the reasonable price.

You have to have a market to determine what even is "value", and what is not. Communists are fucking retarded idealists.

Attached: 1519811669717.jpg (400x400, 14K)

So from what your are telling me the salesmen are actually adding the most value, so maybe they should be the ones getting paid more.

If so you should become a salesman.

Ofcourse I don't actually want you to become a salesman, but the point is that people tend to overstate their role in a larger system, simply because thats the one that they experience. A lot of the excess money goes to supporting activities like sales, HR, communication, legal, these are things that enable your project to be a 2million project instead of a wordpress site.

Without those it suddenly becomes very hard to add as much value as a developer, as youve experienced by going solo.

Same basically goes for OPs pic.

Yup it's a shit system, always be a cheap fuck out of principle.

I am the property owning class.

Value added is the difference between the value generated when you include or exclude your focal player (in this case a labourer). In many cases the value added by labour is actually extremely low because it is highly substitutable, whereas things that are more scarce like IP, or you know, capital, aren't.

Not an argument.

They're adding to the price tag and creating the value associated to the end product, but besides all the poorly licensed Linux software I'm the only one actually creating something fit to be sold.

It's a strange world, but I've come to realise it only sucks because idiots exist. Salesmen are like the leeches on the legs of people idiotic enough to swim in the "enterprise software market" as a client.

Protip, hire someone fresh out of uni to do it all for you. Unless you decide to be DIVERSE! you'll get better results for cheaper. That's another thing, they're literally giving degrees to women and minorities, they must be because so many of them suck and wouldn't pass the courses I did at uni, yet they're still 9 out of 10 of the technical staff? Literally what? If my classes were 50% white men where are they all in the work place? Oh that's right DIVERSITY! So what do we do instead? We find the one guy who can actually work (okay, he's actually not white half the time and half the women who actually get in are one of these people), then they make them do all the work. Yep, all the work. Whilst the other 5 developers just fuck around. They can't be fired, because diversity.

Yeah, enterprise software is a weird world. Everyone sees these problems, but they kind of just shrug it off. I don't know, I've been told to shut up and just get it line, but damn this is some psychedelic induced delusion if any.

Well I just think you're a fucking moron to give money to somebody just because he owns an ownershipclaim. So somebody who rents out and gives loans deserve ridiculous profits for doing practically nothing, sorry that provides no value to me. I have a plenty of construction knowledge and I can literally build my own stuff.

>IP owners don't have a right to royalty
What about the value of their labour, faggot?

the labour of a parasite, to create and maintain those IP in the name of profit should be squished just like a parasite mosquito

The government already does that if you work for them. Any inventions or systems you develop are property of the government because they argue "muh national security", or "muh laboratory".

Most inventors are engineers do not want to labor only to have their patent ideas ripped off and used without compensation. Why Leonardo Da Vinci always designed his machines with erroneous flaws and made it a task to decipher his writing.

>implying the labor theory of value doesn't lead to gulags and Potemkin projects

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A meritocracy is the only solution. Introduce basic income to create a consumer class and reward people who want to work, raising productivity and effectively boost capital. Too bad neomarxists, socialists and feminists hate meritocracy. They would rather force everyone into working camps and artificially enforce full employment. See how good that worked out in the past (it didn't)

> labour value theory
Into the trash.

Still works better than communism that's for sure

You seem to think that all 'right wingers' are enamored with capitalism and that simply is not true. I would argue that national socialist and reactionary critiques of capitalism are more totalizing and damning than leftist 'IT ISNT FAIR!'-isms.

>Shareholders, property owners etc... Do not make it possible for workers to work in the first place.


That's because right wing criticisms of capitalism attack materialism. Leftists are fine with materialism if it's equally distributed.

Well, this thread has an answer.

this just tells me you are poor as shit and stuck with a shit job.grow the fuck up,learn something and get a job commiefag

So there's room for everybody to make a business? Pol geniuses at work here.

Why I love Commies - look at teamsters
>Someone else made the truck
>someone else owns the truck, pats to maintain & fuel the truck
>truck carries goods made & owned by others
>all they do is obey orders and drive the truck from A to B
Their claim
>ZOMG!!!! The evil Capitalist is robbing me because my labor is the source of their wealth!! ARGRGRGBARGY!!
No, silly, you are exchanging your product (skilled driving) for money; if you go on strike and demand too much the money will be spent on a rail line.

>I literally do not know how B2B sales work

What's the issue, fundamentally, with everyone owning a business? Unless you're restraining the definition of business owner to business owner with employees.

You cannot convince me what I'm working on is worth more than 10k at MOST.

Communists and sane individuals define capitalism differently. When a sane person hears capitalism, they think free markets and are quite understanding of the fact that people abuse others in a free market and ought not to, but think the good outweighs the bad. When dumb fucking commies hear capitalism they think of their wealthy fathers who they hate.

You were getting paid, as were others
>so was HR, finance, and compliance
There was a building, right?
>lease, utilities, insurance, maintenance
You used a business computer in a data center
>capital expenditure, warranties, support, IT staff

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Oh fuck off.

A garage, a laptop and enough budget for cloud services.

You mean that saccharine sweet girl who's still white enough to make it difficult to ask her out? Or the short haired woman who started this diversity nonsense?

So when you make, oh, a new program everyone gets it for free?

The meta narrative here is out of control.

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What if there was only sales taxes and it was raised a bit? For some reason it feels far less cucked to be charged sales tax than to be taxed on money coming to you or for simply owning property.

>get paid only 50k after tax
You don't know how anything works and the poo did all the real "labor". You were over paid.

...the poo deliberately messed things up to create tasks later so he could pretend he was saving the day. He was destructive and got shitty when I didn't let that.

Then I had to work on another platform (for the project) and he did fuck shit up and I had to fix it. The poo was shit in every way. Everything he did was shit and he just shit his shit everywhere that someone had to clean up.

But he was hired. Because diversity. And it'd be so racist not to believe his Indian references. So he was paid twice as much as me to double my work. This is enterprise software development.

Hey, commie, you forgot the government! Is taxation theft, commie?

I really couldn't care less.

It did. It is called software. And take a look at how Linux being used by profit driven companies like FB or Oracle for their own benefit.

Indeed; I am a Distributist, personally, and potentially the most right-wing here

Between entrepreneurship and worker-owned co-ops - yeah, why not?

That is not B2B sales.
Maybe marketing.
Besides- you are dumb enough to think only you are adding value to the product

Don't like it? Go into business for yourself. If you are unwilling or unable, then get back to working for the man, wagie.

So you say you are working on enterprise software in a garage on a laptop with cloud services?
>no ITIL dev stack, no dev environment, no test environment, no bug library, no backups, no replication, no SAN or NAS boxes
But still two HR staff.
Who is paying for the garage, laptop, cloud services, and the salaries of the HR ladies?
Because your stupid
>durrrr where duz da udder 1.9 millionz go hurrrrr
question is getting answered pretty fast.
Got a scrum master?

And the
Let me guess - a lot more years in IT than you, kept trying to tell you how to follow the project plan but you
>knew better


Jow Forums will defend this

Why are you so buttmad?

>no ITIL dev stack, no dev environment, no test environment, no bug library, no backups, no replication, no SAN or NAS boxes
I was speaking hypothetically, but essentially lot of that stuff can be handled either with virtual machines or cloud services.

>Got a scrum master?
Literally the most useless person now that I think about it.

>kept trying to tell you how to follow the project plan but you
More like raising major defects because she didn't like the logging messages.

>Because your stupid
Oh the ironing.

Attached: IronicM.jpg (255x243, 11K)

Except meritocracy can only work in an extreme stalinist regime.

Attached: meritocracy.jpg (1656x2652, 1.2M)

do you even know what a stalinist regime is? its the opposite of a meritocracy. commies btfo

You keep saying
>I am the only one adding value
But you arent.
I am not mad, I am laughing. Hard.
Every dev team has That Guy that thinks he is carrying everyone on his back when all they do is whine.
Its always hilarious

This isn't a zero sum game. Just because someone else wins doesn't mean you lose.

The labor theory of value is the worst attempt at grasping the concept of value that has ever befallen mankind. Had the turgid old mystic seized upon the glimmer of reality that he glimpsed in his deranged writings, he might have actually produced a realistic description of Value.
Instead, his misguided ideals have consigned over one hundred million to death and has been the cause of the fall of countless countries

And left wingers too, it seems. They're more busy with fantasy opression, opening borders and stuffing their consumerist mouths than economy.